Saturday 3 March 2018

The Rise of the NSDAP, 1921 – 1934


Alfred Rosenberg describes the early National-Socialist struggles for power.“ Reichsleiter Rosenberg, seated in office and wearing uniform, speaks to camera, recalling early cooperation with Dietrich Eckart, Kapp Putsch, meeting Adolf Hitler through Eckart, taking over from Eckart as editor of the Völkischer Beobachter, and the March to Feldherrnhalle.

Brief film shots show Communist headline, brigades along street, young Dr. Goebbels addressing crowd, headline in his Berlin evening paper “Der Angriff”, Adolf Hitler entering hall, Gauleiter Goebbels at microphone, crowds passing Ausstellung Barcelona sign, police dispersing crowds in early 1920s with Café Raimund visible, fighting inside hall with chairs and baton-wielding police (feature film, „Hans Westmar“ ?), Vorwärts headline on Hitler’s arrest and removal to Landsberg, headline calling for reconstruction of National-Socialist Party, hand filling in Adolf Hitler’s membership card giving profession as writer and date 21 March 1925.

SA passing through town, NSDAP sign on door to office where Dr. Goebbels is writing before picking up phone, Italian telegram announcing that university Fascists will be represented at Nuremberg NS Deutscher Studentenbund by Santoni, signed Maltini. Dr. Santoni in morning coat and NSS Bund Reichsführer von Schirach emerge from building together at Congress, and unidentified delegates, not all in SA, arrive saluting in Nuremberg for Party Rally in August 1927.

Titled film of Rally continues with film of SA walking along country road holding banner marked „Berlin-Nuremberg Walk July-August. Despite the ban, not dead“, Adolf Hitler standing with Rudolf Hess, Julius Streicher - Gauleiter of Franconia, captain von Pfeffer, same banner through town, the Führer saluting, flag ceremony with Hitler and Hess, Streicher standing in front of Reichsparteitag banner, the Führer welcoming delegates who include some not in uniform though respectably dressed, Hitler and Hess departing by car, parade on Luitpoldhain and comment in Fränkisch-Kurier of 22 August 1927, Adolf Hitler speaking to his followers proclaiming „Germany’s freedom will arise again, just as the people and fatherland will arise again, stronger than ever“, Hitler taking salute from car at marchpast by SA, with Rudolf Hess, von Pfeffer and Streicher in front row.

1929 Rally shows another SA marchpast in Nuremberg, Adolf Hitler in a car through crowds, and Goebbels, Rosenberg, General Ritter von Epp in helmet and Goering all visible, Hitler throwing banners to SA who catch them. Autumn 1932 Reichstag elections: Adolf Hitler speaking at Nuremberg, Der Angriff and Vorwärts campaign headlines, the Führer in car. Reichsleiter Rosenberg continues his historical summary of the NSDAP, recalling move to Berlin in 1933 after fourteen years struggle in Bavaria over film of Hitler and Hess emerging from Hindenburg’s residence, Hitler’s assumption of power on 30 January 1933 over film of SA torch procession, his own nomination as head of the Party Office for Foreign Politics and in charge of Party ideological matters. Hindenburg and Hitler appear at the Reichs Chancellery window at night time.

Der Angriff headline of 11 February reports Adolf Hitler’s Sportpalast speech of 10 February before film of actual event (English title incorrectly states „Hitler’s first speech as Chancellor, 30 January 1933“), with Hitler speaking against crimes of past from which lessons must be learnt if Germans are to overcome their impoverishment, Horst Wessel anthem and banner parade. „Goering named Prussian Minister of Interior by Hitler, outlines his programme, February 1933.“ Hermann Goering seated at desk speaks to camera promising to remove from office reds who are stifling national aspirations and expressing his determination to make Prussia the strongest and foremost bastion of Germany. „Election day in Bavaria, 5 March 1933.“ Völkischer Beobachter headline „With Adolf Hitler for a new Reich“ and National-Socialist Münchner Post of 5 March 1933; National-Socialist election poster; SA torchlight parade and band; exterior of Münchner Post and SA Heim Sturm 16L guarded by armed SA, standing in Holzstrasse; SA man machine gun outside Trade Union building in Munich with SS also present. „Election day in Berlin, 5 March 1933.“ President Hindenburg emerges from a polling booth, followed by his son Oskar and latter’s wife; Vice-Chancellor von Papen at polling station answers request for comment by saying „This election will be of decisive importance for Germany and the world“. Völkischer Beobachter headlines Adolf Hitler’s victory. „Meeting of Reichstag at which the Führer and his cabinet receive plenary powers of legislation, 24 March 1933“ (actually 23 March). Hitler declares in Reichstag „the economy exists not for capital, but capital serves the economy and the economy the people“.


