Monday 6 April 2015

Hitler’s Quest for Peace

„The assertion that Germany affected to conquer the world was ridiculous.“
- Hitler’s Communication to Sir. Nevile Henderson, 25th August 1939

Source: “The Triumph of Reason - The Thinking Man’s Hitler” - by Michael Walsh

A Study of War by Prof. Quincy Wright, shows that in the period from 1480 to 1940 there were 278 wars involving European countries whose percentage participation was as follows:  England 28%, France 26%, Spain, 23%, Russia 22%, Austria 19%, Poland 11%, Sweden and Italy 9%, Netherlands 8% and Germany 8%. Sorokin findings concur with Hitler’s: Germany has had the smallest number of years at war.“

„There is not a single German who wants war.  The last war cost us 2 million lives and seven and a half million wounded.  At such a price, this could not have been a victory even if we had won.   What European statesman today could effect a territorial conquest by means of war?  Is it necessary to kill 2 millions in order to conquer a territory with 2 million inhabitants?  For us that would mean sacrificing 2 million Germans - the flower of the nation’s manhood - in exchange for a mixed population that is neither wholly German nor has much in common with Germany.  Sound common-sense is opposed to such a war.“ - Paris Soir, January 26th1936

„The assertion that Germany affected to conquer the world was ridiculous.  The British Empire embraced 40 million square kilometres, Russia 19 million square kilometres, America 9.5 million square kilometres, whereas Germany embraced less than 600,000 square kilometres.  It is quite clear who it is desires to conquer the world.“ - Hitler’s Communication to Sir. Nevile Henderson, 25th August 1939

„If it rests with Germany war will not come again.  This country has a more profound impression than any other of the evil that war causes.  Ninety-five per-cent of the members of the National Administration have had personal experiences of its horrors.

They know that it is not a romantic adventure but a ghastly catastrophe.  It is the disciplined conviction of the National Socialist Movement that war can benefit no one, but only bring general ruin in its train.  To us war would offer no prizes; 1918 was for us a lesson and a warning.

We ask only that our present frontiers shall be maintained.  Believe me, we shall never fight again except in self-defence.  . . . Unless England attacks us, we shall never come into conflict with England on the Rhine or anywhere else.  We want nothing from England.“

„Not even colonies?“ Mr. Ward Price asked: 

„I would not sacrifice the life of a single German to get any colony in the world.  We know that the former German African Colonies are costly luxuries even for England.  The increase in Britain’s air fleet does not cause the slightest resentment in Germany.  You can double, quadruple, your air force, or expand your fleet to any strength you like.  It does not concern us, since we have no intention of attacking you.“

„We are building aeroplanes,“ Mr. Ward Price replied, „because we believe that, just as before the Great War, Germany created a huge naval fleet.“

„You did not feel menaced when France built a great air fleet“ Herr Hitler replied.  „Why should Germany’s measures of self-defence alarm you?  Such steps as we are taking are meant to deal with the fact that we are surrounded on the Continent by a ring of powerful potential foes who may some day make demands of us that we cannot accept.” - Interview with G. Ward Price, Daily Mail. 5th August 1934

„Judea Declares War on Germany!  Jews of all the World Unite!  Boycott of German Goods! Mass Demonstrations!.“ - Daily Express on March, 24th 1933

„The Israeli people around the world declare economic and financial war against Germany.  Fourteen million Jews stand together as one man, to declare war against Germany.  The Jewish wholesaler will forsake his firm, the banker his stock exchange, the merchant his commerce and the pauper his pitiful shed in order to join together in a holy war against Hitler’s people.“ - Daily Express, March 24th 1933

„At the end of our days history will be able to state that we left behind us one Reich, one People.  And for such a programme we need peace, for peace alone can construct.  I know well what war means: I have seen it with my own eyes: and many a statesman has not done that.  It is not as a traitor to my country that I repudiate war:  I repudiate war as a decent German, who, even as a soldier, remained decent, and who is determined to be decent in the future.  For that reason I will not sacrifice the German people’s right to live or the German honour.“ - Elbing, 5th November 1933.

