Saturday 12 August 2023

Die Deutsche Wochenschau – Newsreel No. 562 – 11 June 1941

1. Germany.


Brenner 2 June 1941.


– Meeting between the Führer and the Duce to discuss the political situation.


– Adolf Hitler and Benito Mussolini get into a carriage.


– Duce and Führer with officers.


– They converse, then say goodbye.


2. Germany.


Adolf Hitler’s residence - the Berghof.


– The Führer receives the Croatian leader Ante Pavelić.


– Meeting on the stairs of the residence.


– Exchange of greetings.


– The meeting is attended by Göring.


– Adolf Hitler and Pavelić at the table.


– German flag.


– Pavelić presents the Fuhrer an ancient banner and souvenir chess.


– Round the guard of honour.


– Adolf Hitler, Hermann Goering, Ante Pavelić and others descend the stairs.


– Pavelić and his entourage say goodbye to Adolf Hitler, get in the car.


– The flag of independent Croatia.


3. Luxembourg.


Solemn reception of young men in the Hitler Youth.


– Reichsjugendführer Arthur Axmann is making a speech.


– The flag of the Reich.


4. France.




– Manifestation of members of the Alsatian SA (the Storm Troopers).


– The head of the SA Victor Lutze makes a speech.


– Handshake, symbolising the fusion of the Alsatian storm troopers with the storm troopers of Hitler’s Reich.


5. Atlantic.


Dunkirk, coast.


– View of the area in 1940 after the defeat of Anglo-French troops.


– Ruins, remnants of equipment, vehicles.


– Modern shots.


– Cleared areas, a peasant cultivates the field.


– On the streets of Dunkirk - German Order.


– German traffic controller.


– Signs with German names of streets.


– German troops in the harbour.


– Construction of a new road.


– Dismantling of trophy equipment, preparing it for scrap metal.


– Removing tyres from emergency vehicles.


– Motor spare parts warehouse, arms.


6. France.


Atlantic coast.


– German sentries.


– Alarm.


– Artillerymen pointing guns.


– Shelling the British ship.


– Command post battery.


– Artillerymen bring shells.


– Shooting gun.


– Calculation at the gun.


– Gun barrels.


– Observer with binoculars.


7. France.




– Division of the Luftwaffe on the Atlantic coast.


– Pilots are preparing for departure.


– Planes take off.


– Planes in the air.


– Bombs fly into the target.


– Burning objects on English territory, in Birmingham.


8. Greece.


Entry of Bulgarian troops in Habala.


– Infantry, riding wagons.


– Cavalry led by a general.


– Military band plays.


9. Greece.


The ceremony of awarding German paratroopers Knight’s Crosses.


German sappers for the repair of the blown-up bridge.


– Divers at work.


– The explosion of an enemy mine.


Division of the Luftwaffe in southern Greece.


– German Colonel-General Alexander Lehr inspects his subordinate units.


– He gets into an aeroplane.


– The plane flies over the Aegean Sea.


Transports with German troops under the protection of Italian cruisers and aircraft headed for Crete.


– Crete under the wing of the aircraft.


– Dropping medical supplies and food on parachutes.


– The plane lands on Crete.


– Unloading the aircraft.


– Colonel-General Lehr in a meeting.


– German troops continue operations to clear Crete from the remnants of British troops.


– German motorcyclists, artillerymen.


– Shelling of British positions.


– German General Kurt Student among the soldiers.


– German paratroopers in the attack.


– Bombers bombed English positions.


– Destruction of the English airfield.


– The remains of aircraft.


– English transport set on fire.


– Captured Englishmen.


– Street fighting in the village.


– Ruins.


– Entry into the city of Chania (Kanea).


– Soldiers on holiday.


– German General Student visits wounded paratroopers.


– Loading on the plane.


– Announcer on the practical completion of operations in Crete.


10. Africa North.


Pictures of life in the German African Corps.


– General Rommel visits the cemetery of fallen soldiers in Africa.


– German soldiers in the village of Bedouins.


– They are treated with wine.


– Germans talking with the locals.


– A group of soldiers with a chameleon.


– Loading food for the front.


– Bakery in the desert.


– Transport is sent to the front.


– It is accompanied by security aircraft.


– Armoured vehicles are sent to the front line.


– Announcer about the approach of troops to the border of Egypt.


– Sappers pull the line of communication.


– The connection is established.


– German aerodrome.


– Fires anti-aircraft guns.


– Shot down British aircraft.


– German pilots sit in the plane.


– View from the aircraft Tobruk port.


– Planes bombed English transport.


– Bombs fly into the target.


– Direct hit.


– Transport on fire.


– The area of Torbuk.


– The last preparations for the attack.


– Shooting German guns.


– Infantry goes on the offensive.


– Fragment of the battle with the British.


– The Germans throw grenades.


– Infantry seize English positions.

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