„Opening of the official anti-Semitic campaign, 1 April 1933.“ Goebbels in suit addresses outdoor crowd, speaking of machinations of Jews in Paris, London and New York. One member of crowd holds up Nationalsozialistische Betriebszellen-organisation placard. Tracking shot follows SA in truck with placard „Germans! Defend yourselves! Don’t buy from Jews!“, as same slogan is chanted on soundtrack. Truck passes Bata shoe shop and U-bahn entrance (i.e. Berlin). Sign „Beware! Kosher!“ and Star of David are painted on shop windows, plus a death’s head with warning „Beware Jews!“. Cafe Unter den Linden. Anti-Semitic signs are placed outside other shops, including a shoe shop and restaurant. Angry exchange between SA man and civilian. Another sign reads „The Jewish owners of the 5-pfennig shop are parasites and grave-diggers of the German working class quarter. They pay starvation wages to the German workers. The proprietor is the Jew Nathan Schmidt“. SA shout „Wehrt Euch!“ slogan to camera from back of truck.

„Foreign press conference, April 1933.“ (actually Union of German foreign press, 6 April 1933). Reichsminister Dr. Goebbels in dark suit at podium reads speech declaring that the national revolution which broke out on 30 January is an event of elemental importance which came as a surprise only to people out of touch with their time, a revolution which will overflow into every aspect of German life. Adolf Hitler in dark suit then speaks, recalling the violence done to Germany since November 1918 and the determined suppression of „national elements“ in the same period.

„The burning of the books, 10 May 1933.“ Newsreel report describes burning of un-German and immoral books in university towns by German students over film of bonfire in Berlin’s Opernplatz. Students bearing National-Socialist flags march past fire, throwing on books. Goebbels in raincoat speaks to night-time gathering of youth, declaring „the era of footling Jewish intellectualism is now over“ and that the burning is a great symbolic act for all the world to see. Students then sing „Deutschland verwehrt!“.

„Christening of new great German aircraft in presence of Cabinet members.“ Hermann Goering in formal attire declares „German industriousness, German labour, German invention and German organisation have given here new proof of their unique force and strength. Hindenburg’s name is today famous throughout the whole world“ before christening the four-engine plane after the President. Von Papen and other ministers are present.

„Reichstag address on disarmament, 17 May 1933.“ Adolf Hitler at podium declares „in the name of the German government and the German people. Germany has disarmed and has fulfilled way beyond the limits of all reasonableness and sense the conditions imposed on her in the Peace Treaty“.

„Youth meeting in Thuringia, 18 June 1933.“ Adolf Hitler addresses huge open-air gathering of SA at Ehrfurt, declaring that in four months his government has already reduced the unemployed by 1.2 million and that they will not rest until their goal (i.e. full employment) is reached.

„Swastika becomes a national symbol, 9 July 1933.“ The Führer declares to a huge SA gathering in Dortmund that the Party flag has become a symbol of the German Reich. Röhm stands by his side.

„Fifth Party Congress, September 1933.“ Adolf Hitler, followed by Rudolf Hess, Robert Ley and Julius Streicher, approaches platform in Nuremberg Stadium and addresses huge crowd of followers, declaring „the most precious thing on earth is one’s own people, and for these people we want to speak, fight, never tire nor adjourn nor give up hope“.

„Inauguration at Frankfurt am Main of new section of the super-highway net-work, 23 September 1933.“ Autobahn workers march past with shovels raised, singing before intoning the national anthem, at site of first autobahn linking Frankfurt to Heidelberg. Adolf Hitler, with Hoffmann taking pictures and Hierl behind, declares his commitment to the German worker: „before many years pass a gigantic work will bear testimony to your service, industry, skill and determination. German labourers! To work!“

„Over radio network Hess administers oath of allegiance to more than one million leaders of the NSDAP and all affiliated organisations, 25 February 1934.“ Rudolf Hess, outside the Party Building in Munich’s Königsplatz , with Robert Ley and Baldur von Schirach behind, leads assembled gathering in oath to Hitler, which they repeat.

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