Saturday 6 April 2019

Diplomatic and Military Chronology of the Third Reich 1934 - 1942

By Reichsleiter Philipp Bouhler

January 26, 1934
German-Polish treaty concluded on Adolf Hitler’s and Pilsudski’s initiative.

September 13, 1934
Announcement of the execution of the minority system by Poland.

June 18, 1935
German-English fleet treaty.

November 5, 1937
Declaration of agreement by the German and Polish government over the protection of minorities by both sides.

March 12, 1938
Austria’s unification with the German Reich.

September 29, 1938
Munich Agreement about the integration of the Sudeten-German regions into the German Reich.

October 24, 1938
First conference of Reich Foreign Minister von Ribbentrop with the Polish Ambassador Lipski in Berchtesgaden about the German proposal for an amiable solution to the Danzig and corridor question.

January 5, 1939
Conference of the Führer with the Polish Foreign Minister Beck in Berchtesgaden about the German proposal for a peaceful solution of the Danzig and corridor question.

March 15, 1939
Creation of the autonomous Reich protectorate Bohemia and Moravia inside the German Reich.

March 22, 1939
Return of the Memel region to the German Reich.

March 23, 1939
Partial mobilization in Poland.

March 31, 1939
English guarantee declaration for Poland.

April 6, 1939
Publication of England’s and Poland’s reciprocal guarantee agreements.

April 28, 1939
The Führer’s Reichstag speech, nullification of the German-Polish declarations of
January 26, 1934 and of the German-English fleet treaty.

May 7, 1939
Conclusion of the German-Italian military alliance.

May 5, 1939
Turkish-British guarantee treaty.

May 14, 1939
Polish attack against the German population in Tomaschow.

May 21, 1939
Shooting to death of a Danzig state citizen on Danzig soil from Polish diplomat’s vehicle.

May 22, 1939
Signing of the German-Italian military alliance in Berlin.

June 23, 1939
Turkish-French aid pact.

August 11-13, 1939
Italian Foreign Minister Count Ciano in Salzberg/Berchtesgaden.

August 11, 1939
Arrival of an English-French military mission in Moscow.

August 14, 1939
Mass arrests of Germans in Upper Silesia.

August 19, 1939
Conclusion of a German - Soviet Russian trade and credit treaty.

August 23, 1939
Signing of the German-Russian Consultation and Non-Aggression Pact.

August 23, 19439
First case of the bombardment of a German commercial aircraft by Polish anti-aircraft guns.

August 25, 1939
German commercial aircraft with State Secretary Stuckardt as passenger fired upon by Poles.

August 25, 1939
Departure of the English-French military mission from Moscow without results.

August 25, 1939
Personal messenger from the Führer to Daladier.

August 26, 1939
Daladier’s personal letter to the Führer.

August 27, 1939
A patrol of the German customs station Flammber i. O. is fired upon by a Polish border patrol.

August 27, 1939
The Führer’s reply to French Minister-President Daladier.

August 28, 1939
Polish troops cross the Ratibor and Reich border in Rosenberg county; firefight with German soldiers.

August 28, 1939
British proposal to mediate direct German-Polish negotiations.

August 29, 1939
Polish firing upon the German customs house Sonnenwalde (Pomerania) and upon a German border watch company at Beuthen.

August 30, 1939
General mobilization in Poland instead of dispatch of an emissary.

August 30, 1939
Formation of the Ministerial Council for Reich Defense under General Field Marshall Göring.

August 30 and 31, 1939
Various Polish attacks against German Reich territory.

September 1, 1939
In the first morning hours, Polish artillery bombards the open German city Beuthen.

September 1,1939
The Führer’s Reichstag speech.

September 1, 1939
The Führer’s Appeal to the Wehrmacht.

September 1, 1939
Danzig’s reunification with the Reich.

September 1, 1939
Beginning of the German counter-thrust.

September 2, 1939
Mussolini’s mediation proposal and its rejection by England and Poland.

September 3, 1939
England’s ultimatum to Germany and its rejection; England and France declare war against the German Reich.

September 3,1939
The Führer’s appeal to the German folk, the NSDAP and to the West and East Army.

September 10-12, 1939
Battle of annihilation at Radom, 60,000 Poles captured.

September 17, 1939
Soviet-Russian troops cross the Polish border.

September 18, 1939
English aircraft carrier “Courageous” sunk.

September 10-19, 1939
Battle in the Vistula Bend, over 170,000 prisoners.

September 19,1939
The Führer’s speech in liberated Danzig.

September 22, 1939
Setting of the German - Soviet Russian demarcation line.

September 27, 1939
Warsaw capitulates.

September 28, 1939
German - Soviet Russian border and friendship treaty and German-Russian step for peace.

October 3, 1939
Chamberlain’s declaration before the House of Commons means rejection of the German-Russian peace initiative.

October 5, 1939
The Führer in Warsaw.

October 5,1939
The Führer’s order of the day to the Wehrmacht.

October 6,1939
The Führer’s settling of accounts before the Reichstag.

October 8, 1939
New Order in the East, creation of the Reich Provinces Danzig - West Prussia and Posen.

October 10, 1939
The Führer’s appeal for the First Winter Aid Work.

October 12, 1939
Chamberlain once again rejects the Führer’s hand of peace in his House of Commons declaration

October 14, 1939
Lieutenant Prien’s U-boat sinks the British battleship “Royal Oak: and torpedoes the battleship “Repulse”.

October 15, 1939
German-Estonian resettlement treaty.

October 16, 1939
Successful German air attack against English ships in the Firth of Forth.

October 16, 1939
French troops evacuate the German region in the foreground of the West Wall.

October 17, 1939
First German air attack against the British fleet at Scapa Flow.

October 20, 1939
Turks-French-British aid treaty.

October 30, 1939
German-Latvian resettlement treaty.

November 8, 1939
The Führer’s speech in the Munich Bürgerbräukeller.

November 8, 1939
Failed bomb assassination attempt against the Führer.

November 9, 1939
Arrest of the chief of the British Secret Service for Western Europe on the German-Dutch border.

November 12, 1939
Rejection of the Dutch-Belgian mediation proposal by England and France.

November 16, 1939
German - Soviet Russian resettlement treaty.

November 23, 1939
Torpedoing of the British cruiser “Belfast” in the Firth of Forth.

November 27, 1939
British enactment of the blockade of German exports in violation of international law.

November 27, 1939
British auxiliary cruiser “Ravalpidy” sunk in the sea battle at Iceland.

November 28, 1939
Lieutenant Priem sinks British cruiser of the London class.

November 30, 1939
Outbreak of the Finnish-Russian conflict.

December 4, 1939
British blockade in violation of international law begins.

December 8, 1939
Consecration of the Adolf Hitler Canal and first dig with a spade of the Oder-Danube canal.

December 12, 1939
Lloyd steamer “Bremen” returns to the homeland after breakthrough through the British blockade.

December 13, 1939
Successful sea battle of the armored ship “Admiral Graf Spree” at the mouth of the La Plata.

December 14, 1939
Ten British bombers shot down over the Northern Frisian islands.

December 17, 1939
Armored ship “Admiral Graf Spree” sunk on the Führer’s orders.

December 18, 1939
36 British warplanes shot down in the Day of Germany.

December 17-19, 1939
23 British sentry ships sunk.

