Sunday 12 December 2021

Die Deutsche Wochenschau (UFA-Tonwoche) - Newsreel No. 491 - 31 January 1940

1. The Winter of 1939/1940


Harsh winter in Holland.


German soldiers, along with residents, skate on the ice of the canal.


Icebreaker works in the frozen sea, followed by a caravan of ships with cargo.


The ship is trapped in the ice.


A man is writing the word „Help“ on the ice floe.


The plane is taking off to help.


An instructor is coaching skiers in the slalom in the mountains of Arlberg.


The young men rub ointment on their skis, throw snowballs from the roof of the shelter, go on a ski trip.


They demonstrate slalom skills by going down steep slopes.


Soldiers from the western front in Düsseldorf attend a skating performance.


On the ice a couple - champions Gerber Maxi and Ernst Bayer.


Fragments of the performance skaters.


The completion of the new phase of the enrichment plant in northern Germany.


View of individual industrial buildings and structures.


In one of the workshops, view of the various mechanisms and assemblies.


Workers on the assembly, panorama of the mill.


The workers who came to settle at the plant.


Exit the plant.


2. USSR.


One of the border regions.


View of the train set of tank cars, the train says: „Lviv Railway”.


The driver looks out the window of the cabin.


This train with the Soviet oil, according to the speaker, the second in the contractual deliveries.


The Soviet and German railroad workers exchange documents.


Is pumping oil into the German tanks that stand on a parallel track.


Map of the border regions of Poland and Germany, points Przemysl, Sanok, Grubeshov, Dorogusk, Tiraspol, Prostken through which Volksdeutsche return to the Reich.


The peasants ride on carts through the snow, carrying their belongings.


View of the long carts of immigrants.


Meeting with the German soldiers on the bridge.


An officer shakes hands with the resettlers, welcoming them.


A peasant is next to the cart in large homemade clogs, put on boots for warmth.


3. Poland.


Entrance to the German town.


Settlers on vacation, on the square are wagons and harnessed horses.


A man stroking a dog, another brushing a horse’s bangs.


A guy is throwing a sheepskin over a girl’s shoulders.


Soldiers are feeding the displaced from the field kitchen.


Children in front of the camera, eating soup, drinking milk.


A child hugging a huge Saint Bernard.


4. Western Front


Reichsminister Dr. Goebbels arrives on the western front.


He is greeted by German soldiers and officers.


Part of the air defense, Dr. Goebbels in the headquarters of the unit.


He reviews photographs taken from a reconnaissance plane.


Maneuvers in which pilots demonstrate their skills to Dr. Goebbels.


Squadron in the sky.


Reichsminister Dr. Goebbels gets explanations from the generals.


Together with Colonel-General Reichenau – Dr. Goebbels present at the exercises of infantry units.


There is a training battle.


The soldiers make short runs forward.


Firing in the woods from machine guns.


EOD engineers build a pontoon bridge across the river in winter conditions.


Bomb squad in the water in rubber suits.


Is laying pontoons, the completion of the bridge.


To test the strength of the bridge passes squad engineers, then go car.


The return of the German submarine in their homeland port after months of campaigning.


On the shore lined team, the captain reports to Admiral Dönitz on the campaign.


Awarding the team Iron Crosses.


5. North Sea.


Patrol Service Navy. View of the warship, patrolling the waters of the North Sea.


Deck in the ice, icy railings, ropes, guns.


Sailors are breaking the ice with hammers.


An icy anchor is being hoisted.


At the alarm, sailors run to their stations.


Gunners at the onboard guns, pointing and firing.


The National Socialist flag flies on the mast.

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