Sunday 23 February 2020

The 90th Anniversary of Horst Wessel’s Death

Today is the 90th anniversary of the death of the National-Socialist hero Horst Ludwig Wessel! As a young student he joined NSDAP because he realised that the only possible way for the salvation of Germany is the way shown by Adolf Hitler. He worked hard on spreading the NS ideas in the communist's areas of Berlin, helped by his faithful troopers from SA Sturm 5. Thanks to him many communists awoke and even joined the NSDAP.

The leaders of KPD (the German communist party) decided to kill him in order to stop the progress of the NSDAP in Berlin. He died by the hand of the red pest, but his death made him one of the greatest symbols of the National-socialism, his song „Die Fahne hoch!“ become the hymn of NSDAP and a state hymn after „Deutschland über alles“. He won on 30 January 1933!

Hans Westmar (1933)

Hans Westmar (full title: Hans Westmar. Einer von vielen. Ein deutsches Schicksal aus dem Jahre 1929 „Hans Westmar. One of many. A German Destiny from the Year 1929“) was the last of an unofficial trilogy of films commissioned by the National-Socialists shortly after coming to power in January 1933, celebrating their Kampfzeit - a period of their history in opposition, struggling to gain power. The film is portraying the life of the famous NS martyr and hero Horst Wessel. Originally, the film, based on Hanns Heinz Ewers’s novelistic biography, was named Horst Wessel.

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