Monday 12 December 2022

Die Deutsche Wochenschau – Newsreel No. 538 – 28 December 1940

1. China, Japan-China war.


Japanese bombers are flying over China, bombing strategic roads and bridges.


2. Spain.


Orphaned children, victims of the civil war, are transported from Madrid to a boarding school in the province.


– Nurses put children on the bus, they arrive at the site.


– The children are washed, changed, haircut and given medical care.


– Children have lunch at the tables.


3. Poland.


Destroyed Warsaw, the view of the city in the smoke of fire.


– Trucks with German soldiers enter the city, riding past the barricades of streetcars.


– Residents of the city on the street.


– Soldiers dismantle barricades.


– View of the streetcar depot.


–Poles working at the restored railroad.


– Streets of Warsaw, riding streetcars.


– At the stop people are standing.


– The inscription on the streetcar in German and Polish: “Only for the Jews.”


4. Slovakia, the border in the Tatras.


Passes a German patrol.


– View of the snow-capped mountains.


– German soldiers involved in mountain climbing.


– View from the mountain to the city from the valley.


– Downhill skiers.


5. Norway.


Construction of the airfield for the Luftwaffe.


– They’re digging, laying cover, pouring cement.


– The building of the airport in the woods.


– With the new airfield take off German planes flying over the sea.


6. Germany.


Berlin, Adolf Hitler takes in the Reich Chancellery officers of the Wehrmacht, the military industry, technology, chemistry and other industries.


– He speaks with them, shakes hands.


Works a military factory, production processes for the manufacture of rifles.


– Processing of wooden butts on machines.


– Workers at the machines in the shop.


– Checking rifles, transportation.


7. Norway.


German warships in the Sonja Fjord.


– View of the oil depot, it is guarded by German machine gun posts.


– The soldiers come ashore near the village.


– The local boy gives a German soldier to light a cigarette.


– The landing of units of mountain infantry and ammunition.


– German units are being sent inland, they are driving trucks down a mountain road.


– On the road lies a wrecked bus, which was attacked by Norwegian soldiers on the Germans.


– The Norwegians surrender and are disarmed.


– Transportation of prisoners by truck.


– German tanks on the streets.


North Sea, the German warships on the campaign.


– On the deck of the cruiser sailors and soldiers.


– Is raiding in a stormy sea.


8. Denmark.


In Copenhagen, a parade of troops of the Wehrmacht on the occasion of the 51st anniversary of Adolf Hitler.


– Ahead of a military band is marching.


– Residents watching the parade.


– The troops pass through the gates of the citadel, lined up on the square.


– The commander of the German troops in Denmark, Air Force General Leonhard Kaupisch and General Röppi bypasses the line.


– Röppi addresses the soldiers.


9. Germany.


Festivities on the occasion of the Führer’s birthday.


– Jubilant crowd in front of the Reich Chancellery.


– On the balcony Adolf Hitler, who greets the people.

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