Friday 9 August 2013

Hans Westmar (1933)

Hans Westmar (full title: Hans Westmar. Einer von vielen. Ein deutsches Schicksal aus dem Jahre 1929 „Hans Westmar. One of many. A German Destiny from the Year 1929“) was the last of an unofficial trilogy of films commissioned by the National-Socialists shortly after coming to power in January 1933, celebrating their Kampfzeit - a period of their history in opposition, struggling to gain power. The film is portraying the life of the famous NS martyr and hero Horst Wessel. Originally, the film, based on Hanns Heinz Ewerss novelistic biography, was named Horst Wessel.

You could download a high-quality version of this film (with English subtitles) from here:

If you want to have this masterpiece on DVD 9, you could order it from here: 

1 comment:

  1. Hi brother, i LOVE your website and your blog site, they're great. I wish you'd do me a favor though and re-upload this high quality DVDrip version with english subtitles that you had uploaded at , as its no longer available. Keep up the great work!!! Also, i wish you have a newsletter type of automatic email that notified us of when you've added new film links. THANK YOU!!!!!!!!
