Thursday 20 February 2014

Interview: Graf Jürgen

By Jürgen Graf

Published: 2008-01-02

In January, I was fortunate to be able to conduct the following interview with leading Swiss revisionist researcher, author and scholar Jürgen Graf. Graf is the author of countless articles and has authored the devastating analysis of Raul Hilberg“s work, The Giant with Feet of Clay. He has also co-authored with Carlo Mattogno several of the most important analyses of various concentration camps including: Treblinka: Extermination Camp or Transit Camp?, Concentration Camp Majdanek: A Historical and Technical Study, and Concentration Camp Stutthof and its Function in National Socialist Jewish Policy. Jürgen Graf was born in Switzerland in 1951. He studied Scandinavian, English and Roman languages at the University of Basel where he was awarded the degree of Magister. For four years he taught German at the Chinese Culture University in Taipai, Taiwan. He has researched and authored various revisionist works since 1991. In 1998, he was, on account of his revisionist books and related writings on the Holocaust, sentenced to 15 months imprisonment without probation at Baden, Switzerland, on the ridiculous charge of “racial discrimination.” Since 2002, Graf has been in exile. Most recently, Graf has been living in Russia with his wife Olga, a historian from Minsk.

Q: What have you been working on recently?

Graf: Unfortunately the circumstances do not allow me to carry out any research. Since 2002, I have only published about ten articles, most of which appeared in Vierteljahreshefte für freie Geschichtsforschung. As you know, there will be no more issues of this fine journal, but I can always write in Sans Concessions, a journal edited by French revisionist Vincent Reynouard, who recently published my attack on Guillaume Faye (“The new Jewish question” or the end of Guillaume Faye) and will also publish my article about the number of victims of the Majdanek Concentration Camp, which is at present being translated into English.

However, I have found the time to write a very large book for the Russian market. It was translated into Russian by historian Anatoli Ivanov and will probably come out in April this year. The title is The New World Order and the Holocaust. Like Germar Rudolf“s Lectures on the Holocaust, the book has the form of a dialogue. A German lecturer, whom I christened Dr. Friedrich Bruckner, is holding a seminar at a Russian institute for the benefit of students who are specializing in German history. About 5% of the contents are taken from Lectures on the Holocaust; it goes without saying that I duly acknowledge this.

Q: Tell us something about your book Holocaust Revisionism. The arguments.

Graf: I wrote this booklet in 1996. If I had to write it today, I would of course add a huge amount of new information, as revisionist research has greatly progressed since 1996. Nevertheless I think that the booklet still is a pretty good introduction to revisionism. – Somebody told me the translation contains one or two glaring errors. I have never seen the printed version.

Q: What is the case the Swiss government has against you?

Graf: In 1998, I went on trial in Baden, Switzerland, for my first four revisionist books plus the brochure About the decline of Swiss freedom. Together with my editor Gerhard Förster, who was so sick at the time of the trial that he had to be brought into the courtroom in a wheelchair, I had been accused of “racial discrimination” on the basis of the “Anti-Racism law” which forbids unspecified crimes such as “denying or minimizing genocide or other crimes against humanity”. This law had been introduced at the behest of Switzerland“s Jewish community. I was sentenced to 15 months in prison without probation and a fine of about 40.000 Swiss francs; Förster got 12 months without probation plus an fine, but he died in September, nine weeks after the trial. Of course, the judge did not make the slightest effort to discuss the arguments exposed in my books. After the Supreme Court had confirmed the verdict, I went into exile on August 15, 2000, my 49th birthday. Should I return now, I would most probably face a new accusation because of the books and articles which I wrote abroad and which are on the Internet, and the fine, which I am of course unable to pay, would be transformed into an additional prison term. Altogether I would presumably go to prison for two to three years. Neither my wife Olga nor myself are willing to accept such a long separation voluntarily.

On my website you can find a long article in the English language which I wrote in Teheran in late 2000 and which contains additional information about my trial. The title of the article is Holocaust Revisionism and its Political Consequences.

Q: Is there any chance that the anti-revisionist laws will be abolished in at least some of the European countries which have adopted them?

Graf: The decision of Spain“s Supreme Court came as a great and pleasant surprise to me, but I am afraid it is an isolated case. In Spain, the Jews are by no means as powerful as in Germany, Austria, France, or Switzerland. Unlike the three first countries, Switzerland has the institution of the “popular initiative”, which means that any party, organization or group can enforce a plebiscite about introducing a new law or abolishing an existing one if it gathers 50.000 signatures within one year. In August 2007, the “Swiss Democrats”, a small right-wing party, launched such an initiative to seek the abolition of the “Anti-Racism Law”, but on their own, they will not possibly be able to gather 100,000 signatures. On the other hand, collecting them will be very easy if Christoph Blocher, the most popular politician of the country, who was recently kicked out of the government, supports the initiative. Although he has criticized the “Anti-Racism Law” and demanded its abolition, I doubt that he will muster the necessary courage to back the initiative. Such a step would constitute a declaration of war against the Jews, and Blocher is the owner of a large company, which the Jews will spare no effort to ruin if the acts against them. – According to an opinion poll in the Zurich weekly Die Weltwoche, a slight majority of the population favors abolishing the law. But in case of a vote, the possibility of fraud is very real.

Q: What do you consider the most important revisionist discoveries of the last years?

