Wednesday 22 July 2020

Die Deutsche Wochenschau – Newsreel No. 735 – 05 October 1944

1. Germany.

National-Socialist holiday „Harvest Day“.

– The festive meeting on the occasion of the Harvest Day.

– Reich Minister of Propaganda, Dr. Joseph Goebbels, Reichsleiter welcomed the audience in the hall of the German workers in agriculture.

– Awarding of the eight most distinguished employees who most successfully implement the principles of agrarian policy in the war years, the Knight’s Cross.

– State Secretary of the Reich Ministry of Food Supply Herbert Backe makes a speech.

– The award ceremony.

– Awards obtained: Curt Hecht (President of the Economic Association for the potato industry); Reinhold Huber (head of the farmers in Carinthia); Helmut Körner (Head of the farmers in Reichsgau Wartheland); Dr. Walter Floembaum (President of the Economic Association of cattle); Gustav Behrens (Chairman Union Reich peasants); Wilhelm Bledorn (head of the farmers in Pomerania); Albrecht Brunnenbaum (head section of farmers in the Union Reich peasants).

– Dr. Goebbels announces the German agricultural workers gratitude to the Führer and the entire German people.

2. Germany.

Speech by Grand Admiral Karl Doenitz to the workers in the shipyard Westphalia district of the inadmissibility of capitulation, defeatism.

– The workers.

3. Germany.

Arriving in Berlin group of sailors, pilots of torpedo boats at the invitation of Reichsjugendführer Artur Axmann.

– Sailors come out of the car, they are greeted with flowers.

– Accompanied by a young fellow from the Navy „Hitler Youth“ division, guests are sent an appointment to the Reichsjugendführer.

– They sit in the bus.

– Mariners welcomes Axmann.

– Among them Knight Knight’s Cross Lieutenant Alfred Vetter, the commander of a group of subversive and assault connections and Knight Knight’s Cross Lieutenant Walter Gerhold, pilot-controlled torpedoes.

– Demonstration of single torpedo boat, managed by man.

– Teen puts on the shape of the torpedo pilots.

– Vetter tells of the battles in France, on the operations against the British destroyers.

4. THE USSR. Eastern front.

– Fighting the Germans with the partisans in the Carpathian Mountains.

– Assault weapons is ordered to clear the enemy from the village in the eastern Carpathians.

– A broad front with the starting positions are the weapon to the target.

– Are the tanks, camouflaged with branches, self-propelled guns with guns.

– Shoot gun the cottages.

– Medic puts a plaster on a wounded soldier on the cheek.

– Surroundings of the village and destroy him as a „resistance nests“, burning huts.

5. Italy.

– The field of battle on the Adriatic front.

– The enemy opened artillery fire on the peasant farm, rushing to break free of the horse.

– In this area almost non-stop continuing artillery battles.

– The regimental commander at the command post during the discussion of the situation. 88 mm anti-aircraft guns firing on the road of military logistics opponent.

– Radioman for walkie hits a message in Morse code.

– View of the San Marino rock.

– During the retreat, until recently held the sappers.

– Mounted bomb to blow the bridge.

– Minesweeper fuse turns the knob.

– German engineers tied to the trunks of trees mines.

– Due to erosion of the forest road it will be blocked in several places.

6. The Second front.

End of the 1st British Air Force Airborne Division at Arnhem.

– Thus, began a ten-day battle of Arnhem, which ended with the largest tactical and military success of the Germans reached during the landing of the Western forces.

– September 17 Anglo-American troops made a landing about three airborne divisions in Eindhoven area Nijmegen and Arnhem with the aim to strengthen operations on the western border.

– English landing down on parachutes.

– Shortly thereafter, the German command was able to take in the environment to operate in the area of ​​Arnhem Airborne Division, and destroy it in the next ten days.

– Last minute British planes on the airfield.

– German infantry goes in the campaign.

– The bodies of the British and American soldiers.

– German guns and anti-aircraft guns shooting at the enemy transport planes.

– Prisoners broken American machinery.

– Germans visiting the captured booty, the British light up a cigarette.

– German infantry in Arnhem, street fighting.

– German soldiers in houses.

– The house, on the roof which left English parachute.

– The captured American prisoners.

– The train station, which the paratroopers were to take by storm.

– A column of prisoners.

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