Wednesday 12 July 2023

Die Deutsche Wochenschau – Newsreel No. 557 – 07 May 1941

1. Germany.


Speech by the Führer in the Berlin Sports Palace on 29 April 1941.


– He passes through the hall in the presidium, in the entourage of generals, admirals.


– Adolf Hitler’s speech to young officers-graduates of all branches of the army, navy, Luftwaffe, Waffen SS. He makes them remember the duties and tasks of the National Socialist Wehrmacht.


– Applause from the audience.


– The Führer leaves the Sports Palace.


2. Austria.


The Führer’s train goes to Styria after the completion of the victorious „Serbian campaign“.


– The train rushes along the tracks.


– Views of Styria.


– Arrival at the station Spielfeldstrasse.


– Adolf Hitler is greeted by the local gauleiter Siegfried Uiberreither.


– The population cheers the Führer.


In the city of Marburg (Maribor), an old German city that has reunited with the Reich.


– Adolf Hitler is travelling while standing in a car.


– From Marburg, Hitler heads to the city of Graz, the capital of Styria.


– Jubilant crowds.


– Cars on the streets of the city.


– The Führer is surrounded by young people.


– Adolf Hitler on the balcony of the official building with Gauleiter.


– Farewell to the residents.


The Führer in the city of Klagenfurt, he is greeted by the Gauleiter of Carinthia Franz Kutschera.


– Greetings of the crowd.


– Police restrain the enthusiastic residents.


– Adolf Hitler in the famous town hall, the seat of the local administration.


– Children present flowers to the Führer.


– He talks with young people.


– Adolf Hitler on the balcony, below the jubilant crowd.


3. Yugoslavia.


Military operations of the Wehrmacht.


– The course of the whole operation 6-17 April 1941 is explained on the map.


– The attack on Yugoslavia was carried out from several sides from the territories of Italy, Hungary, Romania, Bulgaria and Austria.


– The main blow was made from the territory of Bulgaria in the direction of Nisha and Skoplje.


– German panzer divisions broke through the Yugoslav lines and made contact with Italian troops in Albania on 10 April.


– German and Hungarian troops occupied Belgrade on 12 April.


– The remnants of the Yugoslav army retreated to Sarajevo, where they capitulated on 17 April.


German troops also began their offensive on Greece from the territory of Bulgaria in the direction of Thessaloniki.


4. Greece.


Simultaneously with actions against Yugoslavia, German troops of the 12th Army begin an offensive against Greece towards Thessaloniki.


– The mountainous terrain makes it difficult for the troops to advance.


– German officers look through binoculars at the mountains.


– Liaison officer on the phone transmits a message.


– Infantry and tanks on the mountain road.


– Signpost to Thermopylae, where the British Expeditionary Corps, an ally of the Greek troops retreated.


– On the road are German tanks.


– On the roadside lying broken cars.


– Crossing the river on the ferry.


Fighting for Athens.


– Shootout with British, New Zealand and Australian troops.


– Shoot German guns, the calculation at the gun.


– German infantry goes forward.


– View from the aircraft at Athens, the ruins of the Acropolis. 27 April Athens taken by German troops.


– Shortly before their escape, the British threw wreckage of equipment on the airport runway in an attempt to make it unusable.


– On the ground lying abandoned military equipment, equipment, British aircraft.


– Punctures in the glass of the cockpit.


– German aircraft lands on the airfield.


– On the streets of Athens are motorcyclists, cars with officers.


– With one of the cars soldier photographed the movement of parts.


– Passing by the Acropolis.


German troops in Patras, riding motorcyclists.


– The actions of the motorised brigade of the “Leibstandarte SS Adolf Hitler”, which acts from Yannina to Patras, to then cross to the Peloponnese.


– In eastern Greece they will meet units of the Italian Army. “Junkers” take to the air, they bomb the positions of the British on the Peloponnese peninsula.


– Advancing German and Italian troops, meeting them in Greece.


– The commander of the SS Division “Leibstandarte SS Adolf Hitler" SS General Sepp Dietrich in conversation with the Italian general, commander of the 25th Army Corps “Chamuria” Carlo Rossi.


– Prisoners captured in Greece.


– Column of prisoners coming out of the gate of the barracks, prisoners sitting on the ground.


– SS troops occupy the coast at Patras and crossing to the Peloponnese.


– Assault boat with a gun on board.


– On the shore descend armoured vehicles, unloaded motorbikes.


– Anti-aircraft gunners examine the place of future fortification.


– German motorcyclists are sent to clear the Peloponnese from the enemy.


– SS units meet with the landed in Corinth mountain shooting units.


– Mountain troops pursue the fleeing enemy.

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