Tuesday 22 November 2022

Die Deutsche Wochenschau – Newsreel No. 537 – 18 December 1940

1. Poland.


Governor General’s Office.


– Rest house of German soldiers in the High Tatras, here they can improve their health before returning to the front.


– Games, physical exercise in the air.


– The soldiers on the walk.


– View of the Tatras.


– Physical exercises, a competition in tug-of-war.


2. Eastern Front.


Supreme Commander of the land forces, Field Marshal Walter von Brauchitsch inspects the winter quarters of the Wehrmacht on the Eastern Front.


– With officers he walks around the positions.


– Gun crews at the gun, pointing the gun.


– The general examines the barracks, which have been improved to keep out the cold.


– He talks with soldiers, officers.


3. Romania.




– Military parade in honour of Romania’s accession to the Axis countries, which takes Romanian King Mihai I and General Ion Antonescu.


– Passage of the columns.


– Guests of honour.


– Air parade.


– Motorized infantry, artillery, tanks.


4. Norway.


Construction of roads with German assistance.


– The grand opening of the road Oslo-Bergen.


– Flags of Norway and Germany in Geilo.


– The orchestra plays.


– Along the road moving cars.


In the north of Norway.


– Arrival of the ship with food.


– Unloading of fruit and vegetables for the army for a long winter.


– Soldiers walk in the local town, talk to residents, make purchases from the market.


– A soldier with a girl in his arms.


– A soldier milking a cow, the local women laugh.


– German soldiers are cleaning horses, carts on horseback riding on snow.


The ceremony of new German recruits in Oslo.


– There is a military band, marching soldiers.


– Lines on the field, taking the oath.


– Awarding soldiers who have distinguished themselves in battles for Norway, the Iron Cross.


5. France.


Restoration of the railway line Paris-Strasbourg.


– Drawing of a railway bridge, the finished bridge.


– Military engineers inspect the bridge, help to start the railway movement.


– There comes a train.


– In the carriages - German officers, civilians.


Meeting of deputies in Paris, in the premises of the Chamber of Deputies.


– Scene of inflammatory speeches against Germany.


– Alfred Rosenberg, chief of the foreign policy of the NSDAP, arrives at a special session and makes a speech about the liberation of France by Germany.


The collection of winter clothes in Paris for the population of the former border areas at the call of Marshal Pétain.


– Young people take things, puts them on carts.


6. Germany.


Wounded German soldiers on Christmas Eve make toys for children.


– Wooden clowns, moving cockerels, ships.


– The National Socialist Women’s Organization with children visiting the wounded in the hospital.


– The children sing Christmas carols.


– The soldier is talking to a girl.


German shipyard.


– Construction of warships.


– Hull of a submarine in the scaffolding.


– Welding, riveting, painting.


– The descent of the submarine into the water.

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