Wednesday 12 February 2020

Die Deutsche Wochenschau – Newsreel No. 721 – 28 June 1944

1. Germany. 60th anniversary of German actor Werner Krauss (06/23/1884).

– He is at work in the garden, sitting at the table in front of the house.

– Kraus rehearses the role of Faust from the play.

2. Germany.

Opening in Marburg orphanage named Mary Clausewitz-Heim for students - the widows of fallen soldiers.

– Students at the entrance, a lecture in medical school.

– Daughter Maria von Clausewitz.

– Children of female students.

– Celebrating the birthday of one of the children.

– Babies in cribs.

– Students studying for the book.

3. Germany.

Battery female anti-aircraft gunner.

– They inflate the balloon launch it into the air.

– Radio operator at the machine.

– Training in dealing with spotlights.

– Young women on holiday, games, entertainment.

– Receiving mail.

4. Germany.

Lake Wannsee, where competitions are held in rowing.

– Women's team on the lake, the victorious team.

– Fans.

– Men's teams compete.

5. North Sea.

German sanitary ship "Erland" assaulted the Anglo-American aviation.

– The rescue of the wounded from the damaged transport the wounded on the beach,

6. Eastern Front.

General Greil at the front.

– German infantry in the trenches.

– Dogfight.

– Reflection of Soviet attacks.

– German infantry and tanks go on the offensive.

– The shelling of Soviet aircraft.

– Reflection of Soviet attacks.

– Downed Soviet plane.

– German wounded.

– Fragments of the battlefield.

– German anti-aircraft guns inciting a Soviet plane.

– Tanks shelled the enemy positions, the infantry in the attack.

7. Western Front.

German pilots, Lieutenant Lent smiling, talking with his friends.

– German planes with painted on board suits of playing cards fly into the air.

– German anti-aircraft guns fired at the Anglo-American planes.

– Gun crew.

– Downed American "Boeing" pilots captured.

– German scours the prisoner.

Fires and destruction in the French city of Le Havre after the bombing of the Anglo-American aviation.

– Go residents.

– The wounded were loaded onto the machine.

– German soldiers reading messages from the front.

The commander of the SS division "Hitler Youth" brings gratitude to distinguished soldiers.

– Lieutenant General Eugen Meindl meets with officers, went to the car.

– Captive English major testifying.

– Counterattack German tanks and infantry.

– SS Division soldiers posing in front of camera.

– German mortars firing at the enemy.

– The fighting near the town of Saint-Loup.

– Broken military equipment allies lying on the roadside.

– Captured soldiers in a collection camp.

– Meeting pilots officers, flight of German aircraft.

– Bombing British ships at sea by night.

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