Sunday 17 December 2017

National Socialism: A Philosophical Appraisal

by Colin Jordan

Several decades after the physical defeat of National Socialist Germany in the outcome of her heroic struggle against the overwhelming array of men and materials marshalled against her by the Bolshevist-democratic alliance, the appearance of this reappraisal reflects the revival of National Socialism which is a feature of the day.

That the creed should live on and manifest itself as it does now, after being subjected to decades of the greatest campaign of defamation which the world has ever known, is a proof of its continuing validity and appeal and its worthiness for the future. It has survived the flames of war and the tempest of vilification because, when war has done its worst and vilification run its entire gamut, National Socialism remains, in the final analysis, synonymous with higher man’s will to survive, his instinct for health and strength, and his desire for beauty in life; and as long as that will, that instinct and that desire remain on this earth, the creed of National Socialism will remain indestructible.

Beyond and behind all the minutiae of political implementation and the particularities of time and place, National Socialism, properly understood, is nothing less than an orientation of the mind, the dominant impulse of which is to live to the full, through the development of one’s potentialities and the satisfaction of one’s needs, under conditions of natural competition and selection, reconciled to cooperation, within the organised community of the folk.

In this its roots go back to Plato’s Greece and his conception of a natural life, consisting in the full realization of man’s true nature through the conducive power of government within his native community.

It echoes the Roman notion of dutiful citizenship: the notion that the good and noble life consists in stoic service to the state.

It revives the blood feelings and sense of community of the Nordic tribes of early Europe: the feeling that man is essentially a member of the folk, and that all members of the folk are bound together closely with reciprocal duties and obligations.

National Socialism, in this way, reaches back to the old, healthy, organic values of life in revolt against the whole structure of thought of liberalism and democracy, with its cash nexus; its excessive individualism; its view of man as a folkless, interchangeable unit of world population; its spiritual justification in a debased Christianity embracing a sickly “humanitarianism”, which will always tolerate a greater harm for the sake of avoiding a lesser one; and its fraudulent contention that the artificially induced and numerically determined wishes of the mass are all-important criteria.

History is a saga of social decay and renewal. National Socialism is the twentieth century’s remedy of renewal for the great degeneration of modern times under the disintegrating, debasing, and emasculating thought and practice which emerged with the disruption of the old medieval order of stability by the developing forces of capitalism and the industrial revolution; flourished under the laissez-faire liberalism of the eighteenth and nineteenth centuries; came to a climax under the democracy of the nineteenth and twentieth centuries; and will result in the world triumph of communism by the end of this twentieth century unless National Socialism comes to power in time, over a sufficient area of the globe.

National Socialism, therefore, is immensely more than a transitory political scheme. It is a historic tendency of rebirth: our age’s movement of renaissance, a movement revolutionary in scope and spirit, seeking no compromise with the present order, its pernicious practices, and its false values, but their complete replacement.

As such it is worldwide and it is life-wide. It is worldwide in that, in its essentials, it is valid and vital universally, qualified only by the fact that it is Aryan in its emanation and tradition, and upholds and depends on qualities that are to be found par excellence in the Aryan people.

It is life-wide in that it is not an aspect of life, but the whole of life seen from one aspect. It is an attitude of mind expressible in respect of virtually anything and everything. National Socialism stands relentlessly opposed to every manifestation of ill health, ugliness, and degeneracy in the cultural and spiritual, no less than in the political and economic spheres. In fact, it constitutes a way of life. A man does not call himself a National Socialist as a mere label of intellectual endorsement. He is born with a propensity to National Socialism, his mind aesthetically craving the discernment and fulfillment of a healthy pattern of life, and he not only thinks and feels, but acts as a National Socialist, if he is really and entirely one.

Total in its scope and thought, National Socialism amounts to a philosophy and a faith. It evaluates good and bad, right and wrong, as that which benefits or harms the folk; and, in place of the sentimental debility of the democratic mind, accepts that the end justifies the means, providing the means do not contradict the end. It sets a meaning and purpose of cosmic dimension to life as a personal fulfillment, within the continuity and development of the folk, between germination in the womb out of the bloodline of the folk, and the metamorphosis of the grave, with its physical redistribution to the universe.

