Wednesday 22 January 2020

Die Deutsche Wochenschau – Newsreel No. 720 – 21 June 1944

1. Germany.

– Fragments of a football match Hamburg-Dresden.

– The audience, many of them soldiers.

2. France.

– Speech by Minister of Information Doriot of Petain's collaborationist government, calling the French cooperation and friendship with Hitler's Germany.

3. Germany.
– German non-commissioned officer Apicius, holder of the Iron Cross 1st Class tells pupils in political school about his exploits on the Eastern Front, he explains his story in the diagram.

– Apicius the strength of the German tanks.

4. Eastern Front.

Genesis of German soldiers on holiday in the immediate rear.

– Soldier washed in a tub.

– Soldiers in the barber shop.

– Women carrying lunch.

– Selling deficit.

– Sports.

– Speech of the front of the theatre: with circus acrobats, ballet, stunts on the bike.
5. Italy.

German tanks in the offensive north of Rome.

Shoot the gunners.

– American prisoners of war.

– German anti-aircraft fire on the British aircraft downed aircraft.

6. Western Front.

Awarding of the German sailors from the fleet of torpedo boats.

German coastal artillery fires on amphibious ships allies.

Reflection of an air raid.

Destroyed by the Anglo-American aviation French city of Caen.

Ruins of buildings, refugees.

Caves, where it hides the civilian population.

Intact German fortifications, German guns firing at the enemy.

Downed American plane.

Prisoners follow the camp.

German soldiers of the SS division “Hitler Youth” receive awards.

Young soldiers of the camera.

German troops counterattack.

German guns fired at the enemy infantry in the attack.

Night bombardment of enemy positions.

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