December 21, 1939
German-Italian resettlement treaty for the Germans in Oberetsch.

December 23-25, 1939
The Führer on the western front.

December 29, 1939
British cruiiser of the Queen Elizabeth class torpedoed.

January 1, 1940
The Führer’s appeal to the party and Wehrmacht at New Year.

January 5, 1940
Scene change in the British cabinet, Hore Belisha’s and MacMillan’s resignation.

January 10, 1940
Over 185,00 ethnic Germans from Oberetsch opt for the German Reich.

January 16, 1940
Destruction of two British U-boats in the Bay of Germany.

January 30,1940
The Führer’s Sportpalast speech.

February 7, 1940
Alsace-Lorraine autonomy leader Dr. Roos shot dead in Nancy, two Irish republicans executed in Birmingham.

February 10, 1940
The Foreign Office releases the previous total figure for the number of dead in the German ethnic group in Posen of 58,000.

November 2, 1940
German - Soviet-Russian economic treaty.

February 2, 1940
Assignment to Dr. Ley for the working out of comprehension elderly care for the German folk.

February 16, 1940
Cowardly attack by British naval forces against the German steamer “Altmark” in Norwegian sovereign waters.

November 17, 1940
Lame protest declaration by the Norwegian government against the British violation of neutrality.

February 24,1940
Führer speech in the Munich Hofbräuhaus.

March 2, 1940
Proud survey by the High Command of the Wehrmacht of the events of the first half year of war.

March 3, 1940
Opening of the Leipzig war trade show.

March 10,1940
The Führer’s heroes remembrance speech.

March 18, 1940
The Führer meets with Il Duce at the Brenner Pass.

March 20, 1940
The Daladier government in France resigns. Paul Reynaud takes over formation of the government.

March 29, 1940
New German White book on the hand of official Polish original documents: Evidence of the war guilt of the western powers.

April 3, 1940
English Prime Minister announces the sharpening of the economic war, in which the Nordic states as well are supposed to be subjugated to English measures of compulsion.

April 8, 1940
The western powers inform Norway that they contaminate Norwegian territorial waters with mines for the prevention of ore shipments to Germany.

April 9, 1940
German protective measures or Denmark and Norway.
Memorandum from the Reich government to Denmark aid Norway. Systemic execution of the occupation of Denmark and the Norwegian coast.

April 10, 1940
English attempts to penetrate via Narvik into Norway repelled.

April 13, 1940
German naval forces repel a large-scale attack by an English squadron in front of Narvik.

April 17, 1940
The Führer’s proclamation for the War Aid Work for the German Red Cross.

April 20, 1940
The German folk celebrates the Führer’s 51st birthday.

April 21, 1940
Land connection from Oslo via Krisitiansand to Stavanger established, Gjoevik and Lillehammer taken.

April 21, 1940
England opens the air war against undefended towns with the bombing of non-military targets on the island of Sylt.

April 27,1940
Ribbentrop’s declaration on the political situation. White Book No. 4.

April 30, 1940
German troops in daring advance establish the land connection Oslo-Drontheim.
The Führer’s order of the day to the soldiers of the Norwegian theater.

May 2, 1940
After a panicked retreat, the English give up Andalsnes, board ships and leave the Norwegians in the lurch.

May 3, 1940
Destruction of a British battleship by aerial bombs.

May 6, 1940
The High Command of the Wehrmacht declares the pacification action in central and southern Norway ended.

May 9, 1940
Release of the Norwegian prisoners by the Führer’s decree.
Memorandum to Belgium, Holland and Luxembourg.

May 10, 1940
The German Wehrmacht crosses the Dutch, Belgian and Luxembourg borders along the broadest front.
The Führer’s Order of the Day to the soldiers of the western front.
British Prime Minister Chamberlain resigns. Churchill takes his place.

May 11, 1940
In Holland, the province Groningen occupied, the Jissel position and the Grebbe Line broken through.
In Belgium, the crossing over the Albert Canal forced. Luxembourg in German hands. The strongest fort of Fortress Lüttich, Eben Emael, taken.

May 13, 1940
The war flag on the citadel of Lüttich.

May 14, 1940
Capitulation of the Dutch troops after the fall of Rotterdam.

May 14, 1940
The Führer’s gratitude to the soldiers employed in Holland.

May 15, 1940
Northeast of Namur, a French tank attack is successfully repelled.

May 16, 1940
The Maginot Line south of Maubeuge broken through on a breadth of over 100 kilometers. French tank forces beaten west of Dinant.

May 17, 1940
Mecheln and Löwen taken after heavy fighting. Brussels surrenders without a fight.

May 18, 1940
Capture of Antwerpen.
Reich Minister Dr. Seyss-Inquart made Reich Commissar for the occupied Dutch regions.

May 20, 1940
The supreme commander of the French army, General Gamelin, relieved. Weyand takes his place.

May 25, 1940
Calais taken.

May 27, 1940
Capitulation of the Belgian army.

May 29, 1940
German troops assault Ypern and Kemmel.

May 30, 1940
The remnants of the English expeditionary force flee on ships abandoning all war material.

June 1, 1940
Destruction of the expeditionary force boarding in Dunkirk.
The Dutch prisoners freed by the Führer’s decree.

April 4, 1940
Fortress Dunkirk taken after heavy fighting.

June 5, 1940
The Führer’s proclamation to the German folk. The Führer’s order of the day to the soldiers of the western front.

June 6, 1940
French Foreign Minister Daladier resigns.

June 7, 1940
The Weygand Line broken through along the whole front.

June 9, 1940
The enemy’s attempt to stop the German attack at any price thwarted after four-day long battle in the Somme-Oise region.

June 10, 1940
Withdrawal of the English troops from Narvik. - Narvik permanently in German hands. - Cessation of hostilities in Norway.
King Haakon of Norway flees to England.

June 11, 1940
The French government flees from Paris.

June 13, 1940
Final report about the actions in the Norway.

June 13, 1940
The Führer’s order of the day to the Norway fighters.

June 14, 1940
German troops
March into Paris.
Resistance of the French northern front broken.

June 15, 1940
Verdun taken. - The Reich war flags flies over the castle of Versailles.

June 17, 1940
The Reynaud cabinet resigns. Marshal Petain takes over the government.

June 18, 1940
The Führer and Il Duce meet in Munich for a consultation.

June 19, 1940
Greater Germany’s flag flies over the Strasbourg cathedral.

June 20, 1940
France asks Italy for an armistice.

June 21, 1940
Presentation of the German armistice terms to the French authorities in the forest of Compiegne.
The Führer’s order about the historical site of Compiegne.

June 22, 1940
France signs the armistice treaty. - Capitulation of the encircled French armies in Alsace-Lorraine.

June 24, 1940
The Führer’s proclamation on the end of the war in the west.
Churchill does not recognize the Petain government and urges France to continued resistance.

June 26,1940
The USA recognizes the Petain government.

June 27, 1940
German troops reach the Spanish border.
The Turkish Minister-President declares: Turkey is not entering the war.

June 28, 1940
New German White Book (No. 5): Additional documents about the western powers’ war expansion policy.

July 1, 1940
The Romanian ministerial board decides the change of its foreign pol-icy and renounces the guarantee given it an April 13, 1939 by England and France.

