Friday 12 November 2021

Die Deutsche Wochenschau (UFA-Tonwoche) - Newsreel No. 483 - 06 December 1939

1. Germany.


A playful propaganda skit directed against individuals making all sorts of stockpiles in connection with the war.


2. Spain.


As in all authoritarian States, Spain has changed the tasks of the sport.


– From the records of individuals the records of the teams.


– Mass demonstrations by young gymnasts at the stadium in Madrid.


– Among the audience sits Caudillo Franco.


– Performances of girls dancing.


3. Japan.


Emperor Hirohito arrives in the car to the stadium for the annual national sports competition in Tokyo, the crowd welcomed the Emperor.


– Mass gymnastics of youth.


– The Japanese in their national dress are showing a training fight on sticks.




Despite the war, on mount Zugspitze competitions in winter sports, which involved 92 men, men and women.


– On the track, Christel and Rudi Kranz, who won the tournament.


– Snow drifts and blowing snow hampered the events.


– A man photographs the athlete.


5. Germany.


Factory of Christmas toys made of wood in Bavaria.


– The traditional places of these crafts are Demischerwald and Erzgebirge.


– Working moments at the factory, wooden blanks for toys.


– Women paint toys, finished toys: soldiers, chimney sweeps, angels, etc.


6. Germany.


Everyone in his place organizes to help the fatherland.


– In the Berlin Palace of Sports there is a ceremony of swearing in girls, members of the Red Cross, who after training will be sent to the front infirmaries.


7. Germany.


Party members and members of the Workers’ Front come to the station in Berlin every Sunday.


– Work is going on to unload coal wagons on the railroad for the needs of the city. 1,200 men unloaded 60 wagons in 9 hours, which amounted to 1 ton per person.


– Men run with wheelbarrows, passing briquettes along the chain.


8. Poland.


On the territory of Poland in the liberated regions of the restoration of destroyed bridges fighters RAD (German Labour Service).


– In the town of Torn German sapper troops apart the rubble of the destroyed bridge.


– Diver prepares to dive under water, the water pulled out the metal parts of the bridge.


– Restored bridge, the train goes on him.


9. Germany.


And during the war German industry fulfils its obligations under orders from neutral countries.


– A wheel for a turbine 6 meters in diameter and weighing 60 tons was produced in the Siemens factory in Hamburg.


– Thus the exchange of goods with neutral countries continues.


10. Romania.


The German-Romanian treaty is fulfilled exactly on time.


– It's time for harvesting corn in Romania.


– The peasants are helped by teenagers.


– Sending corn on trains and ships to Germany.


11. North Sea.


Stagnation in production and trade in Sweden, Norway, Denmark because of the British blockade.


– In the ports stand ships.


Factories in the cities of Amsterdam, Oslo, Rotterdam, Antwerp are standing.


– Growing number of unemployed, unemployed at the gates of factories and on the streets.


12. North Sea.


German minesweepers neutralize mines laid in the North Sea by the British.


– Miner from the boat unscrews a mine detonator, the mine lifted to the trawler.


– The officer shows the sailors the details of the mine.


13. France.


English troops enter France.


– First, they march through the cities of France to mark their presence in the country.


– The parade of British troops in Paris.


– A band is marching ahead.


– However, the local population takes it unhappily, no people are seen in the streets.

14. The Western Wall.


German troops perform their duties on the Western Wall line.


– At the fortifications is a shift of troops.


– Riding along the road guns on horseback, the soldiers pass the line of defence.


– Alarm on the artillery battery.


– Young soldiers are trained so that in the future they could be sent to any point on the front.


– Soldiers take the horses out, harnessed into wagons with guns, galloping through the village, across the field.


– Mounting cannons and firing on the enemy.


– Attack of the infantry, the soldiers throw grenades, overcome wire fences, cutting them with wire cutters.


15. Atlantic Ocean.


German submarines on the trip.


– A sailor looking through the periscope, the appearance of the British ship.


– The alarm on the boat.


– The British ship shot a torpedo, thick smoke from the explosion.


– Continuing the voyage, the merchant ship stops, the captain of the ship delivers the documents to check on the boat.


– A sailor signals that the ship can proceed.


– The submarine completes the mission and returns home.


– The boat is walking on the surface, the sailors are standing on deck.


– The ship on watch, welcomes the submarine, from the shore greeting her people, waving their hands.


– The boat is in port.


– White pennants on the flagpole testify to the victories of sailors, they are written on the names of sunken ships.

16. Germany.


German bombers are preparing to fly to the English coast.


– Hydroplanes over the sea.


– At sea we can see the going vessels, the Norwegian ship.


– The gunner in the cockpit by the machine gun.


– Sinks wrecked ship.

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