Sunday 22 December 2019

Die Deutsche Wochenschau – Newsreel No. 717 – 31 May 1944

1. Germany.

Established by the National-Socialists, „Mother’s Day“ in Germany.

– Parents visiting their children who are on holiday in children’s sports camp.

– The boys meet relatives of the train, leading to the camp.

– Towards arrived ambush popping „Indians“, the guys in suits.

– The Gauleiter of Siegfried Steyermark Uiberreiter presents the Order of Glory of mothers of large families.

2. Germany.

Professor of Hydrology Charlotte Møller.

– It floats on the boat on the river, take a sample of water.

– Moeller in the laboratory for the study of samples.

– Her work is of practical importance in the economic planning for industrial projects and to work in the colonies.

– She was the first woman who has a reputation in the field of hydrography.

In the city of Krems 14 May 1944 held the 5th German war contest in gymnastics on shells of men.

– Athletes on the uneven bars, Alfred Mueller at the bar, shooting rocking.

– The winner in the overall standings was the Ernst Braun Dortmund, it performs gymnastic exercises.

3. Germany.

Fragments of a boxing match between Germany and the Netherlands.

– Speakers Sergeant Gustav Eder and Dutchman De Jong, at the end of the match wins Eder.

In those areas of Germany, which are particularly often subject to raids by enemy aircraft, the population receives special food allowances.

Newspapers reported on the new renditions of food products to the population of Berlin.

– And in the fifth year of the war, in spite of the air of terror, regularly carried out food distribution, which includes everything you need.

– Standards issued.

– Buyers in shops, sausage department, hanging oil.

– From warehouses to ship products Machine, porters wheeled barrels, carry bags.

– Reich Minister of Food Supply, Herbert Backe, who is the responsible person in the organization of the power of the people, regularly checks the progress of their orders.

– Bake in a warehouse, checks peas in a bag, inspect the warehouse carcasses.

4. France.

The arrival of the US German soldiers, former American prisoners of war in the South French port on the Swedish ship „Gripsholm“.

– Residents on the pier meet prisoners.

– The prisoners waving from the ship.

– Veterans of African battles make landings.

– For them, this is the last step on the road to home.

– Prisoners sit in a train.

5. New Guinea.

– Successful actions allies in the Pacific theatre of operations.

– On the island of American transports arrive.

– The landing of troops.

– Japanese air attack.

– Explosions in the harbour.

– Smoke fire. (The story of the American Chronicle).

6. Romania.

The retreat of German troops from Romania.

– Civilians fleeing the Bolshevik terror.

– Carts loaded with household goods, procession moving along country roads.

– A refugee camp.

– Nurses German „Red Cross“ care of the refugees.

– They distribute soup tanks, caring for babies of refugees, bathe them.

– The children sleep in cribs.

Field airfield Husi, where the Luftwaffe „Immelman“ placed a squadron of attack aircraft.

– One day Major Hans-Ulrich Rudel and his team.

– Pilots Major Rudel use the time remaining before departure, to a football match.

– Rudel himself a great sportsman, his day begins with physical education and athletic exercises.

– He pushed, throws a spear, the kernel.


Pilots at dinner.

– Depart on a combat mission.

– Mayor Hans-Ulrich Rudel board a plane.

– He was always in the thick of battle with the enemy, alone, he destroyed almost 200 enemy tanks.

– Planes in the air.

– The bombing of enemy positions.

8. On the front portion of the Adriatic coast.

– Mountain landscape.

– German observers report on the enemy approaching.

– German tank destroyer out of hiding.

– Soldier erases traces of the tracks on the sand basket.

– The shelling of the enemy.

– Discussion of the operation plan.

The other part of the front south of Rome began a great battle near the town of Cisterna with the advancing Anglo-American parts.

– From the city of Cisterna remained only the ruins of the German soldiers stubbornly defended against superior enemy forces.

– The respite between battles.

– German infantrymen on vacation, sleeping, hiding in the ruins of the building.

– Shoot German guns.

– Tanks go to the counter.

– Detachments of the so-called „green line“, which is so afraid of the enemy, go on the offensive in the forest.

– The corpses of enemy soldiers, tanks broken.

– American prisoners, among them many representatives of the peoples of the colonies.

– The wounded German soldiers.

– Sending the seriously wounded to the rear.

– German infantry in combat, soldiers are running between the haystack fire, lying in the grass.

– Enemy aircraft in the sky, the soldier looks at the sky, pierced by shrapnel treats bag.

– The explosions on the ground.

– Reflecting the new US attack.

– Padded American tank.

German Admiral Wilhelm Meendsen-Bolkiah during a meeting with the teams of the German fighter submarines.

– Captain Otto Pollman anti-submarine ship, awarded for sinking 12 enemy boats Iron Cross, in front of the camera.

– German submarine out the raid, carrying out protection of the German convoy in the Mediterranean Sea.

– In a special room of the boat are devices that can locate the enemy boats.

– I heard the noise of the engines under the water.

– On the boat the alarm sounds, the men fled in places.

– It is dropping depth charges.

– Explosions in the water.

– Oil on the surface of the water - a sign of a direct hit on target.

– Reid continues, there is a new battle.

9. Romania.

– Police Division in the forest combats thus bandit detachments, providing tremendous support throughout the battle.

– Division naravleno in town occupied by the bandits.

– Soldiers inspect a haystack, pierced his bayonet, look in the windows of the houses in search of the bandits.

– Captured guerrillas.

– Fires in the village.

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