Thursday 9 September 2021

Adolf Hitler - Proclamation for the War Winter Aid Work 1941-42 - 12.09.1941


For the ninth time, I appeal to the German folk to make its voluntary sacrifice for the Winter Aid Work. Our Wehrmacht fights these days in a gigantic struggle for the existence or nonexistence of the German nation, yes, beyond that, for the preservation of that Europe, which for millennia has been a donor of culture and civilization to mankind and should again be in the future.


Like once in the interior, Jewish capitalism and Bolshevism have united in the world hostile to us today in the effort to destroy the National Socialist German Reich as a strong bulwark of this new Europe and, above all, to exterminate our folk. For two years, the German soldier therefore risks his blood and his life for the protection of our dear homeland and of our folk. At the moment, he fights in unison with our allies from Europe’s northernmost part to the shores of the Black Sea against an enemy who is not human, rather consists of beasts. The successes of his sacrifices in blood and sweat, in cares and deprivations, however, are also world-historically unprecedented.


May the German homeland, through its bearing and its own sense of sacrifice, prove itself worthy of the heroic deeds of these sons!


Their action should confirm the essence of our National Socialist folk community in the interior as well, and thereby strengthen the front in the awareness that the whole German folk stands behind it and that its struggle is hence not a futile one, rather helps to achieve the great National Socialist community ideal.


The world, however, may see from this that front and homeland in the German Reich are a union sworn together in loyalty and hence invincible!

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