Monday 20 May 2013

Hitler's Social & Cultural Policies, Goals and Achievements

Deanna Spingola's radio-interview with Matt Koehl

Deanna Spingola's guest Matt Koehl, the author of The Good Society, talked about the economic advances of the Third Reich and National Socialism which eschewed both Communism and Capitalism, two disastrous, speculative systems. (Thursday, November 1, 2012)

The masters of deceit would have us believe that Hitler's Germany was a nightmare world, a brutal dictatorship characterized by terror, hatred, slave labor and genocide. Workers' rights were trampled on, the youth conscripted and dragged off to fight in endless wars and women reduced to mere brood cows. People went hungry because the evil Nazi economy placed "guns before butter," and science and technology were held in thrall to the capitalist-military war machine.

The truth about Hitler's Germany is exactly the opposite of this horror-filled fantasy. Rather, the National-Socialist order was modern and progressive. The economy was efficient and productive, with full employment that generated a high standard of living for the working class. Mothers and children were honored, respected and cherished. There was free health care and free higher education for all. It was, indeed, a good society!

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