Saturday 17 September 2016

The Party’s Young Array

by Reichs Youth Führer Arthur Axmann

It is from past dynasties that ruling sovereigns usually take over the leadership in their country without any significant struggle. The personality of Adolf Hitler however, conquered the nation in a unique struggle started deep within his people. He gave us the Weltanschauung that dominates the 20th century and he initiated the National Socialist Movement that took control over the state. With giant steps the Führer stormed ahead and using all means of the state to found the Greater German Reich, further adapting reality to his idea. The world envied his state of order and social justice and therefore declared war on us. Up to now however, Adolf Hitler’s people’s army defeated all enemies, wherever they met them. The dynamic force behind our revolution and our constructive work is and always will be the Führer’s first foundation: the party. It has always been the tragedy of most great men that their life work went to the grave with them. They had no followers and no movement. It is the duty of the NSDAP to make sure that Adolf Hitler’s creation will last throughout all time. The party is our people’s order. To select the best of the new generation who will join this order, is the first responsibility of the Hitler Youth. The best and most natural selective method is combat. This fact became evident in the first years of our Movement and now in time of war. Wherever youth lacks the experience of combat, the selection has to be achieved through education and testing in special situations under special guidelines. In this way the eight years of work in the Hitler Youth have to be completed with regard to the law that demands an elite for the party. This elite is mainly expressed in the leaders. This is why youth leaders should be the first to become party members. Next to them, all those volunteers among the Hitler Youth are admitted to the party when they have proved their excellent worth both in character and performance. Doing one's duties in the Hitler Youth is the best preparation for the party.

German youth is instructed in the different questions that affect youth in all fields of life. Thus it makes the Weltanschauung of all German boys and girls’ uniform. There is an important significance to the simple fact that every week there is one day when our youth is instructed and educated on the questions and views of life. In this way, a foundation is put down in everyday life which allows for our goal that the political union of the Reich will always root in a unified Weltanschauung. Through games, outdoor orientation and camps, through basic physical education, through Reich sports competitions and sports events in the districts, youth is trained to be physically skilled, tough, durable and resilient. 

High performance sports are the reason German athletes are increasingly recognized throughout the world. In the camp for pre-military training youth prepares itself with enthusiasm in appropriate forms of military service. Most important, they develop their natural instincts. Along with a general education for everybody, the new recruits for the Air Force, the Navy, the Mobile Units and the Signal Battalions are especially trained in special groups. Our cultural work makes it possible for children to experience the highest values of our nation and thus deepen their sensitivity.

The Hitler Youth’s ring of events, the Weimarer Festspiele, the days of music and theater as well as songs and construction work prove the worth of our cultural work. It is exactly this combination of military training and education in the fine arts that reveals the nature of German national education. Social work demonstrates the will of the young to face reality and their preparedness to master the sorrows of everyday life. Thus, their belief in German socialism is strengthened in daily spade work. Job competition proves the desire for high professional performance. The stipends for the talented prove the effort in the community to make the most of correct and natural resources. A healthy way of life cures defects in youth and it serves as a prophylactic measure to maintain the resources of our nation. The work we do in legal matters serves the purpose to arrive at laws for the young which consider their special character and the maturing process of our growing folk companion group. In rural areas the Hitler Youth transformed the movement toward a farming union. The reformation of a new German farming generation, directed towards a settlement in the German East starts here. This process adds practical meaning to the giant fight of our heroic soldiers. Instruction in German nationalism and a look at foreign nations brings the Hitler Youth together with their comrades from all European countries and thus enables them to see our nation from the outside. Besides these duties our youth are currently in action in our home country. They are helping neighbors, assisting in shops and hospitals, they are harvesting and taking part in the building of playgrounds. These are but a few examples that show the extent to which the practical work of the Hitler Youth is appropriate to prepare future party members for their great tasks.

What is decisive however, is the fact that the Führer-initiated process of growing together as a nation has become actual reality in the Hitler Youth. This means that a Hitler boy, despite all separating forces in life, will always act as a young German. It is crucial that he loves all those traits and virtues which made our nation develop greatness and strength. This young boy should have the attitude of a fighter who cannot be broken by the storms of life. He should not give in to early resistance, he should be steady and persistent. He should praise what makes him tough. He should prefer action to lip-service and political slogans. He must be modest when a day’s work is done and he knows how much is still left to do. He must not chatter but be silent. For him, loyalty must be the highest honor. Most of all he must preserve for himself the power of faith in our ideals, which in our nation is the strongest power ever to make history. May he always keep alive the divine spark of enthusiasm. He must never expect from others what he himself is not ready to do. The young community must never seclude itself. It has to live and work in close connection with the party and its sub-divisions. The best suited workers in all fields of life organically grow out of the lines of our youth. Thus we will try hard year after year, so that we can offer the party the elite of our youth. We grew out of the party and it will forever be our home. We all expect that the new party members will be a credit to the Hitler Youth in their new fields of duty.

Most of all, it is our duty to restrict admittance to the party to those we are certain belong to that minority that by virtue of their value, always wrote history.

ADOLF HITLER at the last day of the Party Congress during the Party Day „Triumph of the Will“ on 10 September 1934

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