The basic criterion and primary value of National Socialism, from which all else springs, is, as Adolf Hitler makes clear in Mein Kampf, its concept of the folk, seen as man’s essential environment and indeed, his extension of personality.

The significance of the folk is, primarily, that of a racial community. It is the ethnical enlargement of the family. Man is not a self-contained unit and an end in himself, as the sages of liberalism and democracy assert. He belongs to his folk. His life, as a part, is interwoven with the life of the whole, not only present, but past and future, for while men come and go the folk lives on, continuous, eternal, providing its members perform their duty to it. Thus, in identifying himself with his folk, man prolongs himself through the multiplicity of his ancestors and his descendants, and thereby attains immortality.

The folk exists in smaller and larger forms, ranging from the family, to the clan, to the tribe, or regional community, thence to the nation, and beyond to the race. In modern times, the conception of the folk has become too largely identified with the nations of the contemporary states. The feeling of kinship and community, which rightly expanded from the tribe and petty kingdom to the modern nation-state, has, however, become far too concentrated at this level. The lower and smaller, but equally important, communities within the nation-state have been disrupted and deprived of vitality, while the expansion of folk consciousness from the level of the nation-state to that of the entire race has been checked. Yet folk feeling, to be wholesomely potent, must flow from its roots through the local and provincial communities to the limits of the race, because the full security and prosperity of the parts can only be found in that of the whole.

Today, and in the future, National Socialism must embody this essential extension of the feeling of kinship and community beyond the bounds of the contemporary nation-state and conventional nationalism, so that the nation-state becomes an intermediate unit in the structure of the folk, and its nationalism and racialism become integrally subordinate to a nationalism of the whole race.

At the same time, the local communities require to be revived, the provincial sub-nations recognized and respected, and peoples subject to an undesired, alien rule given their ethnic freedom by separation.

National Socialism’s belief in the folk as a basic value and its totality of outlook result, figuratively speaking, in thinking with the blood on all questions.

This immediately and inevitably gives rise to the definition of citizenship as a matter of race: only those who are members of the folk are members of the nation, and only those who are members of the nation can be citizens of the state – to paraphrase the fourth of the Twenty-Five Points of Adolf Hitler’s NSDAP.

It also generates the belief that it is necessary not merely to preserve the racial character of the folk, but also, by eugenic measures, to improve the quality of the folk. It is National Socialism’s revolutionary contention that the way of real progress lies in the breeding of better human beings.

Since all citizens are of the same race, they have a transcendent bond of kinship uniting them as blood brothers above all sectional and class differences and personal distinctions. National unity, i.e., cohesion and corporate life in place of the class warfare of Left and Right, is one of the great secondary principles of National Socialism. All occupations and pursuits, all manner of persons and all fields of activity, must be integrated into the corporate life of the community.

The social feeling of oneness must find practical expression in, and in turn be stimulated by, a sincere and profound concern for social and economic justice. Consciousness of kinship and care for the collective good of the folk demand that every citizen must have an equal opportunity to develop and exercise his talents and rise according to his merits; and that every citizen must receive a fair return for his services to the community, and even the simplest worker an assurance of the necessities of life.

Thus we arrive at the socialist element in National Socialism. This is not the Marxist socialism of state ownership of the means of production and distribution, which is the economic over-government of the ant heap and is as objectionable as the predatory individualism of the capitalist system, which is the economic under-government, or anarchy, of the jungle. Instead it is Folk Socialism, or the regulation of private enterprise for the equitable division of its fruits, under equitable conditions. The economic injustices and social evils of capitalism have fostered Marxism, with its pernicious form of public control of the economy, and the alternative to both lies in National Socialism.

The folk ideal, which entails the defense of the race, the unity of the nation, and the welfare of the people, engenders National Socialism’s principle of leadership and an elite in the service of these objectives. Its conception of a natural order is one which not only ordains that men are born in the folk for a life within the folk, but also that they possess hereditary differences of capacity to serve the community.

Accordingly, for the maximum good of all, the superior must lead the inferior. The natural leaders must be selected, established as a hierarchic elite under a supreme leader, and empowered to fulfill their functions.

