Wednesday, 24 December 2014

Christmas in the Third Reich - 1933-1944

Rare footage of Christmas celebrations in the Third Reich - 1933-1944!

Monday, 22 December 2014

The Celebration of Yuletide

Source: SS Family Handbook



When Neblung (November), the month of the dead, has passed, the time of Yuletide is starting, with its knowledge of the rising of the sun from its sleep, of the renewal after the wintry death, of the birth of light from the darkness of the long nights. Although we Germans no longer live in the far North, and although we can alleviate the depressing feelings through light and heating, the old experiences of our ancestors are very strong and vivid in us. We still feel that Yuletide is the greatest celebration of our year. Therefore we make every effort to celebrate it in style with our family.


Yuletide Songs And Stories


Jul time is especially a time for children. Parents can't do enough to brighten up these dull days and long nights.


Just think about it: Where do our deep rooted feelings for Yuletide come from?


Mostly they are memories from our childhood days. First impressions last longer and leave the deepest sense for these celebrations in our young folk. All later festivities are only meaningful if this initial understanding is awakened.


Because in Germany every generation has passed on the old traditions to their children, we now have the German Yuletide, which is envied by all other Nations.


We also have to ensure that these old traditions get handed on in a true and unchanged way, so that they will awaken in our children a strong feeling for their Homeland and their Folk, which will provide them with a sense of security in this modern and stressful world.


At Yuletide children should sing our old Yuletide songs. This requires the mothers to learn our old songs and teach them with all their hearts and souls. A joint evening at your local school will help all those parents who were not taught properly in their own childhood to get it right for their children.

Our best Yuletide songs are:


1.                      High Up In The Winds

2.                      O Yuletide Tree, How Green Are Your Branches

3.                      Sacred Night Filled With Stars.    


The Yuletide season is like no other a time for telling stories. The nucleus of our fairytales is thousands of years old. If you are able to read between the lines the deeper meaning of the happenings at the Winter Solstice, you will not only make the children happy with these stories, but increase your knowledge of the deeper meaning of Yuletide and your racial inheritance.


It is customary now to tell one story every Jul Sunday which tells of the Solstice and the coming year.


·  1st Jul Sunday: Little Red Riding Hood -- The child with the red cap (Sun) goes into the dark wood to visit old mother (Earth Mother) and is swallowed up by a monster; the young hunter brings her freedom and with it the rebirth of the year.


·  2nd Jul Sunday: Snow White -- The princely child goes into the deep wood, reaches the kingdom of the Gnomes (Mother Earth) but is killed by the bad one (step mother); she sleeps on a mountain in a glass coffin (the ice winter) and is freed and brought home by a young hero.


·  3rd Jul Sunday: Maiden Marleen -- The princess with the golden hair (Sun) is incarcerated in a tower (death of the Sun); the world becomes barren and empty; the prince tries to free her but is thwarted by the bad bride (the bad one), until the time is right and he recognises the right bride and brings her home.


·  4th Jul Sunday: Sleeping Beauty -- The princess reaches the tower of the spinning old woman (the bad one); she falls into a deep sleep; the world becomes barren and empty until the young prince comes and freely walks through the rose hedges because the time is ripe (Winter Solstice); he wakes the sleeping girl with a kiss, the world awakes and radiates in new light.


See also the old Saga of Sigurd and Brünnhilde in the Waberlohe -- Magic Fire story.


The Yuletide Tree


After the men of the SS have stood on the mountains around the fires during the Winter Solstice and listened to the words of contemplation and warning, they bring home one of the little trees which have seen the fire. It is put into the hub of the Jul Wheel and decorated with the Lights of Yuletide. Therefore the evergreen Tree Of Life stood in the living room, telling of the dark winter's death and the shining rebirth of the coming time.


The Yuletide Celebration


We celebrate Yuletide in the evening, not in the morning. Yuletide is the feast of the newborn light and the renewing life. Therefore it is the feast of the commemoration of the birth of the child, of thanks to the mother, of good wishes for the growth of the whole Folk. The reason for our giving presents at Yuletide is to show respect to other members of our Folk for the part they play in its continued existence.

In Germany Yuletide is therefore a feast for the closer and wider family, which tends to exclude outsiders but for which a long lost son or one living far away is always welcome to return.


The presents, which are only valuable if the giver has himself worked on them, are secretly put under the Tree by the father. When everything is ready the family gathers in the adjoining room for the evening meal. The table should be festive and laid with care. This is the start of the Yuletide celebration.


The meal is substantial and the main course should consist of carp, goose, boar, or hare. These animals have traditionally been eaten at the Yuletide meal and should never be replaced by other food.


The meal should begin with a short speech by the father and end with a reference to the coming delights.


Not only the presents but the whole celebration should be full of surprises for all the members of the family. The father lights the candle in the Jul Earthenware Candlestick, from which the tree candles get their light. On the Tree should be 13 (12 months plus the 13th renewing) or 27 (3 lunar weeks each with 9 days) candles. He leaves three candles, which are close together, unlit. He now calls the wife, the children, and any other family members into the room using a little bell. As they admire the Tree the father lights the last three candles and says:


This light should burn for our ancestors who are with us tonight. This light should burn for my dead comrades from the War, and this light should burn for our millions of German brothers all over the world, who all celebrate Yuletide with us tonight.


After this all should sing the song O Yuletide Tree, How Green Are Your Branches, without which the Yuletide Celebration is unthinkable, and open their presents. The evening should be quiet and sincere. At the appointed time the whole family will listen to the Yuletide address of the Deputy of our Leader and will feel through it a bond reaching out from the close family to encompass the whole Folk of German brothers. During the evening the family photographs should be shown, old family stories told, and thoughts about the success of research into the family history exchanged.