Graf: The archeological excavations on the site of the alleged “extermination camp” Belzec (Eastern Poland) and three documents which Mattogno and I found in Russian archives and which prove with absolute certainty that the morgues of the Birkenau crematoria could not possibly have been used as homicidal gas chambers, as the orthodox historians claim.

Ironically, the first of these two discoveries was made possible thanks to the abysmal stupidity of the exterminationists. In 2000, the Holocaust Memorial Museum and a similar Polish organization published a book about the excavations at Belzec (Andrzej Kola, Belzec. The Nazi camp for Jews in the Light of Archeological Sources. Excavations 1997-1999, Warsaw/Washington 2000). Kola pretended to have found material evidence corroborating that Belzec had indeed been an extermination camp. But as Carlo Mattogno brilliantly demonstrates in his book Belzec in Propaganda, Testimonies, Archeological Research and History (Theses & Dissertation Press, Chicago 2004), the results of the excavations conclusively show that only some thousand people perished at Belzec, while the orthodox historians claim 600.000 victims. The presence of human remains on the site of the camp can easily explained by two factors: In 1941, Belzec had been a very inhumanely ruled labor camp before becoming a transit camp in March 1942, and between March and December 1942, 434.000 Jews were deported to this camp before being transferred either into the occupied Eastern Territories or to labor camps in the Lublin district. (The figure of 434.000 results from a German document, the “Höfle telegram”, which is doubtless authentic but constitutes no evidence of mass murder, as David Irving mendaciously claims.) Unavoidably, a certain number of these 434.000 Jews must have died at Belzec. – Moreover the excavations showed that the two “gas chambers” described by witnesses never existed. By ordering these excavations and foolishly publishing their results, the Holocaust Memorial Museum and its Polish friends have furnished irrefutable evidence that Belzec was not an extermination camp.

The three documents about the Birkenau crematoria were published and commented in Carlo Mattogno“s article „Die Leichenkeller der Krematorien von Birkenau im Lichte der Dokumente“ (Vierteljahreshefte für freie Geschichtsforschung 3/2003). Their background is a very gloomy one: Birkenau was infested by rats which feasted on the corpses of deceased prisoners (in 1943, the daily mortality at Auschwitz and Birkenau was about 80, the main cause being spotted fever and other diseases). On 20 July 1943, a German physician, SS-Hauptsturmführer Dr. Wirths, wrote a letter to the chief of the Zentralbauleitung (Central Construction Office) of Auschwitz, Karl Bischoff, urging him to set up “Leichenkammern (“corpse chambers”, i. e. provisional morgues) in the camp in order to reduce the number of rats; being the carriers of bubonic plague, these beasts could provoke an outbreak of this dread disease which would have had “unimaginable consequences” (Wirths). On 4 August, Bischoff replied that such “corpse chambers” were not necessary, as the dead bodies would from now on be taken to the crematoria twice a day. This means that the morgues of the crematoria, which allegedly served as gas chambers, could be used at any time for storing corpses prior to cremation and could not possibly be used as gas chambers. – In May 1944, the problem seems to have appeared again, for on the 22th the new chief of the Central Construction Office, Jothann, answering a new letter on the subject, stated that he would order the corpses to be taken to the crematoria every morning. According to the orthodox historians, up to 400.000 Hungarian Jews were gassed at Birkenau between mid-May and early July 1944. If this were true, the morgues would have been used as gas chambers all the time, so how could any corpses have been stored there!

It would really be interesting what Robert Jan van Pelt, Deborah Lipstadt or Michael Berenbaum would answer if confronted with these documents. We can easily understand why these people are mortally afraid of an open debate.

Q: Which revisionist researchers do you consider the most important ones?

Graf: In alphabetical order: Arthur Butz, Robert Faurisson, Carlo Mattogno, Germar Rudolf and Wilhelm Stäglich. Due credit must also be given to the pioneer, the great Frenchman Paul Rassinier, even if his books contain many errors (which is normal for any pioneer).

Q: Are new revisionist books still necessary, or is it sufficient to spread the existing ones?

Graf: Spreading the existing books – especially Dissecting the Holocaust and Lectures on the Holocaust – is very important indeed, but the task of revisionist researchers is far from finished. Already in 2002, Germar Rudolf, Carlo Mattogno and myself planned to write a huge documentation about Auschwitz, Auschwitz: The Real History. But Germar is now in jail; Carlo (who would write the bulk of the work) and I have the material, but we lack the necessary resources and have no editor. Otherwise the book could be ready in about 15 to 18 months; if we had a qualified translator (who would of course have to be paid adequately), he or she could translate every chapter as soon as it would be available in German, and the two versions could come out together.

Q: Do you see any chances for a revisionist breakthrough?

Graf: I only see two possible scenarios:

1) A huge economic crises which will lead to the collapse of the Jewish-dominated “democratic” system of the West. If authentic Nationalists come to power in either the USA or some major European countries, the hoax will of course be doomed.

2) A confrontation between the Jewish puppet regime in Washington and Russia which will induce Moscow to deal Washington a deadly blow by publishing documents proving that the “extermination camps” belong to the realm of propaganda. There can be no doubt whatsoever that the Russians have such documents.

Q: In the meantime, what can we American revisionists do?

Graf: Continue spreading the truth to those who want to hear it!

 This article originally appeared in Smith“s Report No. 147, February 2008

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