Monday 30 July 2018

Artworks by Olaf Jordan

General lieutenant Helmuth von Pannwitz, 1944

Ivan Nikitich Kononov commander of the 5-th Cossack Regiment of the Don Cossacks, 1944

Ataman Nikichifor Simonyenko

 Ataman Colonel Nikolai Lazarovich Kulakov, 1944

 Cossack, Afanasi Georgowitsch Jaseff, 1944

Ivan Nikititsh Schefzoff - Cossack of the Guard

 Cossack Fiodor Maximowitsch Mastawoy, 1944

 Cossack Alexej Pawlowitsch Bondar, 1944

 Lieutenant Ivan Nikitovic Sereda of the 4-th Kuban Cossack Cavalry Regiment

Cossack of the Guard, 1944

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