Sunday 6 December 2020

Formation of the SS Special Use Radio Co. „Rf-SS”

  (SS-Funk-Kompanie z.r.V. „Rf-SS“)


 Published in „Siegrunen“ Magazine – Volume 6, Number 1, Whole Number 31,

July-September 1983


In the autumn of 1944, the establishment of a special SS radio company for use at the Führer’s Headquarters-in-the-field, was authorized. This was given the title SS-Sonder-Kompanie z.b.V. FHQ. It was to be formed from experienced frontline Waffen-SS signals troops, who were to be used for „special duties” by the FHQ staff. In the wake of the events of 20 July 1944 (attempted assassination of Hitler), it was felt that a loyal SS radio company was needed at the Führer HQ to insure accurate communications.


Volunteers for the new company were solicited from the convalescent companies of the various SS Signals Detachments. All applicants had to have successfully completed their radio communications training. The formation of the company began at the end of November 1944 under SS-Hstuf. Helmut Jahn at the barracks of the SS-Signals Training Detachment 3 in Goslar. This detachment, led by Stubaf. Baume, was to provide for the material needs of the company.


The company was organized as follows:

Company Command Troop

I. Platoon commanded by Ustuf. Tauscher

II. Platoon commanded by Ustuf. Frings

III. Platoon commanded by SS-Oberjunker Glandorf


A telephone squad or platoon was also attached. Company strength was around 200 men. Each member of the unit was issued a special yellow „Führer’s HQ” ID card, which also bore the company’s title.


On 10 December 1944, Reichsführer-SS Himmler was placed in charge of the new Army Group „Upper Rhine.” This was in addition to his duties as head of the SS, German Police and the „Replacement” Army. To coordinate all of his responsibilities, Himmler decided to set up a special communications regiment to be titled:


„SS-Fuehrungsnachrichten-Regiment z.b.V. RF-SS”


SS-Brigadeführer Wilhelm Keilhaus, the Inspector of Waffen-SS Signals Training, was given the responsibility of forming the regiment which was to be attached to Army Group „Upper Rhine.” Keilhaus assembled the unit from the following elements:


Staff and command troops from the Training Detachment of the SS Signals School in Leitmeritz.


Individual signals companies from the SS Signals Replacement Detachment 1 in Eichstaett and the SS Signals Training Detachment 5 in Sterzing.


SS-Sturmbannführer Schuler was named the regimental CO and the assembly of the unit was to take place in the area around Schramberg, St. Georgen and Villengen.


When it was discovered that the regiment needed still more troops in addition to those from the above sources the new SS-Sonder Kompanie z.b.V. FHQ found itself abruptly transferred to the regiment. The company members were immediately deprived of their FHQ special ID pass cards!


Upon joining the regiment, the company received the title:


„SS-Funk-Kompanie z.b.V. RF-SS” (SS-Special Use Radio Co. RF-SS)


SS-Brigadeführer Wilhelm Keilhaus.


Towards the end of the year the company finished its formation and was made ready for action. At this time parts of the new SS communications regiment were transferred from Army Group „Upper Rhine” to Army Group „G” under SS-Oberstgruppen- führer Paul Hausser in order to participate in the planned Alsatian counteroffensive code-named „Nordwind.”

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