Friday 22 November 2019

Die Deutsche Wochenschau – Newsreel No. 713 – 03 May 1944

1. Germany.

Funeral in Munich Gauleiter Adolf Wagner:

- Memorial hall.

- A memorial service.

- Funeral procession through the streets of the city.

- RAD Soldiers with shovels.

- Coffin on the gun carriage.

- General next to the widow of the late escorted the coffin on his last journey.

2. Germany.

Mourning meeting at the Reich Chancellery at the tomb of Nazi General armoured forces Kubena.

- In the sitting room Himmler, Doenitz, Keitel.

- Awards deceased.

- Goering at the ceremony a speech.

- Laying wreaths, garland from the Führer.

- Hitler helps to lay a wreath, ribbon spreads.

- The inscription "German greetings".

3. Spain.

Military parade in Barcelona, in front of Franco on the occasion of the 5th anniversary of the Franco regime are different kinds of troops.

4. Belgium.

Return to Belgium from the Eastern Front SS Legion "Wallonia":

- General Sepp Dietrich and the leader of the Belgian fascist Léon Degrelle reward soldiers.

- The arrival of the Legion in Brussels, stormy meeting fellow SS, women throw flowers.

- Residents of Brussels near the tanks and vehicles.

5. Germany.

Dr. Ley and Baldur von Schirach a parade of Nazi political school graduates in Ornsburge.

6. Germany.

Fragment of a football match between Munich and Berlin. After the match spectators run onto the pitch.

7. Germany.

Cadets School miners in Cuxhaven in the classroom.

- The teacher explains the various device min.

- At the blackboard student.

- Samples min.

- Practical exercises in the sea.

- Reset min overboard.

- Students of mine pulled on the ropes.

- Mine explosion on the beach.

8. Germany.

School emblem with an eagle's head and the words: "Sharpshooter".

- Cadets sapper-infantry school in the classroom in the woods.

- Target shooting, a variety of purposes.

- Masking techniques in the field, students are masked twigs, moss, straw.

9. Eastern Front, the southern portion of Zhytomyr region, Kirovograd, Nikopol.

- Location Hungarian parts near the town of Stanislav.

- Soldiers on vacation, they shave, eat from the pot.

- The infantry is on the road, go carts.

- Meeting at the front of father and son on the way.

- The tanks are filled with fuel and go to the front.

- Field radio operator with a portable radio in the car.

- Joint military meeting German and Hungarian officers.

- Marines go on the armour of tanks.

- On the road go carts, on the sidelines are burning cars, damaged equipment.

- Arriving at the front of the Hungarian units.

- Awarding of the German Order of Hungarian soldiers.

10. La Manche.

- Training in the Netherlands and Belgium for a possible attack on the Atlantic coast.

- German fortifications, barbed wire.

- Preparations for the opening of locks in the event of the threat of invasion.

- General Rundstedt inspects tank division, he bypasses the system.

- Field Marshal Rommel as part of the inspection.

- Aiming guns at the positions of the "enemy".

11. Detail of the American Chronicle: How Americans see the upcoming landing in Normandy.

- For the ferries run - American paratroopers.

- Amphibious tanks.

- German artillery manoeuvres.
- Maneuvers of German soldiers - rehearsal repel a possible invasion of the allies in German-occupied France.

1 comment:

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