Tuesday 12 May 2015

Die Deutsche Wochenschau – Newsreel No. 524 – 18 September 1940

Labor Corps Spearheads Germanization in Eastern Territories (Wartheland);
Ethnic Germans Return to Alsace-Lorraine: German Virtues Prevail;
Baden Hitler Youth join Young Germans in Strasbourg;
Clearing British Mines from Norway s Fjords;
U-Boots Return to Harbor;
4,3 million Tons of Enemy Shipping Sunk in First Year of War;
Germany Fortifies the Channel Coast;
Coastal Artillery bombards Dover;
Coastal Air Defense: Messerschmitt Fighter Planes Intercept RAF in Channel;
RAF Bombardier Reaches Berlin;
Germany vows Revenge;
Germany's New Air Strategy: London now the Key;
Raid on London: Inside a Ju 88 Divebomber;
Luftwaffe Unloads Monumental Destruction on London.

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