July 2, 1940
Final report by the High Command of the Wehrmacht on the campaign in the west.
The British Channel Islands Jersey and Guernsey are taken in a surprise attack.

July 3, 1940
White Book No. 6, summarization of the captured Polish secret files of the French general staff.

July 6, 1940
The Führer’s triumphant return to the Reich capital.

July 8, 1940
France breaks diplomatic relations with England after the attack against Oran.

July 18, 1940
Germany troops landed on the channel island d’Quessant.

July 19, 1940
The Führer speaks to the German folk and to the world.

July 21, 1940
Lithuania, Latvia and Estonia declare their states’ entry into the USSR.

July 26,1940
German-Turkish trade agreement signed.

July 29, 1940
Romania blocks the mouth of the Danube as security measure against English infringements.

August 2, 1940
Foreign policy speech by Russian Peoples Commissar Molotow: “The friendly and neighborly relations between the Soviet Union and Germany will remain totally preserved.”

August 7, 1940
The Führer names as chief of the civilian administration in Lorraine Josef Bürkel, as chief of the civilian administration in Alsace Robert Wagner, as chief of the civilian administration in Luxemburg Gustav Simon, as provincial leader and Reich Regent of Vienna Baldur von Schirach.

August 15, 1940
143 English airplanes and 21 blocking balloons destroyed. Auxiliary cruiser sunk.

August 17, 1940
Germany hangs total blockade over England.
The General-Government is declared part of the Greater German Reich.

August 18, 1940
138 enemy airplanes destroyed.

August 19, 1940
147 British airplanes and 33 blocking balloons destroyed.

August 30, 1940
New border between Hungary and Romania according to the arbitration of the Axis Powers.

August 31, 1940
133 British planes and 44 blocking balloons shot down.

September 4, 1940
The Führer opens the 2nd War Aid Work.

September 6, 1940
King Carol renounces the Romanian thrown. Crown Price Michael his successor. General Antonescu obtains extraordinary powers.

September 7, 1940
Beginning of the retaliatory attacks against London under the leadership of Reich Marshal Goering.

September 16, 1940
Abolition of the customs border between protectorate and Reich territory.

September 19, 1940
Reich Foreign Minister von Ribbentrop in Rome.

September 26, 1940
Reich Commissar Terboven over the new order in Norway.

September 27, 1940
Signing of the Axis Pact between Germany, Italy and Japan.

September 27, 1940
Attacks against London, Bristol and Liverpool.
101 British airplanes shot down.

September 28, 1940
Italy’s Foreign Minister, Count Ciano, arrives for conferences with the Reich government.

September 30, 1940
Moscow brings to expression its friendly stance toward the Axis Pact. New German-Russian railroad agreement.

October 5, 1940
The Führer and Il Duce meet at the Brenner Pass.

October 15, 1940
A delegation of front peasants with the Führer on the occasion of the Harvest Gratitude Day. Führer’s speech.

October 19, 1940
Devastating blow by German U-boats against a British convoy. 26 steamers with 150,000 gross registered tons sunk in one night.

October 20, 1940
U-boat arm sinks 110,000 gross registered tons in one night.

October 23, 1940
Meeting of the Führer with Generalissimo Franco.

October 24, 1940
The Führer receives French Chief of State Petain in occupied French territory.
London experiences the 250th air alarm.

October 26, 1940
The Reich Marshal proclaims on behalf of the Führer the 2nd Four Year Plan.

October 28, 1940
The Führer’s meeting with Il Duce in Florence. Note of the Italian government to Greece.

October 29, 1940
Italian troops cross the Albanian-Greek border.

November 4, 1940
Dr. Ley announces mighty social plans after the war.

November 6, 1940
Roosevelt re-elected President of the USA.
Since the beginning of the war, 7 million gross registered tons of enemy shipping sunk.

November 8, 1940
The Führer’s speech before the Old Guard in Munich
Total annihilation of a British convoy on the North Atlantic route, in the process 86,000 gross registered tons sunk.

November 11-14, 1940
Visit of Soviet-Russian Foreign Minister Molotow in Berlin.

November 14, 1940
The Führer’s address before armaments and front workers.

November 15, 1940
The Führer decrees a generous residence construction program for the time after the war and orders immediate preparations for it.

November 16, 1940
Antonescu’s declaration: Romania Marches with the Axis to the end.

November 20, 1940
Hungary joins the Axis Pact.

November 23, 1940
Romania joins the Axis Pact.

November 24, 1940
Slovakia joins the Axis Pact.
English Ambassador in the USA, Lord Lothian, asks the USA for extensive support.

December 3, 1940
German U-boats sink 15 ships from a convoy with more then 100,000 gross registered tons and an auxiliary cruiser of 17,000 gross registered tons.

December 4, 1940
Romanian Ten-Year Plan in cooperation with Germany.

December 8, 1940
The Führer orders the re-naming of the province Saarpfalz into Westmark.

December 10, 1940
The Führer speaks at a large rally in a Berlin armaments plant.

December 24, 1940
Christmas celebration of the old fighters in the presence of the Führer.

January 1, 1941
The Führer’s New Years proclamation to the NSDAP. New Year’s greeting to the three arms of service.

January 2, 1941
High Command of the Wehrmacht report on the second half of war year 1940.

January 3, 1941
Detachments of the German Luftwaffe travel to Italy in order to participate in the fighting in the Mediterranean.

January 10, 1941
German-Russian border treaty; economic exchange broadened; German-Russian resettlement agreement.
Roosevelt brings the England Aid Law before Congress.

January 18, 1941
Individual attacks by German warplanes against the Suez Canal.

January 20, 1941
The Führer’s meeting with II Duce.

January 27, 1941
Province of Silesia divided into the provinces Lower Silesia and Upper Silesia.

January 30, 1941
The Führer’s speech on the anniversary of the rise to power.

February 3, 1941
First riots in Johannesburg. Clashes between Boor populace and South African military.

February 7, 1941
Province Coblenz-Trier renamed Moselland.

February 13, 1941
The German navy sinks in the Atlantic 14 ships from a British convoy (about 90,000 gross registered tons.).

February 14, 1941
Reception of Yugoslavian Minister-President Zwetkowitsch and Foreign Minister Cincar Markowitsch by the Führer.

February 17, 1941
Bulgarian-Turkish friendship and peace declaration.

February 24, 1941
A strongly protected convoy wiped out by German U-boats. In two days 217,000 gross registered tons sunk by the navy.
The Führer speaks at the Party Founding Meeting in the Münchener Hofbräuhaus.

February 26, 1941
Economic agreement Germany-Italy.

March 1, 1941
Bulgaria joins the Axis Pact.

March 2, 1941
For the defense against British measures in southeastern Europe, German troops enter Bulgaria.

March 5, 1941
Ambassador von Papen hands the President of the Turkish Republic the Führer’s personal greeting.

March 6, 1941
London experiences the 500th air alarm.

March 7, 1941
Revelations by a Hungarian periodical: Roosevelt tried to push an aid promise on Yugoslavia on February 2, 1941.

March 10, 1941
Generous securing of the future of war orphans and of the children of the severely war-wounded.

March 11, 1941
Roosevelt England Aid Law finally adopted in the USA.
Japanese Foreign Minister Matsuoka’s trip to Berlin and Rome. Japan’s mediation proposal accepted by France and Thailand.

