Tuesday 12 April 2022

Die Deutsche Wochenschau (UFA-Tonwoche) - Newsreel No. 507 – 23 May 1940

1. Scheme explaining England and France’s intentions to blockade Germany.


2. Western Front – The Netherlands


Military action in Holland. 10 May - start of the offensive in Holland.


– A squadron of transport planes taking off with General Student’s airborne troops on board.


– View of the Dutch territory from the air - canals, woodlands.


– Discharge paratroopers over Rotterdam, dropping military equipment and ammunition.


– Landing paratroopers, they collect parachutes and cargo.


– The outbreak of hostilities in the city in the factory.


– The German soldiers are moving deep into the city, leading street battles.


– Bombers are thrown in to help the infantry.


– Explosions in the city, ships burn in the port.


German troops overcome the first Dutch fortifications and advance.


– A convoy of German equipment in the streets, trucks camouflaged with branches driving.


– Crossing the canal on the mounted pontoon bridge, soldiers are pulling a gun on ropes.


– View of the blown up bridge.


German soldiers are resting after the march.


– Tired soldiers are sleeping directly in cars, motorbikes.


– Morning, the troops are moving on.


On the road abandoned Dutch military equipment, city buses, walking towards the inhabitants.


– Forced halt at the outskirts of the village, where remnants of the Dutch troops put up resistance.


– German unit cautiously sneaking through a minefield.


– There is a communications section in the field.


– Firing from a light artillery gun.


– View of the village street, destroyed houses.


– Destroyed car, which ran over a mine.


– Bomb squad demines the street.


– The roof of the house on fire.


View of the street Rotterdam with traces of brutal battles.


– Debris, destroyed buildings.


– Driving a column of German equipment on the road.


– View of the bridge.


– In the vanguard of Hitler’s personal units, armoured division Goeppner.


– Establishing communication with the dropped paratroopers.


– On the street officer talking to the senior unit of airborne troops.


German troops on the streets of Rotterdam.


– Fighting in the city.


– Dutch parliamentarian walking down the street with a white flag.


– Night shots in the city, fires blazing, panorama of the city from the bridge, view of the glow, German soldiers marching on its background.


– Morning, a view of the devastation in the daylight.


– Residents wander at the ruins of houses with prams, bicycles.


– View of the ruined city blocks from an aeroplane.


– After the capture of Rotterdam by German troops commanders of the Dutch army announced the surrender, are negotiating on this issue with the German side.


The German squadron sets off on a course for Belgium.


– View of the ground from the plane, you can see the roads, clogged with military equipment and troops.


– The Belgian fortress of Lüttich is below, the aircraft is circling around it.


3. Western Front – Belgium.


Military operations in Belgium.


– Overflight of the fortification lines near Liège.


– German soldiers visiting the captured fortress Lüttich, its bunkers and pillboxes, the ruins of the fortress.


– German flag over the citadel. NDP on the city of Liège, the destruction in the city.


– German cyclists riding by, residents watching them from the pavement, watching the movement of troops.


– Motorized artillery, machinery moving past the theatre building.


– View of the crowd of residents.


– A German motorcyclist passing a local policeman, asks something, the latter explains.


– German troops are standing on the square.


– German soldiers are handing out in the crowd the text of a memorandum on Belgium, a sheet in hand.


– People are reading the text hung on the wall.


– The German offensive west of Liège.


Signpost to Namur.


– Rides motorized artillery, armoured vehicles, tanks.


– Crossing on a pontoon bridge across the river Maas.


– Offensive operations in southern Belgium.


– Trucks traveling along the broken road past the ruins.


The city of Dinan.


– German soldiers at the striped pole look at the city across the river.


– Bomb squad drags supports, collect from them a raft, he ferry tanks, equipment, troops.


– Tank battle near Dinan, they support aircraft from the air.


– French tanks shot down on the ground, holes in the armor.


– The fighting near the city.


– German soldiers visiting the wrecked vehicle, through the window you can see the corpse of the officer.


They’re coming - Belgian prisoners with their hands up.


– A halt on the way.


– Faces of prisoners, among them Hindus, Negroes.


– POWs are carried wounded comrades on stretchers.


– POWs are on the road, meet the German troops.


– Residents of the city look at the column of prisoners walking along the street.


– Wrecked cars and guns lying there.


– Motorised units driving through the city.


– Close-up of a car window with bullet marks.


– In a crater filled with water lies an overturned vehicle.


– German soldiers are marching.


– A soldier is driving a pig with rifle butts.


– In the background of the church rides a truck with soldiers.


– General Reichenau is passing in the car, talking to a soldier on the road.


– Soldiers marching, cyclists, tanks, convoys.


– Two soldiers are riding a tandem bicycle.


The road to Sedan to the Maginot Line.


– Passing armoured vehicles, running soldiers.


– The soldiers dragged the machine guns with ropes on trolleys.


– The capture of the city.


4. Western Front – France.


Crossing the French-Belgian border.


– Bunker on the border.


– The soldiers lie down by the road, set the gun.


Military operations in France.


– Suspended balloon corrects the firing of artillery, a scout transmits information on the radio.


– The guns are firing at Sedan.


– There is smoke and fires in the air.


– Artillerymen in the forest.


– Providing first aid to the wounded on the front line.


– The breakthrough of the Maginot Line at Sedan.


– Captured the French bunker, a German soldier enters the bunker.


– Lie the corpses of French soldiers.


– German troops are in Sedan, sneaking through the ruins, rubble, knocking down the door of the house, enter.


– Ran soldiers on the streets of the city.


– Burning houses.


– Continuation of the offensive into the interior of France.


Pointer to Verdun.


– Mechanized artillery advances in the dark.


– Artillery crew charges the gun, firing.


– The offensive tanks supported by aircraft.


– Infantry attack.

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