Monday 22 February 2021

Die Deutsche Wochenschau – Newsreel No. 750 – 25 January 1945


1. Germany.


Film-plots about saving electricity.


Girl paints house, sun, stars, chickens.


A call to save energy.


2. Germany.


Skiers competition for disabled veterans.


Descent from the mountain.


3. Germany.


The distribution of weapons and uniforms, ammunition, soldiers of the German Volkssturm.


Military training for the Volkssturm men.


Armed with Panzerfausts.


Field exercises.


4. Germany.


Marine landing troops in a light boat.


Boats on the mission.


The landing of the marine troops.


5. Germany.


Bunker “self-help” for the German people.


In the bunker.


Cooking food.


– The warehouse.


Rooms to accommodate the local authorities.


Power station.


Underground typography.




Customers of the barbershop.


6. Germany.


Miners going out of the mine after the end of the work shifts.


7. Western Front.


On the line Arnhem-Jülich-Eschweiler-Strasbourg.


The German troops stopped the Anglo-American offensive.


German soldiers on the streets of the city recaptured from the Allies.


A soldier helps old woman come out of the shelter.


An announcement of the occupiers to ban the movement of civilians.

German soldiers in a broken country.


Captured British soldiers.


The ruins of the church.


German apartments looted by the allied forces.


German tanks are going forward.


The wagons.




8. USSR. Eastern front.


The large-scale offensive of the Soviet troops all over the front line between the Baltic Sea and the Carpathian Mountains.


On the morning of January 30, the Russian offensive begins.


Reflection of the Soviet offensive.


German artillery fire.


Rocket launchers entered the battle.


Heaviest street fighting in hundreds of villages.


Tanks and infantrymen were thrown into the place of the breakthrough.


The front is burning for thousands of kilometers.


German infantrymen in the trenches await the start of the attack, waiting for the raid of Soviet aircraft.


German planes in the air.


German tank is shooting.


The fighting in the village.


View of the battlefield from the air.


Soldiers in combat.


Burning Soviet tanks.

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