Thursday 14 July 2016

Trotsky's White Negroes - Book Review

Michael Walsh Publishers
Torrevieja Alicante and Wrexham UK
01978 780434 / 0034 662 067 490

The seizure of Tsarist Russia is known as the Russian Revolution. But, was the 1917 coup that led to 73 years of terrifying Communism an American inspired coup d’état? Trotsky’s White Negroes reveals that the funds necessary to carry out the coup were non-Russian as were the major revolutionaries. The violence during the later Civil War lasted longer than the Great War. When in 1922 the Bolsheviks finally triumphed the defeated White armies were put to the sword or exiled. American and European corporate interests moved in.

Stalin’s much vaunted 5-Year Plans to re-structure Russia were entirely financed by U.S and European financial houses. Dams, cities, canals, rolling stock, transport infrastructure and nuts and bolts of Soviet industrialisation were provided by mostly U.S corporates. These included Ford Motor Company, International Harvest Tractors, General Electric, Caterpillar et al. The Bolsheviks supplied the slave labour. U.S corporate interests even provided the Bolsheviks with the rolling stock necessary for the transport of slaves.

The book’s title Trotsky’s White Negroes was Lev Trotsky’s description of Gulag prisoners used as slaves to turn the USSR into a world power. One closes the book’s pages feeling that one has been through a Western and Bolshevik propaganda detoxification process.

The Andrew Carrington Hitchcock Show: Mike Walsh – Trotsky’s White Negroes:

NOTE: A small publishing house with limited advertising budget we will consider booking space if accompanied by a book review.

Michael Walsh Publishing



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