Monday 20 March 2017

Plebiscites in National-Socialist Germany

Adolf Hitler was not afraid to ask the opinion of the people. In national socialist Germany in case of important political decisions the administration asked the opinion of the people about the decision. On the plebiscites, usually over 90% of the people took part, and most of the voting people agreed with the politics of the national socialist administration. The ballot papers' text was easily understandable, and one could vote either with yes or with no.

1. 12 November 1933, Leaving the League of nations. Result: 95.1% yes.

2. 19-th August 1934, After Hindenburg's death the chancellor and the president of the German Imperium should be one person. Result: 89.9% yes.

3. Saar-country, in German Saarland. 13-th of January, 1935, Saarland's inhabitants 90.8%wanted to join Germany, 8.8% stand alone, 0.4% wanted to join France.

4. 29-th March 1936, German military presence on the Rhine area, Result: 98.8% yes.

5. April 10-th 1938 Unification with Austria, Result: Germany 99.01%, Austria 99.73%.

6. December 2, 1938, Make elections of the Sudeta country, Result: 98.78% yes.

Ballot paper of leaving the league of nations

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