Thursday 12 December 2019

Die Deutsche Wochenschau – Newsreel No. 715 – 17 May 1944

1. Germany.

Nurses have practice.

– Sisters with children.

– In the classroom anatomy laboratory microscope.

– Classes in massage.

– Experienced sisters help new.

– Surgical nurses.

– Political classes.

– Sisters in practical work.

– Sisters with children and wounded soldiers.

– The sisters have a rest, play sports.

2. Germany.

– Zoo, various animals.

– Deer, monkeys, elephants, jaguars, polar bears in the pool, lion and lioness, flamingos in the pond.

– Visitors to the zoo with the kids.

3. Germany.

– Post office, is sorting letters.

– Women at work.

– New pointer offices and postal codes.

4. Strikes in the United States and England.

– Police crackdown on demonstrators, fights.

– Material for contrast: social achievements in Germany in 1944.

– Rest house for workers in the mountains.

– Working on vacation, they dine, play cards, billiards.

– For workers plays a symphony orchestra.

5. Germany.

– Teachings on shooting for reservists held leadership SA (Stormtroopers) in Germany.

– General Shechtman bypass operation.

– Shechtman is involved in the shooting.

– Shoot teenagers and the elderly at targets.

6. Germany.

– Population Kassel welcomes his countryman, Knight Knight’s Cross, General von Sharfitsa detachment „Hitlerjugend“ plays drums and mountain.

– General on the street, he was presented with flowers.

– RAD formation of soldiers with shovels.

– Woman gives general memorable gift: the layout tools.

– The speech of General.

7. France.

– Anti-Bolshevik French youth rally before sending them to the Eastern Front.

– Speech by Josef Darlan.

8. Western Front.

– Meeting at the headquarters of the Chief of Army Group „West“ General Rundstedt, it is next to Field Marshal Rommel, there are also Sperrle and Keitel.

– Rundstedt out to the car, ‘a speech before the officers.

– Heavy coastal battery Atlantic Wall „Skagerrak“.

– Tank in the shelter.

– To carry the bunker on the platform of the shells.

– Underground bunkers of the Western Front.

– The beeping sound gunners ran to the guns.

– Prepare to fire guns.

– Gunner at work.

– Exploding shells.

9. Eastern Front, the area of the Crimea.

– The retreat of German and Romanian troops, Gun crews on the shore.

– In the city are soldiers, riding armoured personnel carriers, trucks.

– Generals at the observation post.

– Are refugees from the nodes.

– Observers on the shore.

– The officer on the phone receives a message about the raid.

– Reflection attacks Soviet aircraft.

– Shoot the German anti-aircraft guns.

– Explosions in the harbour.

– Falls stricken plane, the pilot jumps with a parachute.

– Explosions and fires in Sevastopol during the retreat of the Germans.

– Effects of explosions on the road, broken carts, wagons, dead horses.

– Artillery hit the city, „they are being watched soldiers in the trenches.

– View of the river from Sevastopol.

– Smoke and fire, bullets leave traces on the water.

– German transports leave the coast of the Crimea.

– Bombing transports Soviet aircraft.

– Anti-aircraft fire from Soviet bombers.

– Convey of the wounded.

10. Eastern Front, Belarus.

– District of Kirovohrad-Nikopol.

– German Panzer Division „Grossdeutchland“ on the offensive.

– General Manteuffel, commander of the division, examines the position of the binoculars.

– Division in combat.

– Breakthrough Soviet lines.

– Defectors front of the camera.

– Radio operator near the radio.

– Officers are looking map of the area.

– General Manteuffel at the forefront.

– The soldiers are on marshland.

– German tanks and infantry in battle.

– General rides on the tank.

– Soviet prisoners of war, a captive woman in overcoat, are killed by the soldiers.

– Persons of German soldiers: beautiful Aryan types in contrast with the Asians.

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