1. Germany.
Solemn rally NSDAP, organised by Radio Great Germany on the occasion of the birthday of the Führer.
– Announcer about the programme of the evening: speech by Dr. Goebbels and a concert of the symphony orchestra. NDP auditorium.
– Dr. Goebbels Goebbels comes off the podium.
– Orchestra conducted by Furtwängler, performs Beethoven’s 9th Symphony.
– Listeners in the box, among them Joseph Goebbels, Robert Ley, Japanese Ambassador Oshima.
– Violin group.
– Cello.
– Wind band.
– Ovation from the audience.
– Dr. Goebbels shakes hands with the conductor.
2. The Führer in his headquarters.
– Wilhelm Keitel and other generals.
– Hermann Göring.
– Heinrich Himmler.
– They are on a walk in the park.
– Joachim von Ribbentrop.
– Erich Raeder with Adolf Hitler.
– Delegation ‘Hitler Youth’ performs a song in honour of the Führer's birthday.
– Adolf Hitler and children.
3. Sicily.
German military airfield.
– Loading bombs in the aircraft.
– The plane takes off into the air.
– He is heading towards Malta.
– View of Malta from the air.
– Planes are bombing an English aerodrome.
4. Germany.
Italian submarines are returning from the Atlantic Ocean.
– Sailors with flowers.
– German U-boats are returning from the raid to the coast of North America.
– In the harbour enters the boat of Oberleutnant Otto Ites, girls offer him flowers.
– To date, he became the youngest Knight's Cross recipient among submariners.
– Mail distribution.
– Sailor with a hand white mouse.
– A boat in the harbour.
– The boats go into the protective bunkers that were built according to Dr Todt's plan.
– They protect against any air attack.
– The shipyard workers immediately start preparing the boat for the next voyage against the enemy.
– Diesel fuel is poured into the tanks, food supplies are replenished and the boat is ready to sail again.
– The course is west to North America.
5. USSR. Eastern Front.
German troops are preparing to land on the island of Suursaari (Gogland) in the Gulf of Finland, an important strategic point in the eastern part of the Gulf.
– The assault units have just driven the Soviet troops off the coast of the island and cut off their escape route.
– Soldiers are carrying a gun on a dragger, mechanised artillery is on its way.
– Now the rest of the troops are pulling up here, they have to completely clear the enemy and occupy the island.
– Snowploughs are clearing the way.
– Parts go on the frozen sea.
– The sun has melted in some places a layer of snow, cars are driving on the thawed snow of the bay.
– Liaison platoon lay a line of communication, he rides on the car, unwinding the cable behind him.
– The connection between the land and the island is established.
– Abandoned Soviet boat in the snow.
– Artillerymen take up positions.
– The beginning of the shelling of Soviet troops.
– Stormtroopers have to make their way through the wire barriers.
– Infantry burst into the dense forest Suursaari.
– Meanwhile, Finnish troops attacked from the other side of the island and drove back the enemy.
– Another part of Finnish land is reclaimed back.
6. USSR. Military operations in the area of Leningrad.
Destroyed ‘Soviets’ railway bridge over the Narva River.
– Repair crews during its restoration, severe frost complicates the already difficult work.
– Soldiers are hammering in supports, installing parts.
– In the neighbourhood of Leningrad a few days ago thaw prevailed.
– Vehicles sneak through the muddy roads.
– Delivery of ammunition and war materials.
– There are horse carts, soldiers lead horses under the reins, drowning in mud.
– Stuck in the mud cars, soldiers pull cars out of the mud.
– The lorry is skidding sideways.
– The chauffeur repairs the car on a country road.
– On the streets of the village water and mud.
– Soldiers clean the streets, cut thawed ice.
– Artillerymen at the gun, bringing shells.
7. USSR. The central section.
Here still prevails frost.
– Soldiers clearing positions with shovels.
– Clearing roads from snow.
– On the road bring ammunition.
– Cars in the snow.
8. USSR. Central Precinct.
Police team and SD detachment pursue Bolsheviks through the snow in the forest.
– Discovery of a partisan hideout - an abandoned bunker.
– The Germans pelt the bunker with grenades.
– Partisans surrender, here were hidden explosives and weapons, camouflage cloth, radio.
– The GPU agent and his henchmen are arrested by the SD. They confessed that they wanted to kill a severely wounded German pilot who had thrown himself out by parachute.
– A woman, the agent’s wife, they are searched.
Harvesting timber for making planking during the thaw.
– Making planking.
– Destroyed bridge.
– Aerial ropeway, built by the Germans.
On the front line.
– The Germans in the trenches.
– Skirmish with the Soviet side.
– The attack is repulsed.
– The corpses of Soviet soldiers.
9. USSR. Military operations in the Donets area.
Explosion of ice jams on the Donets to protect from ice drift railway bridges over the river.
– View of the Dneproges.
– During the retreat the Bolsheviks wanted to completely destroy the power plant.
– However, they managed to undermine only a small part of the dam.
– Organisation Todt at work on the restoration of the dam.
– Divers remove debris from under water.
– Construction and restoration work at the hydroelectric power station. panorama of the restored hydroelectric power station, its engine room.
– At the front in the Donetsk region.
– German infantry at rest.
– This time in the vanguard are tanks.
– A firefight with Soviet troops.
– German infantry in camouflage goes forward.
– On the snow are the corpses of Soviet soldiers.
– German gun fires on the Soviet positions.
– Squad at the gun.
– ‘Junkers’ in the air.
– Infantry in the battle for the village.
– A sniper with a telescopic rifle in a snow-covered trench.
– The panorama of the battlefield.
– Destroyed Soviet tanks, the corpses of Soviet soldiers.
– German tanks on the march.
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