March 12, 1941
The Führer speaks on the 3rd anniversary of Austria’s return in Linz.

March 15, 1941
The USA decides the delivery of 99 warships to England.

March 16, 1941
Adolf Hitler speaks in the Berliner armory on Heroes Remembrance Day.

March 20, 1941
Presentation of the Turkish State President’s autograph-letter to the Führer by the Turkish ambassador.
Eden’s new meeting with Turkish Foreign Minister Saracoglu.

March 21, 1941
Reception of Hungarian Foreign Minister Bardossy by the Führer.

March 23, 1941
Discussion of Japanese Foreign Minister Matsuoka with the Soviet government in Moscow on his trip to Berlin.

March 25, 1941
Yugoslavia’s joining of the Three Powers Pact.
Iceland’s inclusion into the German operations area.
Turkish-Soviet communique.

March 26, 1941
Ceremonious reception of the Japanese Foreign Minister in the Reich capital.

March 27, 1941
In the course of General Simowitsch’s coup d’état, underage Peter II. assumes royal powers in Yugoslavia.

March 28, 1941
Flight of the previous Yugoslavian Zwetkowitsch government.

March 29, 1941
Continued trip of the Japanese Foreign Minister to Italy.
Anti-German demonstrations in Belgrade increase in scope.
Repeated aid promise from the USA to Yugoslavia.

March 31, 1941
Call to colors in Yugoslavia.

April 1, 1941
Leaders of the German ethnic group taken as hostages by the Serbs.

April 3, 1941
German and Italian formations conquer Agedabia.

April 4, 1941
New reception of the Japanese Foreign Minister by the Führer on his return trip from Rome.
Formation of a new government in Hungary by former Foreign Minister Bardossy.
Pro-English government in Iraq eliminated through coup d’état.

April 5, 1941
In March, 718,000 gross registered tons of enemy shipping sunk.
Since April 15th, the Yugoslavian armed forced had been put on extreme alert.

April 6, 1941
Entry of German troops into Serbia and Greece.
The Führer’s proclamation and order of the day to the German folk and to the soldiers of the southern front.
Memorandums from the German government to the governments of Yugoslavia and Greece.

April 7, 1941
Signing of a Soviet-Yugoslavian non-aggression and friendship pact. White Book No. 7: documents on Yugoslavia’s and Greece’s neutrality-contrary bearing.

April 8, 1941
Air attacks against Belgrade and Ueskiib.
Serbian air attacks against Hungary.
Severance of England’s diplomatic relations with Hungary.
Flight of the new Yugoslavian government.

April 9, 1941
After the capture of Ueskiib and Veles and after the crossing of the Wardar, the cities Tetovo and Prilep taken by German troops.
After breakthrough through the Metaxas Line, capture of Xanti and reaching the Aegean Sea.
Capture of Saloniki by German panzer formations.
Capitulation of the Greek troops in Thrace.
Capture of Nisch.
Occupation of Marburg on the Drau.
Capture of El Mechili in Cyrenaika, capture of 6 generals.
Matsuoka’s second visit in Moscow on his return trip to Japan.

April 11, 1941
Serbian resistance in Croatia collapsed.
Entry of Hungarian troops into Yugoslavia.
Linkup of German and Italian formations at Lake Ochrida.
Laibach’s occupation by Italian troops.
In North Africa, capture of Derna.

April 12, 1941
Capture of Agram.
Declaration of a free independent Croatia. Assumption of military leadership by General Kvaternik; Chief of State: Dr. Pavelitsch. Declaration of Iraq’s independence.

April 13, 1941
Entry of German panzer troops into Belgrade.
Capture of Capuzzo and Solium in North Africa.
Neutrality pact between Japan and the Soviet Union.

April 14, 1941
Flight of the British troops from Greece.
Capture of Bardia in North Africa.

April 15, 1941
Encirclement of the remnants of the Serbian army, capture of the supreme commander of the southern army.
In the regions previously belonging to Syria and Carthinia, the responsible governors establish the new civilian administration.
Recognition of Croatia’s independence by the Führer and Il Duce.

April 16, 1941
Surrender of the second Serbian army, occupation of Serajewo.

April 17, 1941
Unconditional capitulation of the Yugoslavian armed forces.

April 18, 1941
The Führer’s appeal for the second War Winter Aid Work for the Ger-man Red Cross.

April 19, 1941
Expansion of the blockade against Serbia by England.
Retreat by British and Greek armed forces on the northern front in Greece.
France’s resignation from the Geneva League.

April 21, 1941
Landing of English troops in Iraq.
Capture of Larissa by German troops.
Reception of Count Ciano by the Führer in Vienna.

April 23, 1941
Unconditional capitulation of the Greek Epirus and Macedonian army.

April 24, 1941
Reception of the Hungarian Reich Regent Admiral von Horthy by the Führer.

April 25, 1941
Capture of the pass of Thermopylae.

April 26, 1941
Occupation of the islands Lemnos, Thasos and Samotraki.
Crossing of Euböas.
England transfers the defense of Hong Kong and Singapore to the USA’s East Asian fleet.

April 27, 1941
Occupation of Athens.
Capture of Patras by the Adolf Hitler Body Guard Regiment
Installation of Bulgarian administration in Uesküb.
Italian civilian commissar for Montenegro.
Resignation of the supreme commander of the Greek armed forces, General Papagos.

April 30, 1941
German troops reach the southern coast of the Peloponnesus.

May 1, 1941
Expansion of the blockade of Greece with the exception of Crete by England.

May 2, 1941
Iraq's uprising against England.
Formation of new government in Greece under General Tsolakoglu.
Demobilization of the Greek army.

May 4, 1941
The Führer’s speech before the German Reichstag.
Providence of Laibach declared Italian sovereign territory.

May 6, 1941
Trade treaty Japan-Indochina.

May 7, 1941
Stalin chairman of the Council of Peoples’ Commissars.
Declaration of the “Greek state”.
Removal from office of King George II. of Greece.

May 8, 1941
Matsuoka’s warning to America: Given acts of war by the USA against Germany, Japan will fulfill its alliance obligations.

May 10, 1941
Repeated appeal by Iraq’s government to the Arab folks for the war of liberation against England.

May 11, 1941
Visit by Admiral Darlan with the Führer.

May 12, 1941
Proclamation of holy war by the Grand Mufti of Jerusalem.
Occupation of the Thracian coast by Bulgarian troops.

May 17, 1941
Declaration by Irish Minister-President de Valera: Ireland will defend its right on every side.
Appeal by French Chief of State Marshal Petain to the French folk to follow him on the path of honor and of the national interests.

May 19, 1941
Surrender of Amba Aladschi by the Italians after heroic defensive fighting. Capture of the Duke of Aosta, Vice-King of Ethiopia, along with his troops.

May 20, 1941
Landing of German glider troops and paratroops on Crete.

May 21, 1941
Iceland’s declaration of independence.

May 24, 1941
Destruction of the world’s largest battleship “Hood” by the German battleship “Bismarck”.

May 26, 1941
The enemy’s losses in the fight for Crete: 11 cruisers, 8 destroyers, 6 speedboats.

May 27, 1941
Destruction of the battleship “Bismarck” under the effect of superior enemy force.
Capture of Kanae, Crete’s capital.

