Friday 22 July 2022

Die Deutsche Wochenschau – Newsreel No. 520 – 23 August 1940

1. Germany.




International competitions cyclists Germany, Yugoslavia and Hungary.


– Cyclists at a distance.


– The spectators.


– Presentation of honorary wreaths for the winners.


2. Germany.


Competition kayakers.


– Boats on the lake.


– The spectators.


3. Germany.




– Opening of the 28th Eastern Technical Exhibition, which was attended by over 2000 representatives.


– German Minister of the Interior Walter Funk at the opening.


4. Germany.


One of the chemical plants, producing mineral fertilizers.


– Workers in the shops, machines and machinery.


– Packaging fertilizers in bags.


– Compound with a cargo of fertilizers.


5. France.


Collection of trophy vehicles.


– Dismantling and dismantling of damaged vehicles.


– Workers wield sledgehammers, cut parts with electric welding.


– A pile of damaged carrosseries at the point of collection of scrap metal, stored tires.


6. Germany.


Workers one of the companies of the defence industry transfer soldiers to one of the military units of the air defence new mechanized guns.


– The new anti-aircraft gun given to anti-aircraft gunners.


– An officer is telling workers’ representatives about the gun’s operation.


– Gunnery at anti-aircraft guns.


– A heavy gun is shooting.


7. Occupied France.


German soldiers on vacation.


– They clean weapons, wash laundry, darn socks.


– Air defence team on the shore of the bay.


– Soldiers in their underpants running on the sandy shore.


– Physical exercise in the air.


– One of the soldiers demonstrates a cascade of several somersaults.


– On the whistle, the company goes on a mock march to swim in the sea.


– The soldiers are splashing in the water, rowing in inflatable boats.


8. Germany.


Field Marshal von Brauchitsch, commander of the land forces, visiting the wounded in the hospital, he speaks with the wounded, shaking hands with them.

Berlin. July 19, 1940 the Fuhrer in the Reich Chancellery presents the marshal’s batons to new marshals who have distinguished themselves in the battles in Poland, Norway and France.


– The staff of Marshal Hermann Göring.


– Adolf Hitler along with Göring approaching the rank of generals.


– Wands received by the commander-in-chief of the land forces, Walter von Brauchitsch;


– Army Group “A” commander Gerd von Runstedt, Army Group “B” commander Fedor von Bock, Army Group “C” commander Wilhelm von Leeb;


– Chief of Staff of the Supreme Command of the Wehrmacht Wilhelm Keitel;


– General Wilhelm List, commander of the 12th Army; General Hans Günter von Kluge, commander of the 4th Army; General Erwin von Witzleben, commander of the 1st Army; and General Walter von Reichenau, commander of the 6th Army.


– The Fuhrer salutes the marshals and departs.


9. Italy.


German military delegation examines demolition mechanisms and equipment of the Italian army.


– Demonstration mechanisms, devices for crossing small rivers, self-propelled devices, amphibious vehicles.


– An Italian submarine is returning from a military campaign.


– Sailors on shore, they are welcomed by colleagues.


10. Africa, British Somalia.


Offensive Italian troops.


– Airport, lying shells with inscriptions.


– Italian pilots head for their cars.


– Planes take off in the air.


– Fragments of the air battle.


– Italian hydroplanes on the water and in the air.


– Italian planes bombarding ships and enemy positions.


11. Germany.


The transition of German artillery unit to new positions.


– Heavy guns are carried on platforms.


– Soldiers build fortifications.


– Mounting heavy long-range guns.


– It shoots.


– The supply of shells.


– Pointing the gun, it shoots.


– Heavy gun on a railway platform riding on the rails.


– Charging the gun, pointing, firing.


12. Occupied France.


German pilots are preparing for the “flight of vengeance” against England.


– Planes take off into the air, they are in flight.


– The pilots in the cockpit.


– English coast.


– Ships at sea.


– Burnt oil storage tank.


– View facilities from an airplane.


– The target of the bombings are the cities of Southampton and Newcastle.


– Dropping bombs, which fly to the target, the explosions.


– Planes in flight.

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