Unlike liberalism, National Socialism does not regard the directive power of the state as something essentially repressive, but instead as a great, beneficial power of guidance and arbitration, encouragement and protection. It upholds the dictum: “All for the folk and the folk for all.” It sanctions whatever means are necessary, in whatever fields, to ensure that everyone and everything in the community is in harmony with this.

It sees the duty of National Socialist government as the representation of the will of the folk, conceived not as the transitory whim of some democratic mob, but as the higher interest of the community, viewed in historical perspective as a continuity of purpose, embracing not only the general good of the present, but the heritage of the past and the needs of the future as well.


  1. Why Germanic Values Will Save the World

    In our fight for freedom we encounter a lot of negativity, that’s why the objective of this writing is to warm up our hearts. I’m aware that it would be the ladies who will approve the most of this article, but it is nevertheless intended for anyone out there who is fighting for a better world.

    I will use no quotes nor pictures because the truthfulness of an idea is like a light that reaches all the intellectual fields around it. It allows itself to be verified through many different sources, regardless of the person who wrote it or the book where it came from.

    In the end all that matters is the understanding and the accompanying power that this knowledge fosters in our soul: The practical, palpable effects of it.

    I will try to keep it as short and concise as possible so I hope you can keep out with me.

    On this occasion we will talk about the uncanny connection between religion, racial bonds and economy.

    Throughout the way we will realize that life is better than we thought, that there is nothing wrong with our goals and that solutions are achievable.

    Some time ago I was discussing with a friend about the problems of our economic system and he responded to me: But isn’t it like a law of nature that the one who has a lot becomes more and the one who has little, loses that more easily?

    That question aroused a new way of thinking in me because I realized that this state of affairs corresponds to a quote in the bible:

    Whoever has will be given more, and they will have an abundance. Whoever does not have, even what they have will be taken from them’ (Matthew 13:12)

    I realized this is valid out there in outer space, under the cruel laws of thermodynamics, the same laws that predict that chaos always increases.

    For some reason in our planet arouse something strange, determined to challenge and fight against the laws of thermodynamics, and that is life itself. Life is nothing more than an attempt to create beauty and order in a hostile universe that strives towards chaos.

    If I could describe life with just one word it would be: generosity. Life is based on generosity, especially when it comes to social beings.

    Generosity is the magical thing that allows the Many to create a lot, despite limited resources. So it is not difficult to reconstruct what happened in the past.

    follow below

  2. All races on earth, including the Indogermanics had an economic system based on generosity, in harmony with nature, but at some point a Semitic race came and spread throughout the world an economic system based on stinginess and fear.

    Many readers may retort here that those economic systems based on generosity were primitive and unable to create technology, but there are facts that demonstrate exactly the contrary.

    New research has discovered that the first High-Tech civilization of the world was the Danube Valley Civilization, which developed in Europe around the area where today Rumania is.

    They developed a writing system, the working of metals, the pottery wheel, two-stocks buildings, etc., almost every technology that was revolutionary until the Bronze Age, long before the people in Mesopotamia, Egypt or China. The real first one in the world.

    And yes, this new research is so solid that it is being thought today in Universities.

    They had an economic system based on gifts, and not on usury. Now, that is actually the best way to create prosperity.

    Their goods travelled all around the world and they had peaceful economic transactions with other races. And that is exactly the point. It is our economic system that forces racial mixing and multiculturalism. The need to pay usury to the lazy rich means that (otherwise free) people in the third world have to be enslaved into poverty, while we White people misuse our talents inventing new ways of exploiting Nature.

    At the same time this usury-driven growth is so overwhelming that we have to import cheap workers of all races in order to keep with it.

    Without this usury-driven growth we could have as much (or maybe better) technology as today, but without destroying the environment, and we would also have contact with other races but not in a forced, invasive, mixing way.

    Now let’s talk about religion. Many scholars believed for a long time that the Indogermanics invented patriarchy and a hierarchical division of classes, but new research demonstrates clearly that their famous three caste society (the warrior, the priest and the farmer) was in reality a constellation where the mother goddess was at the top.

    It was like a rope composed of three interlaced fibers. The three fibers were the three (apparently patriarchal) social classes, but the rope as whole was the mother goddess herself, and that explains the recurrent appearance of a mysterious goddess in the Indogermanic pantheon, sometimes in the shape of Athena or Brigitte.

