Saturday 17 June 2023

SS Handbook for the Ideological Teaching of the Troops – Topic 2


Laws of life - the basis of our worldview


“By trying to rebel against the iron logic of nature, man struggles with the principles to which he himself owes his existence as a human being. So his action against nature must lead to his own destruction.”

– Mein Kampf


The laws of life


Life on this earth is under iron laws: birth, becoming, waxing, maturing, aging and death outline a part and are aware of us consciously and unconsciously. These laws apply to all life, to humans, animals and plants. In addition, we have to recall all that we have in the following words. referred to: struggle for existence, selection, fertility, race, heredity, environmental impact and development.


Fight for existence


Every living thing must fight for food and reproduction. It is necessary to assert oneself in the struggle for existence. The struggle for existence is determined by three factors:


1.      natural enemies

2.      actual environment (climate, etc.),

3.      its own specific characteristics


In the struggle for existence, the one who, for whatever reason, wipes out lifeless more people in this fight asserts himself.


“Who wants to live, let him fight, and who does not want to fight in this world of eternal struggle, does not deserve life.”

– Mein Kampf


The struggle for existence in human life should not be confused with lack of scruples, elbow room, exploitation and so on. These are expressions of the disabled, the asocial, the degenerate. Life has added to this law the natural sense of community or community instinct.

Pacifism represents the strongest denial of the law of struggle. What does elite mean?

The struggle for existence causes a constant reading of the better ones. Those who assert themselves are preserved and can reproduce, while the unfit, the bad for life are eradicated.


“If you are too weak, you cannot become a blacksmith. Anyone who has clumsy fingers can not successfully practice the profession of a precision mechanic. Many professions require special intelligence. So one can generally say that the members of almost all professions are groups of elites in different directions. “


What does fertility mean?


For some species, their fertility is the only effective weapon in the struggle for existence. They can only assert themselves when they appear in masses. Fertility also plays an important role in the conflict between peoples. The danger which the fertility of one people can pose for another is shown by the present discussion in the East. Above all, the high-quality peoples must observe this law, otherwise they are doomed.


“But the end will be that one day such a people will be taken away from existence in this world; For man can defy the eternal laws of conservation for some time, but revenge will come sooner or later. A stronger generation will drive away the weak, for the urge to live life in its final form will break again and again all the ridiculous fetters of a so- called humanity of the individual, in order to replace it with the humanity of nature, which destroys weakness to give the place to strength. Therefore, anyone who wants to secure existence for the German people by means of self-restraining their multiplication robs them of the future.

– Mein Kampf


What does race mean?


A race is a group of beings with the same inheritable basic characteristics. The Fuhrer taught us the importance of the race, the knowledge and the value of the meaning of the blood.


His teaching says:


1.      that humanity consists of different races;

2.      That every nation fully fleshed out can live only by its blood- conditioned laws;

3.      That our people are of a blood-pool of predominantly Nordic blood;

4.      that our people must live by the laws that govern northern blood;

5.      that world history, in addition to the struggle for living space, represents the struggle of racial worldviews.


Equality of all that carries human face is contrary to experience and observation (Negro - White). The diversity of people is a fact. Diversity is the lower, the closer people are related (family resemblance, tribal similarity). Every race has the qualities that are adapted to its living conditions and thus to one another; it forms a harmonic unit.


By crossing this harmony is naturally disturbed, it creates an imbalance. Countries with a pronounced mixed-race population (America) cannot pursue a consistent, purposeful and clear policy as a result of their racial disunity. They are constantly interrupted by rebellions, revolutions and power struggles in their development. In contrast, peoples with a racially uniform leadership are essentially stable in their development. The history of humanity is the story of race battles. The story of a people is its race destiny. If the history-making race perishes, then the land becomes desolate, it becomes historyless.


“All the great cultures of the past only perished because the original creative race died of blood poisoning.”


“No, there is only one most sacred human right, and that right is at the same time the most sacred obligation, namely, to make sure that the blood is kept pure in order to give, through the preservation of the best humanity, the possibility of a nobler development of these beings.


– Mein Kampf


What do we need to know about inheritance?


Inheritance means preserving everything good, but also everything bad. Through them, you transfer your skills and characteristics to your children. The laws of life of race and elite are incomprehensible without the fact of inheritance. Although this law was considered to be valid for animals and plants, opponents of this relationship want to give people a special position. However, it has been shown by the results of race, family, and twin research that the law of heredity applies to man, of course. Inheritance shows us that we cannot go beyond the scope of inherited heritage. Here man is subject to a natural limitation.


Inheritance is destiny.


What does environment mean?


By the term “environment” we mean all the forces that act on the being from the outside, i.e.: space, enemies, climate, education, etc.


Decisive is the hereditary system; the environment cannot change this. In contrast to hereditary theory is the environmental theory, which wants to interpret all cultural phenomena as an effect of the environment. Marxism has its most essential basis in environmental theory. In the followers of the environmental theory, especially the education is given a great importance. However, education is only possible in the context of genetic engineering. You cannot make a hero out of a cowardly child, you cannot turn a fool into an intelligent man. The environment does not shape, but has a long-term effect, meaning sieving and breeding.


“However much soil, for example, can affect people, the result of influence will always be different, depending on the breeds in question. The low fertility of a habitat may spur the one race to the highest achievements, in another it will only bring about the cause of bitter poverty and finite malnutrition with all its consequences. The inner predisposition of peoples is always decisive for the type of impact of external influences. What leads to starvation in some of them leads others to hard work. “

– Mein Kampf


The developmental idea


As the earth has gradually emerged, so has life developed on it. Every living thing reaches in an uninterrupted chain over reproduction and multiplication into the remotest prehistoric times. The fact of development in nature disturbs dogmatic worldviews. The developmental thought has overturned the idea of creation; this is its political significance, also in the field of ideology.


The life-law worldview


“I prophesy here, as well as the knowledge of the orbit of the earth around the sun, to a revolutionary reorganization of the general worldview. If guided, then the blood and race doctrine of the National Socialist movement will result in a revolution in the knowledge and thus in the picture of the history of the human past and future. “

– Mein Kampf


What do you have to know about racial thought?


The race idea spans all areas of life. He gives the freedom of action for the right choice of the spouse and thus determines yours and the fate of your children, family and clan. He gives you a firm position in your people, your state, your continent and in the community of peoples. It demands your kind performance and action and promises you a completely happy existence. Biological thinking creates reasonable standards for evaluating things. It gives you power to make clear decisions, shows what you can and should do and thereby leads to the formation of the personality. The construction of the idea of race always leads to the organic order of life and not to imperialism, to the ecclesiastical or political system. The race-bound thinking affirms the natural life and the willingness of the spirit to enjoy, not only the individual, but also the peoples. It promises everyone his and denies unjustified claims of individuals.


The adversaries of the racial idea


Thus the one opponent of the race idea wants the equality of the humans. Such a principle creates for him because it is unbiological and thus unnatural, the tensions, desires and demands, the dissatisfaction and thus the presupposition of his power. Thus, the other opponent wants the spiritual attachment to life-hostile laws (dogmas), taking advantage of the religious feelings of humanity and thus created only the prerequisite of life-legally unnecessary existence.


Thus, a third adversary, Bolshevism, consciously destroys all manifestations of the natural order of life, such as family, joy in children, one's own home, attachment to home and soil, attachment to clan and ancestors. He wants complete eradication of all natural facts and thus creates the conditions for carrying out his plans. Today we recognize from our thinking in terms of life law, why Bolshevism; in order to get it, it has to act like that.


Publisher: The Reichsführer-SS , SS-Hauptamt. N / 0921

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