Saturday 3 April 2021

The Private Film Archive of Eva Braun-Hitler - Reel 1


Source: US National Archives -


Reel 1


Start – swimming at the Königsbach waterfall at Königssee – Franciska „Fanny” Braun (Eva’s mother), Gretl Braun, Ursula „Uschi” Schneider (daughter of Eva’s friend Herta Ostermeyer Schneider), Gretl swims in the nude, Fritz Braun (Eva’s father) (B/W).


2:28 – friends at the Kehlsteinhaus (Eagle’s Nest) (incl. Herta Schneider and her husband Erwin, Uschi Schneider, Braun family, Eva, Gretl).


3:17 – swimming at Königssee (Schneider family, Braun family, EB, Gretl, dogs, and others)


6:25 – sunbathing at Kehlsteinhaus (same group).


8:28 – Berghof, Obersalzberg – Brauns and Schneiders with children and dogs get on a bus.


8:51 – Berghof – house staff, secretaries, and adjutants congratulate Hitler (with Herbert Döhring, Margarete Mittlstrasser (Berghof staff), Otto Günsche (one of Hitler’s SS aides), Martin Bormann, Adolf Wagner (Gauleiter of Munich), Heinrich Hoffmann (Hitler’s photographer), Dr. Theo Morell (Hitler’s personal physician), Wilhelm Brückner (Hitler’s personal adjutant), Gerda Daranowski and Christa Schroeder (Hitler’s secretaries), Eva and Gretl Braun, Dr. Karl Brandt (Hitler’s traveling surgeon) (probably New Years 1939/40 – same as photo in EB photo album 8, NARA Still Pictures Branch)


10:04 – EB swimming at Schliersee.


10:30 – EB acrobatics.


10:43 – Obersalzberg - view from Berghof window (Bormann’s house), Berghof side terrace, picture window, panoramic views from the Berghof window and terrace (color).


11:58 – Mooslahnerkopf Teehaus overlook and Teehaus interior (part) (color).


12:14 – Berghof – Adolf Hitler with Adolf Wagner (Gauleiter of Munich).


12:37 – „Die bunte Film Schau No. 2 aufgenommen von Eva Braun” (with Eva’s EB monogram as a 4-leaf clover) – Eva edited this sequence of visits to various swimming locations, with title boards by her artist friend Sofie Stork – „The Variety Film Show No. 2, Filmed by Eva Braun” - „Wir baden im Schliersee” – EB acrobatics, walks in woods (includes Fanny Braun, Sofie Stork (an artist friend of AH and EB), sculptor Arno Breker’s widow) – „Um Starnberger-see” - swimming – EB on air mattress, Braun family members – „Im Chiemsee” – Braun family in trachten clothing, swimming, boating – „Wolfgangsee” – EB water skiing – „Im Aschauer Weiher” (near Berchtesgaden) – Anni Brandt swims with children, EB on the lake side, Anni Brandt dives from a diving board - „Im Wörthsee” – sunbathing/swimming with Braun family and friends, Gretl poses with umbrella – „ ‘Pünktchen’ am Berg” („ ‘Dottie’ on the Mountain“ (22:30) – sunbathing at Berghof – same as EB album photos (Eva, Gerda Bormann, Herta Schneider, and actress Else von Möllendorff („Pünktchen“) sunbathe, Else von Möllendorff poses, Gretl Braun and Herta Schneider take snapshots, table tennis, EB with Uschi, dog) – „Im Schorn Weiher” – Königssee - diving, dogs in water, Gretl is wrapped in a bath towel and a man tries to pull the towel off, EB in tree, acrobatics (color).


27:56 – Berghof seen from Mooslahnerkopf Teehaus route (color).


28:24 – Hitler on Berghof terrace, with architect Albert Speer, Julius Schaub (personal adjutant) and Gerhard Engel (army adjutant), Teehaus walk, with Speer children, with Baldur von Schirach (youth leader), Joachim von Ribbentrop (foreign minister), Walter Hewel (foreign office liaison), LAH guard on Berghof steps (color).


31:42 – EB and Margarete Speer pick flowers, dressed in dirndls (color).


32:29 – inside Berghof (dark) – Hitler with Joachim von Ribbentrop, Martin Bormann, Reinhard Heydrich (SS leader) and Heinrich Himmler (head of the SS) (B/W).

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