May 28th
Bombardment of the French harbor Sfax in Tunis by the British air-force.
Landing of Italian troops in the eastern part of Crete.

May 29, 1941
Argentina’s declaration of neutrality.

May 30th:
Fight of English troops toward Crete’s southern coast.
Declaration by the Japanese Foreign Minister: Japan will fulfill all obligations of the Triple Pact.
The French government’s protest in London because of the bombardment of the Tunisian harbor Sfax.

May 31, 1941
New British attack against the French harbor Sfax in Tunis.
Fighting for Baghdad between English and Iraqi troops.

June 1, 1941
Syria and Lebanon included in the British blockade.

June 2, 1941
The Führer’s and Il Duce’s meeting at the Brenner Pass.
Crete totally in German and Italian hands.
Baghdad given up by the Iraqi troops.

June 6, 1941
Reception of Croatian state leader Pavelitsch by the Führer.
Training of English fliers in the USA announced.

June 8, 1941
Invasion by English troops, supported by General De Gaulle’s formations, into Syria.
USA takes French West Indian islands Martinique and Guadeloupe.

June 9, 1941
French government’s protest to the English government because of the invasion into Syria.

June 11, 1941
Overall losses of the enemy since the beginning of the year in shipping: 2,235,000 gross registered tons.

June 12, 1941
Reception of Romanian state leader General Antonescu by the Führer.

June 15, 1941
Croatia’s joining of the Three Powers Pact.

June 17, 1941
Japanese ambassador’s departure from London.
Deportation of the German consulate officials as well as other German employees from the USA.
Heavy fighting for Solium in North Africa.

June 18, 1941
German-Turkish friendship pact.

June 19, 1941
An autograph-letter from the Turkish State-President handed to the Führer by the Turkish ambassador.
Closing of the American consulates and travel offices in the Reich and in the lands occupied by German troops.
Closing of the American consulates in Italy.
The British attack against Solium repulsed.

June 20, 1941
Fight for Damascus in Syria.

June 21, 1941
Closing of the Italian consulates by the USA’s government.
The Japanese Foreign Minister’s declaration: Japan’s foreign policy remains unchanged.
Evacuation of the Syrian capital Damascus by the French troops.

June 22, 1841
German troops cross the German-Soviet interest sphere border.
The Führer’s proclamation to the German folk and to the soldiers of the eastern front.
State of war between Italy and the Soviet Union.
General Antonescu’s appeal to the Romanian folk to fight.
Fighting by Finnish and German troops on Karela’s border.
Severing of the Slovakian government’s relations with Soviet Russia. Achievement of air domination in the eastern region on the 1st day of the war.

June 23, 1941
Turkey’s neutrality declaration in view of Germany’s war with the Soviet Union.
Fortress Grodno fallen.
Reception of the Italian Minister for Culture Pavolini by the Führer.

June 24, 1941
Systematic course of the military operations in the east.
Slovakia’s entry into the war against the Soviet Union.
Severing of Hungary’s relations with Soviet-Russia.
Capture of Brest-Litowsk, Vilna and Kowno.

June 25, 1941
Danish emissary’s recall from Moscow.
Sweden grants the German-Finnish request to transport troops from Norway to Finland on the Swedish railroad.
An English military delegation’s trip to Moscow.

June 26, 1941
Finland’s official entry onto the war against the Soviet Union. Brazilian State-President Vargas’ repeated declaration of neutrality. Hungary’s entry into the war against the Soviet Union.
Formation of a voluntary Falange corps in Spain for the fight against the Soviet Union.
Norwegian volunteers brought together in the Regiment Nordland, Dutch, Flemish, Walloon volunteers in the Regiment Westland.

June 28, 1941
The High Command of the Wehrmacht’s first reports about the course of the war in the east.
Successful conclusion of the two-day panzer battle at Kowno.
East of Bialystok, two Soviet armies encircled.
Advance of German panzer divisions north of Lemberg to Luck.

July 1, 1941
Capture of Riga.
Recognition of the Nanking government by the Axis powers.

July 2, 1941
Panzer battles at Zloczow and Dubnow. Previously 100,000 prisoners, 400 tanks and 300 guns in the Bialystok pocket.
Advance of German and Finnish formation in central and northern Finland across the Soviet border.
Advance of Hungarian formations across the Carpathian region toward Galicia.
Emperor conference in Tokyo.
Appointment of General Wavell as supreme commander in India.

July 3, 1941
Crossing of the Pruth by German and Romanian formations. England’s trade shipping losses in
June: 768,950 gross registered tons. The Danish government closes the USA’s consulates.

July 5, 1941
Reaching of the Dnjepr east of Minsk.
Capture of Kolomea and Stanislaw by Hungarian troops.

July 6, 1941
Reaching the Dnjestr by Hungarian troops.
Plan of a pan-American export control on the side of the USA.

July 7, 1941
Capture of Czernowitz.

July 8, 1941
Sending of U.S. troops to Iceland.
Liberation of Bukowina.
German-Italian treaty about a new common border in the region of former Yugoslavia.

July 9, 1941
Founding of the volunteer formations Flandern and Wallonien against Bolshevism.

July 10, 1941
Dual battle of Bialystok and Minsk concluded: Over 400,000 prisoners, furthermore 7,615 tanks, 4,423 guns, 6,233 airplanes captured or destroyed.
Capture of Salla on the Finnish front.

July 11, 1941
Witebsk taken.

July 12, 1941
Breakthrough of the Stalin Line.
Throwing back of the Bolsheviks across the Dnjestr.
Montenegro’s declaration as independent state.
Rejection of the English armistice conditions for the French troops in Syria by the French government.

July 14, 1941
English-Russian aid pact.

July 15, 1941
Roosevelt’s “shoot order” to the American fleet at German warships. Dispatch of Portuguese troop contingents to the Azores.
Trip of Italian divisions to the eastern front.

July 16, 1941
Capture of Smolensk.
Reintroduction of political commissars in the Bolshevik army.
Neutrality declaration of the Iraqi emissary in London.

July 17, 1941
Embargo of all property of South American firms with relations to the Axis powers in the USA.

July 19, 1941
Advance of Finnish formations to the northern shore of Lake Ladoga.

July 20, 1941
Stalin’s appointment as defense commissar.

July 22, 1941
First large air attack against Moscow.
Deportation of the German emissary by the Bolivian government under U.S. pressure.
The Reich government’s sharpest protest.
Deportation of the Bolivian agent in Berlin.

July 23, 1941
The Portuguese State-President’s trip to the Azores.

July 26, 1941
Reconquest of the old Romanian border.
Crossing the old Finnish borders.

July 27, 1941
Treaty between France and Japan over Indochina’s joint defense. Calling to colors of the armed forces on the Philippines by the USA.

July 28, 1941
Embargo of English, Canadian and North American property by the Japanese government as retaliatory measure.

July 29, 1941
Reaching the mouth region of the Dnepr by Romanian troops.

August 2, 1941
Bolshevik relief offensive in the central sector beaten back.
Battle of annihilation south of Kiev.

August 3, 1941
The English government demands from the Iraqi government the deportation of all Germans.

August 5, 1941
Conclusion of the battle of encirclement at Smolensk: 310,000 prisoners, furthermore 3,205 tanks, 3,120 guns captured or destroyed.

August 6, 1941
Awarding of the Knights Cross of the Iron Cross to General Antonescu by the Führer.

