Thursday 17 March 2016

The National-Socialist Motor Transport Corps (NSKK)

The NSKK member is primarily a political soldier of Adolf Hitler. The idea - the Weltanschauung - guides him in all his actions and he applies it to all tasks in the Corps which is meant to be the major educating institution in the field of motorization.

In the structure of the NSDAP the mobile unit, the National Socialist Motor Transport Corps, stands besides the SA and SS. In the motorized assault troops approximately half a million NSKK members are trained to be political soldiers of the Führer. Through comprehensive training in the field of motoring, they become pioneers for the motorization of the Greater German Reich. Motorized field training performed by the NSKK puts the instructing and educating work of the Corps to the test, as it demands everything from both man and machine. It takes the whole man to compete. Courage, endurance, quick decisions, a sense of direction and physical versatility are demanded, together with complete control over the machine.

It is one of the most fulfilling responsibilities of the Corps to instruct the Motor Hitler Youth in the field of motorization. Out of the Motor Hitler Youth develops a new generation of well trained and technically instructed motorists.

It is only natural that our nation's great fight for freedom has affected and vastly influenced the service of the motorized assault troops of the NSKK. The fact that more than 70% of the active leaders and members of the NSKK fight in three divisions of the armed forces (primarily with the mobile troops and tank troops) confirms the necessity of the motorized assault troops in this time of war. Those who remained home relentlessly perform their duty in the pre-military training of the new.

In this war, with its numerous lightning advances over long distances, it is a primary duty for those NSKK units that serve at the front to care for supplies. In this way, the NSKK serves on all fronts and has committed itself to tasks that match its nature and prove the worth of the work we did in times of peace.

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