Sunday 14 May 2017

With Hitler on the Road to Power - by Dr. Otto Dietrich

This is the first fully-digitized edition of the original translation of this book, published in the Third Reich before the WWII.

Written by Adolf Hitler’s chief of press in 1934, this book details the three tumultuous election campaign years from 1930 through to the coming to power of the NSDAP in January 1933. The author formed part of Hitler’s inner circle and campaign staff during this period - which included six full elections in two-and-a-half years-and later went on to become the chancellor’s personal press officer. Starting with a short backgrounder of the growth of the National Socialist party, Dietrich then springs into a vivid description of the exhausting and intense electoral campaigns. Many fascinating details are included, such as Hitler’s hectic speaking schedule, and his ground-breaking - and sometimes highly dangerous-innovation of flying to meetings up and down the country. Hitler’s schedule, Dietrich recalled, was so intense that his entourage had trouble keeping up with him.

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