Saturday, 20 December 2014

Hitler is one of the greatest men I ever met

Britain’s World War One Prime Minister: David Lloyd George





(From „The Post’s“. Representative.) LONDON, September 23.

In an interview in London, the Rt. Hon. David Lloyd George summed up the impressions which he had derived from his recent visit to Germany.

„Germany,“ he said, „does not want war, but she is afraid of an attack by Russia, and is suspicious of the Franco-Russian Pact. I have never seen a happier people than the Germans, and Hitler is one of the greatest of the many great men I have met.

I am fully convinced that the German people today earnestly desire peace. Undoubtedly, ‘Germany fears an attack by Russia, and in the same way Russia fears an attack by Germany, and I believe that the fear in each case is quite genuine.“

Asked how he reconciled Germany’s desire for; peace with the recent attacks on the Soviet, he replied:

„How do you reconcile Russia’s professed desire for peace with her years of attack upon Germany? The fact is that they have been abusing one another like pickpockets for years. It has been a sort of slanging match, but I think that today ‘people are rather apt to overlook what is said over the Soviet radio, and to pay attention only to German attacks upon Russia.“


„Germany does not want war. Hitler does not want war. He is a most remarkable personality, one of the greatest I have ever met in the whole of my life, and I have met some very great men.

„Affection is a quite inadequate word to describe the attitude of the German people towards Hitler. It amounts almost to worship. I have never seen anything like it. Some men I met who are not Nazis told me that’ they did not know what the country would have done without him. They are inclined to blame Hitler’s for some of the things which they do not approve, but there is no whisper of criticism of Hitler. It is just like our motto, ‘The King can do no wrong.“‘

Mr Lloyd George was asked, „How do you reconcile that attitude towards Hitler with the suppression of the trade unions and the free expression of opinion?“

„I cannot explain it,“ he replied. „I am merely stating the facts, but you must remember that the Germans are a highly disciplined people, and have always been so.: They are far more accustomed to discipline than, we are, and I think that the restrictions in existence in Germany at the present time would have: a far greater effect upon people of this country,than upon Germany.


„I have always thought, and still think, that the persecution of Jews in Germany has been a great misfortune. But Germany is not the only country that has persecuted Jews. We must not forget the pogroms in Russia and In other European countries.“ Giving his impression of the German people of today, he said: „I have never seen a happier people. The feeling of depression and gloom which has oppressed them in post-war years has completely disappeared. They are today a very gay people. That is not merely, my own opinion. Since I returned from Germany I have had letters from Englishmen who have been in the habit of visiting Germany on business or on holiday, and they all confirm my own view. „One of the, foremost impressions which I derived from my visit was the universal desire to remain on terms of closest friendship with Great Britain. I found that among everyone I met, from Hitler down to the working men with whom I spoke. Everywhere Britain is held in deepest respect, and there is a profound desire that the tragic circumstances of 1914 should never be repeated.“


Mr. Lloyd George was profoundly impressed by the economic recovery of Germany. „We hear a great, deal“ he said, „of the efforts that Germany is making in the direction of re-armament, but little is said of the colossal schemes that are being pushed through for the development of the internal resources of the country, and the improvement of the conditions of the working population. I saw a good deal of the latter, and I was enormously impressed by the boldness and beneficence of the German plans. The Germans are reclaiming over 4,000,000 acres of land which was either completely waste or barely cultivated at all. They are building millions of houses for their working population, and everywhere they are constructing settlements for their town workers outside the city boundaries, with gardens attached to each house.

„The new roads which they are constructing are magnificent. By these and similar means they have reduced unemployment from 6,000,000 to 1,000,000 in three and a half years. Whatever we may think of Hitler and the present regime in Germany, that in itself is a very great achievement.“

Wednesday, 17 December 2014

How we can learn to recognise a person's race

Excerpts from the book The National-Socialist Essence of Education

1. Summarise the spiritual characteristics of the individual races.

2. Collect from the stories, essays, and poems examples of ethnological illustrations. Underline those terms which describe the type and mode of the expression of the soul.

3. What are the expressions, gestures, and movements which allow one to make conclusions as to the attitude of the individual of the racial soul?

4. Determine also the physical features which go hand in hand with the specific racial soul characteristics of the individual figures.

5. Try to discover the intrinsic nature of the racial soul through the characters in stories and poetical works in terms of their inner attitude. Apply this mode of observation to persons in your own environment.

6. Collect propaganda posters and caricatures for your race book, and arrange them according to a racial scheme.

a. What image of beauty is emphasised by the artist in posters publicising sports and travel?

b. What image of beauty is emphasised by the artist in publicity for cosmetics?

c. How are hunters, mountain climbers, and shepherds drawn?

7. Collect from illustrated magazines, newspapers, and so on, pictures of great scholars, statesmen, artists, and others who distinguish themselves by their special accomplishments (for example, in economic life, politics, sports). Determine the preponderant race and admixture, according to the physical characteristics. Repeat this exercise with the pictures of great men of all Nations and times.

8. When viewing monuments, busts, and so on, be sure to pay attention to the race of the person being portrayed with respect to figure, bearing, and physical characteristics. Try to harmonise these determinations with the features of the racial soul.

9. Observe people whose special racial features have drawn your attention, also with respect to bearing when moving or when speaking. Observe their expressions and gestures.

10. Observe the Jew: his way of walking, his bearing, gestures, and the movements when talking.

11. What strikes you about the way a Jew talks and sings?