Monday 20 February 2017

The National-Socialist War Against Modern Art

Wouldn’t it be great to purge our society of all the degenerate modern art that is relentlessly shoved down our throats? It is poorly executed, does not require any talent, degrades the human spirit, is thoroughly jewish, and makes sane people feel physically sick.

Well, the National Socialists, led by a talented painter named Adolf Hitler, saw this “art” as a threat to the well-being of the German folk and decided to do something about it. They called it Entartete Kunst, which is German for Degenerate Art, and quarantined pieces they they deemed to be subversive, putting them on display for the folk to see in its proper context.

The German people lined up by the thousands to view the Degenerate Art exhibit and laugh at the grotesque creations jews had been passing off as something valuable during the Weimar Republic. Compared with the artwork being promoted by the National Socialists, the degenerate “art” looked like the work of mentally ill children with finger paints.

The jewish media loves to kvetch over all the “priceless” treasures that were taken by the “Nazis”, but never will you hear them mention all of the amazing artwork, including the architecture, that went up in a fiery blaze in Dresden, along with hundreds of thousands of tortured souls, thanks to the murderous hatred of the Allies.

In 2014 there was an Entartete Kunst exhibit in New York City that actually showed the sanctioned art vs the banned art.

During Adolf Hitler’s rise to power in the 1930s, one of the many groups he targeted during his quest to remake the world in his image was modern artists. The Nazis confiscated works by Matisse, Van Gogh, Picasso and others, and at a historic art show in 1937 displayed modern art pieces as “degenerate art.” Erin Moriarty of “48 Hours” takes us on a tour of the recreated event at the Neue Galerie in New York City.

It’s somewhat humorous, though at the same time terribly tragic, to watch as these so-called experts try to make the degenerate art seem intellectual and important while denigrating the classical European masterpieces. I would venture to say that even some people who have been thoroughly indoctrinated into the jewish system walked through the gallery and felt more drawn to the work of the “evil Nazis”.

Real beauty, excellence, and artistry is reviled by our jewish rulers because it inspires us to greatness, and also because they can never achieve such glorious heights. They want to infect us with their own degeneracy and debase the spirit of our folk, so that we are more easily ruled. They want us all stuck in the mud and not reaching for the stars.

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