„Historians will one day record that never were the peaceful proposals of one man met with more hatred than mine.  When Germany became the example to the world of the peaceful solution of social problems and economic difficulties, the hatred of the Bolsheviks and capitalists, the exploiters of nations, was turned against her.  Only then did I turn to create the new German Wehrmacht.“ - 1936


„If the Germany of today takes her stand on the side of peace she does so not because of weakness or cowardice.  She takes her stand on the side of peace because of the National Socialist conception of People and State.  In each and every war for the subjugation of an alien people, National Socialism recognises a process which sooner or later will alter the inner nature of the victor - will weaken him and therewith render him vanquished in turn.  (The reverse coloured-colonisation of contemporary Britain is a good example of this. ed.)  Setting aside a mere transitory weakening of the enemy, the European states have nothing whatsoever to gain from war of any kind, except a trifling alteration of frontiers which could be entirely out of proportion to the sacrifices entailed.  The blood that was shed on European battlefields during the past 300 years bears no proportion to the national result of the events.  In the end France has remained France, Germany Germany, Poland Poland and Italy Italy.“ -’The Thirteen Points’, Reichstag Speech

„The rest of the world, however, whom we have done no wrong and whom we ask nothing but to be left to go our way in peace, has for months past been engaged in spreading lying reports and slander about us.  During the time that a national revolution was taking place in Germany, which, unlike the French and Russian revolutions, did not indulge in human carnage or murder hostages, did not, as in the times of the rising in Paris and of the red revolutionaries in Bavaria and Hungary, destroy buildings and works of art by fire, but which, on the contrary, did not smash a single shop window, and neither plundered shops nor damaged houses.“ - Adolf Hitler                                               

Referring to the original aims of the Geneva Red Cross Convention to work towards reducing armaments, Hitler stated his intention to extend this.  „..... In this instance the German Government have in mind to ban all arms which bring death and destruction not so much to the fighting soldiers but to non-combatant women and children.... they believe that it will be possible to proscribe the use of certain arms as contrary to international law and to excommunicate from the community of mankind - its rights and its laws - those nations who continue to use them.” -’The Thirteen Points’, Reichstag Speech

„Three times I have made concrete offers for armament restriction.  These offers were rejected.  The greatest offer which I then  made was that Germany and France together should reduce their standing armies to 300,000 men; that Germany, Great Britain and France, should bring down their air forces to parity and that Germany and Great Britain should conclude a naval agreement.  Only the last offer was accepted as real limitation of armaments.  The other German proposals were either flatly refused or where answered by the conclusion of those alliances which gave Central Europe to Soviet Russia as the field of play for its gigantic forces.“ - Adolf Hitler

„The German nation has more than fulfilled its obligations with regard to disarmament.  It is now the turn of the highly armed states to fulfil similar obligations to no less extent.“ - October 14th 1933

„All through these long years we have never had another prayer but this: Lord, give our people eternal peace and give and maintain peace abroad.  We have experienced in our generation so much fighting that it is natural that we should wish for peace.  We have behind us so much of hardship that we can address to the grace and the kindliness of Providence our one prayer: Spare our children that which we had to endure.“  - Parteitag, Nuremberg, 11th September 1936.


„When I talk of peace I am doing nothing but giving expression to the profoundest and most sincere wish of the German people.   I know the horrors of war too well.  No possible profits could justify the sacrifices and the sufferings that war entails.  And the results of another general bout of European slaughter would be even more catastrophic in the future than in the past.   The only gainers would be the Communists, and I have not fought them for fifteen years, only at the end, by this roundabout means, to set up their mad rule.

My aim is the well-being of my people.  I saw no well-being in the war; on the contrary, I saw only bitter suffering.  I will say only two things quite plainly:   1) Germany for her part will never break the peace.  2) If anyone should attack us, they will fall on a hornets nest - for we love freedom just as much as we love peace.” - Interview with Mr. G. Ward-Price, 17th January 1935

With remarkable foresight the orator of 1923 predicted the post War German Governments:  „Then things will come to such a pass that we shall be a people working for alien masters.  Germany will be a plantation worked at the will of the alien, the victim of alien cupidity, with a Government which has ceased to be a Government at all since it governs no longer; it is but a bailiff carrying out the orders of foreign powers.“ - Munich. 20th April 1923.
“… against the whole war-agitation of shrieking foreigners’ he set his own proud confidence which nothing could shake. „You will no regard that, my old comrades, as arrogance.  How could a man think otherwise, who twenty years ago began as a man without a name, who nineteen years ago stood for the first time in this place before a crowd which was still partly hostile and vociferating against him - stood there utterly lonely, who with a few dozen others entered on a fight to win a great Reich, who went on this inconceivably difficult way - how can one think for a second that such a man, now in possession of power, could have fear of the threats of others?  I had no fear then and I should be ashamed of myself and unworthy to be the Leader of the German nation if I had any fears today.  They will not terrify us with their threats.  But should they ever really bring the peoples to the madness of a conflict, then surely we would not capitulate.  The year 1918 will never be repeated in German history.“ - Speech to the Old Guard, Munich, 24th February 1939.

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