Monday 22 August 2022

Die Deutsche Wochenschau – Newsreel No. 525 – 25 September 1940

1. Norway.


Women volunteers of the Imperial Labor Service (RAD) in the camp.


Morning formation.


They are on various jobs: to grind wood, remove stones, make hay, transport him.


2. Transylvania (Romania).


The entry of the Hungarian troops in Transylvania, ceded to Hungary, 5.9.1940.


Soldiers, cavalrymen.


Admiral Horthy with a group of soldiers.


Crowds of local residents, Hungarians welcome the incoming Hungarian troops.


3. Germany, Berlin.


The Führer receives the Spanish Minister Ramon Serrano Suñer (26 - 29.09.1940); in the new Reich Chancellery.


Serrano Suñer and Himmler in the division named after Hitler.


– Adolf Hitler, inspecting the new Volkswagen cars.


Speech by Ramon Serrano Suñer.


4. Germany.




Italian Minister of the Colonies, General Ferozzi, bypasses the guard of honor.


His arrival in Berlin, visiting the Italian division.


Laying wreaths at the pantheon of fallen soldiers.


General Ferozzi at Reception by the Führer.


Italian Minister of Colonies Attilio Teruzzi inspects the sites of battles in France, the bunkers of the Atlantic rampart.


Machine factory, production processes.


Workers at the machines.


Making agricultural machinery.


Finished agricultural machinery.


Installation of a powerful electric generator at one of the plants.


Installation of the rotor.


View of the finished power generator.


Military Museum.


View of the first mine, filled with black powder.


It was designed by Werner Siemens and Professor Gimli.


Today the mine has become the most important weapon of modern naval warfare.


The heavy mining of British ports during the blockade is the best proof of this.


The factory museum shows the development of these weapons up to the most modern explosive devices.


A glass ampoule filled with a special liquid is inserted into a primer, which breaks from contact with the bottom of the ship, and the escaping liquid sets off the explosive mechanism.


A military factory.


Female workers at the manufacture of blasting caps for mines.


Installing the charges and elements.


The destroyers at sea.


Bringing the mines on alert.


The mine with the inscription “To the First Lord of the Admiralty”.


5. Germany.


Shoe factory.


Sewing boots for soldiers.


Various operations.


Leather is prepared for processing.


Cutting soles.


Close shop, here parts are sewn.


Sewing soles, which are complete with studs.


6. France.


The occupied area.


Weekdays German military unit.


Cleaning guns.


The tank crew washing the tanks.


7. The Atlantic coast of France.


Rise of an aerostat in one of the military units.


Observers relay the results of observations by telephone.


Aircraft flying around the balloon.


8. North Africa.


Italian bombers take off from the airfield.


The plane flies over the sea and the desert.


Bombing of an English camp, the bombs fly into the target.


9. Bethel.


Consequences of British bombing of civilian sites and shelter in the city, traces of destruction.


Representatives of the foreign press on the ruins.


Destroyed cemetery.


Victims of the bombing.


10. Northern France.


Hermann Göring and his staff officers inspect the Luftwaffe units.


Göring speaks with pilots, gives the Iron Crosses to distinguished pilots.


Göring announces a “flight of vengeance” against England.


Aircraft in the air over the English Channel.


View of the English coast.


The plane over British territory.


Pilots in the cockpit.


Reflecting an attack by British fighters.


The bombs fly to an English airfield, the explosions.


Planes in combat.


The bombs are falling on London.

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