Friday 12 January 2024

Die Deutsche Wochenschau – Newsreel No. 578 – 01 October 1941


1. Northern section of the Soviet-German front.




German transport ships in the port of Pechenga, the arrival of German reinforcements.


Movement of convoys to the front lines.


Warning of the approach of the enemy.


German cars with camouflage, soldiers with horses.


Advancement of German soldiers in the swampy terrain.


General Dietl talks with officers, discussing military problems.


Artillery fire on Soviet positions, damaged Soviet equipment.


Transportation of wounded German soldiers by airplanes.


2. Saarema Island in the Baltic Sea.


German planes are air combat.


German flotilla at sea, trawling enemy mines, mines explode.


Work signalers on board the ship.


Shelling with ships coastal positions of Soviet troops.


Fast torpedo boats in the sea under the cover of aviation headed for the shore.


Pilots are attacking the lighthouse.


Vessels shelling the accumulation of Soviet troops.


Pontoon bridge between the islands of Saarema and Muhu.


The landing of the German troops, unloading military equipment and vehicles.


German infantrymen in combat.


Burning buildings.


Burning Soviet artillery battery.


Soviet prisoners, they are sent to the continent.


German troops on the march.


The attack on the town of Kingisepp, the capital of the island of Hiiuma, and the invasion.


The Germans are welcomed by the local population.


3. Military operations near Leningrad.


Reloading ammunition and food from railcars in cars.


Movement of columns to the German forward positions.


Pavlovsk, destroyed palace, church.


German columns are moving to Leningrad.


Announcer about „closing the encirclement around the city.


German planes are bombing Leningrad.


Announcer that „the Bolsheviks made the inhabitants hostages and condemned them to extinction“.


4. Field Marshal General von Brauchitsch comes out of his residence after celebrating his 60th birthday.


He is with a group of officers.


5. Remodelling of the railroad track by German sappers in the captured territory of the USSR. German train with troops and ammunition sent to the front.


Tanks, wagons.


6. Fighting in Ukraine.


The offensive of Italian troops in the village.


Captured Bolsheviks, interrogation of prisoners.


Romanian infantry in the fighting near Odessa.


Observation post German battery in the suburbs of Odessa.


Sunken Soviet transport at sea.


The shelling of the Germans of the Soviet positions. The panorama of Odessa from the German positions.


Burning oil harbour.


7. German troops enter burning and destroyed Kiev.




Burning buildings.


Beggarly dwellings of workers in Kiev.


8. The central section of the Eastern Front.


Fighting in the Kiev area.


Movement of tanks Guderian, they complete the encirclement of five Soviet armies.


Tank battle.


Tanks on the highway.


German troops in the captured village, fires, destruction.


Fighting in the forest.


Burning Soviet equipment and ammunition.


German tanks in the offensive.


Soviet bombers, they are bombarded by German anti-aircraft batteries.


The connection of tank armies Kleist and Guderian east of Kiev.


German tanks in the city.


General Guderian in front of the camera.


September 27, 1941.


Surrender of Soviet soldiers.


Endless column of prisoners of war.


Faces of soldiers of Asian and Caucasian nationalities.


The column of prisoners goes past the camera.


German troops rushing further east.


German airplanes are bombing the Soviet territory.


German equipment as a symbol of power and invincibility of Adolf Hitler’s army.

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