August 9, 1941
Conclusion of the battle of encirclement at Uman (Ukraine): Over 103,000 prisoners, furthermore 317 tanks, 1,110 guns, 5,250 trucks, 12 trains captured or destroyed.
Battle of encirclement at Roslawl concluded: 38,000 prisoners, furthermore 250 tanks, 359 guns captured or destroyed.
Capture of the rail junction Korosten south of the Pripet swamps.

August 10, 1941
Overall losses of the Soviet airforce since the beginning of the eastern campaign: 10,000 airplanes.
Japanese government’s declaration to England: Behind Thailand stands Japan.

August 12, 1941
Civilian administration of the Lemberg region taken over by the General Governor.
Appointment of Admiral Darlan as French National Defense Minister.

August 13, 1941
Thailand rejects military support on the side of the USA.
Marshal Petain’s declaration on France’s readiness for European co-operation.

August 14, 1941
Ore region of Kriwoi Rog in German hands.
Reaching the coast of the Black Sea between Odessa and mouth of the Bug by German and Romanian troops. Odessa’s encirclement.
Meeting between Roosevelt and Churchill and issuance of a joint declaration.
50 billion dollars North American state debt.
Portugal’s additional troop dispatches to the Azores.

August 16, 1941
Annihilation of encircled Soviet troops in the southern Ukraine.
Promotion of the reciprocal missions to embassies by the Japanese and Thai government.

August 17, 1941
Capture of the military harbor Nikolajew on the Black Sea: 1 battleship, 1 cruiser, 4 destroyers and 1 U-boat captured at the stocks. Capture of Sortavalla by Finnish troops in the north.

August 19, 1941
Conclusion of the battle at Gomel: 84,000 prisoners, furthermore 144 tanks, 848 guns, 2 armored trains captured or destroyed.

August 21, 1941
Capture of Cherson in the southern Ukraine, of Nowgorod, Kingisep and Narwa between Lake Ulmen and Lake Peipus.

August 22, 1941
Overall booty after two months eastern war: 1 ½ million prisoners, furthermore 14,000 tanks, 15,000 guns, 11,259 airplanes destroyed or captured.
Threats by the English government against Iran and Turkey.

August 23, 1941
Annihilation of three Soviet divisions at Lake Lagado.
Declaration by the Iranian government’s emissary in the USA: Iran’s resistance against any attack.

August 24, 1941
Destruction of 1,044 British airplanes since the beginning of the eastern campaign in two months.
Capture of the Tscherkassy bridgehead on the Dnjepr.
The Romanian head of state and leader of the Romanian troops deployed in the east appointed Marshal of Romania.

August 25, 1941
England’s and the USSR’s joint invasion into Iran.

August 26, 1941
Capture of Dnepropetrovsk.
Imposition of the blockade over Iran by England.

August 27, 1941
Battle of annihilation east of Welikij Luki concluded. Enemy losses: 40,000 dead, furthermore 30,000 prisoners, 400 guns captured or destroyed.
Resignation of the Iranian cabinet.

August 28, 1941
Meeting of the Führer and Il Duce in the Führer headquarters.
Annihilation of two Soviet divisions in the Salla area.
Cessation of all operations by the Iranian army.
Conveyance of a personal letter from Japanese Minister-President Konoye to Roosevelt by the Japanese ambassador in Washington.

August 30, 1941
Formation of a Serbian government under General Nedtsch.

September 1, 1941
Reich Law on the outward marking of the Jews: They must wear a yellow star on their clothing.
Capture of the harbor city Hapsal in Estonia.

September 4, 1941
Reaching the old state borders by Finnish troops north of Leningrad.

September 8, 1941
Capture of Schlüsselburg on Lake Ladoga.
Closing the ring around Leningrad.
Reaching the Swir by Finnish troops.

September 9, 1941
Resolution of the Supreme Council of the Soviet Union on the resettlement of the Volga-Germans to Siberia.
Landing of Canadian and fled Norwegian armed forces at Spitzbergen.

September 11, 1941
Hungarian Reich Regent Admiral von Horthy’s visit to the Führer in his headquarters (from the 8th to the 10th).

September 12, 1941
The Führer’s proclamation on the War Winter Aid Work 1941/42.

September 13, 1941
Announcement of a decision of the U.S. government by Roosevelt: All ships of the Axis powers in the so-called “defensive waters” are to be attacked.

September 15, 1941
Crossing the Dnepr in southern portions of the eastern front at several points.

September 16, 1941
Abdication of the Shah of Iran.

September 18,1941
Capture of Poltawa.
Joint occupation of Teheran by Soviet and British troops.

September 19,1941
Enemy losses in the east since the beginning of the campaign: 1.8 million prisoners and at least as many dead. Previous German losses: 85,896 dead, 296,670 wounded, 20,299 missing.

September 21, 1941
Reaching the Sea of Azov by German troops.

September 22, 1941
Annihilation of a million gross registered tons of British commercial shipping by German U-boats within three months.

September 23, 1941
Sinking of a cruiser, two destroyers and an anti-aircraft ship as well as nine trade ships by the German Luftwaffe.

September 27, 1941
Conclusion of the battle of encirclement at Kiev, annihilation of 50 Soviet divisions: 665,000 prisoners, furthermore 884 tanks, 3,178 guns destroyed or captured.

September 29, 1941
Sinking of two heavy cruisers and a light cruiser by the Italian airforce.

October 1, 1941:
Victorious panzer battle east of Dnjepropetrowsk.
Capture of East Karelia’s capital Petrosko by Finnish troops.

October 2, 1941
The Führer’s order of the day to the soldiers of the eastern front.
Sinking figures for English trade shipping in September: 684,000 gross registered tons. English losses since the beginning of the war: 13.9 million gross registered tons.
Establishment of the War Medal of the German Cross by the Führer.

October 3, 1941
The Führer’s speech on the opening of the War Winter Ai Work 1941/42.

October 5, 1941
Smashing of a Soviet landing attempt at Leningrad.

October 7, 1941
Battle north of the Sea of Azov, pursuit of the beaten enemy, capture of the staff of a Soviet army.
Rejecting reply from the Finnish government to an English note of threat.

October 9, 1941
Economic treaty Germany-Turkey.

October 11, 1941
Coup d’état in Panama on the suggestion of the USA.

October 16, 1941
Capture of Odessa by Romanian and German troops.
Resignation of the Konoye Japanese cabinet.

October 18, 1941
Conclusion of the dual battle of Brjansk and Wjasma: 663,000 prisoners, furthermore 1,242 tanks and 5,452 guns captured or destroyed.

October 19, 1941
Capture of Taganrog on the Sea of Azov by German troops.

October 21, 1941
Capture and mopping up of the Dagö Island. The Baltic region is thereby totally in German hands: 300,000 prisoners, furthermore 1,581 tanks and 4,063 guns captured or destroyed.
Occupation of Stalino in the Donez basin.
Reception of Slovakian State-President Dr. Tiso and of Slovakian Minister-President Dr. Tuka by the Führer.
Transfer of the seat of the Soviet government to Kuibischew.

October 24, 1941
Capture of the railway junction Belgorod.
Visit by Italian Foreign Minister Count Ciano to the Führer in his headquarters.
Capture of Charkow by Germany troops.
Annihilation of 260 Soviet divisions since the beginning of the eastern campaign.

