Sunday 3 October 2021

The Private Film Archive of Eva Braun-Hitler - Reel 6

Source: US National Archives -


Reel 6


00:06 – Start – loading up for trip (EB’s Munich house?), at airfield, on plane – Hans Baur is the pilot, Braun family and friends (colour).


02:48 – Braun family trip to Italy – Gretl Braun, Anni Brandt, Fanny Braun - swimming (EB in white swimsuit), storm on waterfront, Bay of Naples (Castel dell’Ovo - „Egg Castle“ visible), touring a volcano (presumably Vesuvius), touring a town and rocky coast, touring ruins of Pompeii, scenes in Florence, boating on a lake, boats and children at the waterfront, drinking on the boat - Gretl Braun and Gloria Schreiber-Kalanag (?), Little Mermaid statue and buildings in Copenhagen (belongs with Reel 4), back to the lake in Italy (colour).


24:00 – „Der laufende Berg” Aussenaufnahmen (this title board belongs with the „The Running Mountain” filming in Reel 5) – winter mountain trip with Hanni Morell, EB (colour).


25:20 – on the plane – Julius Schaub, Otto Dietrich, Braun ladies (colour).


26:58 – AH with Martin Bormann and others on Berghof driveway and terrace (colour).


27:53 – guests on Berghof terrace – usual „inner circle“ group (incl. Walter Hewel, Karl Brandt, Albert Bormann, Hermann Esser, Albert Speer), AH greets the ladies – Gerda Daranowski, Hanni Morell, Sofie Stork, and others; EB, Gretl Braun, Hermann Esser, Adolf Wagner, Nicolaus von Below (colour).


29:08 – Hitler and Heinrich Hoffmann on the Berghof terrace, Morells, Martin Bormann, ladies on terrace, Hoffmann, Dr. Karl Brandt, Gretl Braun, Adolf Wagner, Hermann Esser clowns with Hoffmann (colour).


30:06 – Mooslahnerkopf Teehaus walk, Heinrich Hoffmann and others at overlook.


30:59 – Berghof terrace – ladies, Hansgeorg Schulze „Frettchen” (SS aide), Adolf Wagner, Morells, back at Mooslahnerkopf overlook, children at Teehaus (color).


32:20 – EB leans over Mooslahnerkopf overlook (colour).

1 comment:

  1. Why Germanic Values will save the World

    Only the truth can heal and save us. To stop this overwhelming stream of lies, maximum energy is required; only the combined efforts of all patriots to spread the truth will be able to protect them from the parasitic plant that causes the death of the tribe with which it becomes entangled.