    She went forgotten as soon as the Indogermanics adopted this new Semitic economic system. Now, these three social classes were in reality no social classes divided by wealth, but rather age divisions. The young boys were expected to function as warriors, the mature men as farmers, and the old ones as priests, so we see that the indogermanic religion was one based on family roles and not on wealth divisions.

    follow below

  3. Everyone had equal opportunities to take part of welfare, as soon as he reached the necessary age, and this echoes itself in the Brehon Laws of the Celts, where we see women having equal rights with men and all members of society having equal opportunities to rise.

    As it is always the case, the difference between sustainable, family-based ideologies on the one side, and capitalistic universalism on the other side, is really subtle.

    For example: Law had always a religious character for all of the pagan peoples of the ancient world, because the gods, as representatives of society, had to make sure that the laws were followed.

    Laws which were up for humans to decide.

    But then came these Semitic religions and said: Laws have a religious character because they are arbitrarily decided by a god, and humans are the ones who have to make sure everyone follows them.

    Something similar happened with these family roles of the indogermanics. At first they were family roles based on age, part of a racially bounded society. But the Semitic religions made the subtle change, that the same roles are social ones, based on wealth, part of a universalistic milieu of strangers.

    As soon as this subtle change took place, slavery appeared in this world, because the very definition of being a slave is to be taken away with violence from your natural, social relationships.

    Among the Indogermanics there were surely people who voluntarily worked for others, in order to have what they could not get by themselves (socially weak if you want), but they were still part of the community and had rights.

    Even the older layers of Germanic laws show uncomfortable (at least for globalist scholars) reminiscences of (supposed) slaves having rights.

    Now, the uncanny thing is that these three family-, and age-based roles is the source of our Germanic mythology, or better said, of Indogermanic mythology.

    Odin was the priest-god, and represents the older members of society. Thor is the warrior and represents the horny, young boys, while Frey represents the mature, family guy, who works in order to feed his family.

    Of course this is a distorted view. Many things went forgotten and the roles mixed themselves up, but this is an approximation of the original indogermanic pantheon.

    follow below

  4. Now, why in the world would a society invent a mythology around gods that symbolize their social, or age-based roles?

    The answer is simple: Because they believed in something like ‘the soul of a race’.

    They believed that a society is more than the sum of its parts. Even today many African tribes conserve this natural belief that the society has a soul, almost like a living organism, whose cells have the same (racial) origin.

    Only in this context does it makes sense to deify social roles. The Gods are metaphors, and their adventures are no more than exalted ways of describing the soul of the race.

    So the next time you read about the adventures of Thor, you might be in reality reading something very deep about social issues about Indogermanic society.

    And here comes the second subtle change: Instead of the soul of the race, these Semitic handlers brought the soul of humanity. All the metaphors regarding the soul of a specific culture were distorted into the prophecies of a future world government.

    Now, we humans are naturally generous. That’s why Multiculturalism can push so many buttons on many people. It is nice to meet different people and learn from each other. It is unnatural, though, to be forced to live with them, destroying each other’s culture and becoming all slaves of a system that hates life.

    I promise you, if black Africans or Mexicans were allowed to develop a dignified life at home, they would visit our lands only as tourists or ambassadors.

    Population explosion reflects only economic growth. And this is more noticeable in lands that are the most punished by their lack of economic growth.

    Not everyone is smart enough (as we Whites) to create economic growth in this almost wasted out planet, that’s why third world people feel the unconscious need to grow in numbers as a compensation.

    But the answers to our problems are not so far away. All around the world there are already prototypes of economic systems based on trust and generosity (regional currencies). They appeared actually out of mere capitalistic reasons, in order to fix capitalistic problems and our Matrix had no other option than to allow them.

    I predict: If enough people in the world are loving and generous to their neighbors, new, sustainable economic systems will arise from alone. This might sound too optimistic but research about swarm intelligence shows that crowds turn always to sustainability and towards life, as long as they are well-connected.

    And good connection means of course racial bounds with our racial mates and hospitality towards strangers, so long they also hope for a better economic system for us all.


    Only the truth can heal and save us. To stop this overwhelming stream of lies, maximum energy is required; only the combined efforts of all patriots to spread the truth will be able to protect them from the parasitic plant that causes the death of the tribe with which it becomes entangled.