October 27, 1941
Conquest of Kramatorskaja in the Donez basin.
Arrival of the Grand Mufti of Jerusalem in Rome on his flight.

October 30, 1941
Upper course of the Donez reached on broad front.

November 1, 1941
Denial by the Reich government in a note to all neutrals of the lies of the American State-President Roosevelt of German attack plans against Central and South America as well as the planned elimination of all religions.

November 2, 1941
Sinking figure of British commercial shipping in the month of October 441,330 gross registered tons.
Capture of Simferopol on the Crimean Peninsula.

November 3, 1941
Capture of Kursk.

November 4, 1941
Capture of the harbor city Feodosia on the Black Sea.
Threatening note from the U.S. government to Finland with the demand to cease operations against the Soviet Union.
Capture of the Koivisto islands by Finnish troops.

November 5, 1941
Sinking of 112 British destroyers by the German navy and Luftwaffe since the beginning of the war.

November 6, 1941
Appointment of Litwinow-Finkelstein as Soviet ambassador to the U. S. government.

November 7, 1941
Conclusion of a treaty between Germany and Italy on the resettlement of German citizens and ethnic Germans from the Italian province Laibach.

November 8, 1941
The Führer’s speech before the old guard in Munich.

November 9, 1941
Capture of Yalta in Crimea.

November 10, 1941
Overall number of Soviet prisoners brought in since the beginning of the eastern campaign: 3,632,000.

November 15, 1941
Sinking of the infamous destroyer “Cossack”.

November 16, 1941
Number of Soviet airplanes destroyed in October: 2,147.
Repulsion of a breakout attempt out of Leningrad.
The Brazilian government rejects the cession of strong points to the USA.

November 17, 1941
Capture of city and harbor of Kertsch.
Sinking of altogether 235,000 gross registered tons by the Luftwaffe in the fighting in Crimea.
Visit by Japanese special emissary Kurusu with Roosevelt and Hull.

November 22, 1941
Capture of Rostow.

November 23-25, 1941
Battle in Marmarica: Annihilation of the 22nd English tank brigade, 260 tanks and over 200 armored vehicles destroyed or captured.
During breakout attempts out of Tobruk, 50 tanks destroyed.

November 25, 1941
Extension of the Anti-Communist Pact until 1946. Joining by seven additional states.
Resolution by the North American government to send troops to Dutch-Guyana for the alleged protection of the Bauxit works.

November 26, 1941
Sinking of the British battleship Barham by German U-boats.

November 27, 1941
Reception of the statesmen sent to Berlin from the folks united in the anti-Bolshevik front by the Führer.

November 28, 1941
Deportation of Germans from Afghanistan.
Surrender of Gondar by the Italian troops after honorable defense.

November 30, 1941
Declaration by the Finnish government: Karelia’s reintegration. The land’s security must be guaranteed through the operations.
Japan’s, China’s and Mandschukou’s joint declaration: Decision by the three powers not to tolerate the USA’s or Great Britain’s intervention into East Asia’s development.

December 1, 1941
Conference between Reich Marshal Goering and the French chief of state Marshal Petain.

December 2, 1941
Repulsion of Soviet breakout attempts out of Leningrad.
In the fighting in North Africa, previously 9,000 prisoners, among them three generals, furthermore 814 tanks captured or destroyed, 121 airplanes shot down.

December 3, 1941
Evacuation of Hangö by the Bolsheviks.
Sinking of the Australian cruiser “Sidney” by the German auxiliary cruiser “Cormoran”.
Destruction or capture of a New Zealand division in North Africa.

December 5, 1941
British losses in North Africa: 317 airplanes.
Subordination of the British warships in the South Atlantic under the supreme command of the USA.
Overall debt of the USA: 150 billion dollars.

December 6, 1941
Nullification declaration of the Moscow dictate peace of
March 3, 1940 by Finnish State-President Ryti.
Declaration of war by the English government against Finland, Hungary and Romania.

December 7, 1941
Declaration of war by the Japanese government against England and America.

December 8, 1941
Under the compulsion of climatic effects, still only local combat actions on the eastern front.
Sinking of five U.S. warships by the Japanese airforce at Hawaii. Damage to three more battleships as well as four cruisers. Destruction of 90 U.S. airplanes over the Philippines.
Mandschukuo’s declaration of war against England and the USA.

December 9, 1941
Reception of the Grand Mufti of Jerusalem by the Führer.
Landing of Japanese troops on the Philippines, the Malaysian peninsula and Thailand. Entry into the Thai capital Bangkok.
Allowance of free transit for the Japanese army through sovereign Thai territory.
Sinking of the U.S. carrier “Langley” by the Japanese airforce.
Occupation of the U.S. strong points Wake and Guam by Japanese troops.

December 10, 1941
Sinking of the English battleships “Prince of Wales” and “Repulse” by the Japanese airforce at Singapore. Conference of Italian Foreign Minister Ciano with Admiral Daran in Turin.

December 11, 1941
Sessions of the German Reichstag. The Führer’s speech. Germany’s and Italy’s declaration of war against the United States of North America.
Defensive and offensive alliance between Japan and Thailand.

December 12, 1941
Military alliance between Japan and French Indochina.

December 13, 1941
Bardia and Solium under the opponent’s growing pressure.

December 14, 1941
Declaration of war against the USA from the side of Bulgaria, Croatia, Slovakia, Romania and Hungary.

December 15, 1941
Special session in Berlin of the states united in the Three Powers Pact. Ireland’s repeated declarations of neutrality.

December 17, 1941
State of siege in Argentina.

December 19, 1941
Assumption of the supreme command of the army by the Führer. The Führer’s proclamation.
Capture of Hong Kong and Penang by Japanese troops.
Illegal occupation of Portuguese Timor by British troops.
Sinking of a British cruiser at Alexandria.
Message of the Japanese government to the governments of Argentina, Brazil, Chile and Peru: Declaration of further friendly relations with the states of Hispanic-America.

December 20, 1941
Landing of Japanese troops on the Philippine island Mindanao.

December 21, 1941
The Führer’s proclamation on the winter clothing collection.

December 22, 1941
Sinking of the English seaplane carrier “Unicorn” by a German U-boat in the Atlantic.
Japanese offensive against Chinese troops.

December 23-25, 1941
Conferences between English Minister-President Churchill and the President of the United States of North America Roosevelt in Washington.

December 26, 1941
Capitulation of the British troops in Hong Kong: 22,000 prisoners.
Decision of the Australian government: Withdrawal of the expeditionary corps from the Near East.
Evacuation of Bengasi by the troops of the Axis powers.

December 27, 1941
Landing attempt by British naval forces at two points on the northern Norwegian coast thwarted.

December 29, 1941
Conquest of the tin center Ipoh on the Malaysian peninsula by Japanese troops.
Landing of Soviet troops on the Kertsch peninsula.
Heavy fighting in the area around Agedabia, destruction of 58 British tanks in the counteroffensive.
Capture of Liki in Central China by Japanese troops.
Costa Rica under North American rule.

December 31, 1941
The Führer’s proclamation and order of the day on New Year.

January 1, 1942
New landing of Soviet troops on the Kertsch peninsula.

