Friday 1 January 2016

Adolf Hitler - “New Year’s Proclamation to the National-Socialists and Party Comrades” – read by Dr. Joseph Goebbels

National-Socialists! Party Comrades! The new Reich is ringing in the New Year for the third time. At the beginning of the twelve months past, the imminent collapse of the National-Socialist regime was prophesied-for the third time.

And for the third time, under this regime Germany has become stronger and healthier in every area of its national life.

I am conscious that, no matter what might happen to Germany, the Party will remain a stable and indestructible foundation for the German will to live, just as it has been in the past fifteen years. A zealously devoted community of German men, German women, and German youth will stand behind me: as it did in the past in both good times and bad, so it will in the future!

May the year 1936 see us filled with a new and sacred enthusiasm to work and stand up for our Volk.

May it see us all united in the consciousness of the common task assigned to us. But today we wish to thank the Almighty who has given our work His blessings in the past. And we wish to join together in our humble request to Him that He not desert us in the future.

Long live the National-Socialist Movement!
Long live our united German Volk and Reich!

Berlin, January 1, 1936
Adolf Hitler

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