January 2, 1942
Entry of the Japanese into Manila, the capital of the Philippines.
Subordination of strong points and railroads under the USA through senate and government in Mexico.
Heavy fighting at Bardia in North Africa.
Rejection of the alliance treaty with Great Britain and the Soviet Union by the Iranian parliament.

January 6, 1942
Subordination of Australia under the USA’s power of command.

January 9, 1942
Ongoing heavy defensive fighting in the central and northern sector of the eastern front.

January 13, 1942
Heavy fighting in the region of Solium.

January 15, 1942
Result of the wool collection: 67 million articles of winter clothing. Destruction of two Soviet regiments on Lake Onega.

January 16, 1942
Capture of Malakko by Japanese troops.
Visit by Italian Foreign Minister Count Ciano to the Hungairan government in Budapest.

January 19, 1942
Signing of a military convention between Germany, Italy and Japan in Berlin.
The Führer’s order of the day on the death of General Field Marshal von Reichenau on January 17, 1942.
Solium in North Africa given up by German troops.

January 20, 1942
Awarding of the Oak Leaves with Swords to the Knights Cross of the Iron Cross to General Rommel.
Reconquest of Feodosia in the Crimea.

January 21-25, 1942
Battle at Agedabia in North Africa. Standstill of the British Libya offensive. Conquest or destruction of 283 tanks, 127 gun and 583 trucks.

January 23, 1942
Landing of Japanese troops on New Guinea, Rabaul and the Salomon islands.
Founding of an anti-British volunteer corps in Burma.

January 24, 1941
Successes of German U-boats in North American and Canadian waters.
Landing of Japanese troops on the Bismarck Archipelago.

January 25, 1942
Declaration of war by the Thai government against Great Britain and the United States of North America.

January 27, 1942
Sinking of a British cruiser by Italian torpedo planes.

January 28, 1942
Annihilation of the Soviet forces landed in Crimea.

January 29, 1942
Reconquest of Bengasi by German and Italian troops over the course of the counteroffensive of the Axis powers. Rommel’s promotion to Senior General.

January 30, 1942
The Führer’s speech on the assumption of power by National Socialism.

January 31, 1942
Sinking previously 302,000 gross registered tons by German U-boats on North America’s coast.
Beating back of Soviet forces that had broken in at Kursk.

February 1, 1942
The leader of the Norwegian Nasjonal Samling named Norway’s Minister-President.
Landing of Japanese troops on the island Amboina, Molukken.

February 2, 1942
Repeated discussions of Reich Marshal Goering with the Italian government in Rome.
Occupation of Barce and El Abiar in the Cyrenaika by German and Italian formations.
Sinking of a British destroyer on the Canadian coast.
Capture of Mulmein by Japanese troops.

February 3, 1942
Sinking of altogether 400,600 gross registered tons of enemy commercial shipping by the German navy and Luftwaffe in December. Losses of the British navy: 1 cruiser, 4 destroyers, 1 U-boat, 1 speedboat.
Breaking off of diplomatic relations to Germany, Italy and Japan by the governments of Brazil, Uruguay, Paraguay, Bolivia, Ecuador and Peru under the pressure of the North American government.

February 5, 1942
Pursuit of the British troops in North Africa beyond Derna. In January, altogether 3,500 prisoners, furthermore 370 tanks, 192 guns and 1,220 trucks captured or destroyed.

February 6, 1942
See battle at the latitude of Java. Sinking of two cruisers of the Dutch-Indian fleet.

February 7, 1942
Smashing of two Soviet divisions in the central sector of the eastern front.

February 9, 1942
Reelection of State-President Carmona of Portugal.

February 12, 1942
The Führer’s address on the occasion of the state ceremony in the Reich Chancellery for Reich Minster Dr. Todt deceased on February 8, 1942.
Occupation of the Dutch islands Curasao and Aruba by North American troops.

February 13, 1942
Reception of Marshal Antonescu and Minister-President Quisling by the Führer.
Battle between German and English naval forces in the British Channel: sinking of an English destroyer and of 2 speedboats; 49 airplanes shot down.
Agreement of a close contact between the Spanish and Portuguese government.

February 15, 1942
Unconditional capitulation of the British forces in Singapore. 90,000 prisoners in Japanese hands.
Landing of Japanese paratrooper on Sumatra.
Address by Generalissimo Franco on the struggle against Bolshevism.

February 17, 1942
Uninterrupted heavy defensive fighting on all portions of the eastern front. Significant enemy loses, especially in dead.
Sinking of two enemy destroyers by the Japanese marine airforce at Batavia.
Capture of Bilin and occupation of the islands Batomi and Sambö by Japanese troops.

February 20, 1942
Landing of Japanese troops on Timor. Assurance of the territorial integrity of Portuguese-Timor by the Japanese government.

February 21, 1942
Encirclement and annihilation of a Soviet army in the central sector of the eastern front. The opponent’s losses: 27,000 dead, 5,000 prisoners, furthermore 187 tanks, 615 guns, 1,150 mortars and machineguns captured or destroyed.
Sinking of two enemy destroyers by Japanese naval forces at Bali.

February 22, 1942
Since the beginning of the year on the eastern front, the bringing in of 56,806 prisoners; capture of 960 tanks and 1,789 guns, destruction of 8,170 vehicles, 59 locomotives, 43 trains and furthermore 1,981 airplanes.

February 23, 1942
Landing of Japanese troops on the island Bali.
Modification of the English cabinet. Continued leadership by Minister-President Churchill.
Breaking off of diplomatic relations between Italy and Saudi Arabia.

February 24, 1942
Reading aloud of a message from the Führer by Provincial Governor Adolf Wagner at the party founding celebration in Munich.
Special session of the permanent council of the Three Powers Pact under the chairmanship of Reich Minister for Foreign Affairs von Ribbentrop.

February 25, 1942
Assassination attempt against German Ambassador von Papen in Ankara.

February 26, 1942
Overall sinking figure of enemy trade shipping since the beginning of the war: 15.2 million gross registered tons.

February 27, 1942
Elimination of the collective constitution in the occupied Soviet regions.
Sinking of two North American and two Dutch destroyers at Bali by Japanese naval forces.

February 28, 1942
Sinking of 1 cruiser and 3 destroyers in the Pacific by Japanese fleet and air units.
Landing attempt by British paratroopers on Northern France’s coast.
Freedom proclamation of Indian leader Bose to the Indian folk.

March 1, 1942
Ongoing heavy fighting on the Kertsch peninsula.

March 2, 1942
Landing of Japanese troops on Java.
Sinking of a cruiser and two destroyers by Japanese marine forces.

March 4, 1942
Attack by the British airforce on Paris: 600 dead in the French civilian population.

March 6, 1942
Capture of the capital of the Dutch-Indies Batavia by Japanese troops.

March 8, 1942
Ongoing heavy defensive fighting on the eastern front.

March 9, 1942
Unconditional capitulation of the Dutch armed forces on Java. Capture of Rangoon by Japanese troops.

March 14, 1942
Sinking of 1,029,000 gross registered tons commercial shipping in the Atlantic and in the Caribbean Sea by German U-boats, this includes 58 tankers with 442,000 gross registered tons.
Heavy defensive fighting on the Kertsch peninsula.

March 15, 1942
Withdrawal of British troops from Iran, surrender to the Soviet Union. The Führer’s speech on Heroes Remembrance Day in the Berlin armory.

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