Thursday 17 February 2022

SS Handbook for the Ideological Teaching of the Troops – Topic 1


Only the National Socialist world view secures us  a kind-appropriate life


„National Socialism is a cool-headed theory of reality with the strongest scientific insights and its mental characteristics. By opening the heart of our people to this doctrine, we do not desire to fulfill it with a mysticism that is beyond the purpose and aim of our teaching.”

- Adolf Hitler


I. What does „worldview” mean?


It is necessary to explain this concept first, especially in view of the fact that the present war has become a total confrontation of different worldviews. „Weltanschauung“ means simply looking at the world. In a broader sense, a world view is the epitome of all the thoughts and ideas of a community of people about the world and life. Every world view is conditioned and shaped by the whole existence of man, such as race, education, environment and experience. Worldviews are therefore an expression of human life forms and vice versa.


Already in the word „Weltanschauung” lies the solemn proclamation of the decision to base all actions on a specific starting point. Such an opinion can be right or wrong. It is the starting point for the statement on all phenomena and processes of life and thus a binding and binding law for every activity. The more now one such conception coincides with the natural laws of organic life, the more useful will be their conscious application for the life of a people.”


- The Führer on the Reich Party Day 1933


II. The National Socialist Worldview


The National Socialist Worldview emerged from the findings of the racial, bloody and moral basic forces of the German people. It is made of the unspoiled and healthiest ingredients of the people themselves. So it is not a foreigner theory that is practical through a community effort to realize it, but the announcer and a watchman of a kind-appropriate life. The life of the German People has itself produced the National Socialist worldview in its most original order. As a result, this worldview cannot be chosen or taken by anyone, but it itself takes possession of all that, the laws of people and of life, and it forces them into its spell.


III. National and Social Community


The connection of the national and the socialist thought has given the Party its name and lets us speak of National Socialist Worldview.


The Führer says:


„The great cultural achievements of humanity have always been the highest achievements of the community life of the people, of the race; they are therefore in their image the expression of the communal soul and ideals.”


Thus, National Socialism is committed to the natural view of life, as it lies in the blood and has always been in our Germanic ancestors. But it also overcame the individualistic-materialist ideas of liberalism and Marxism.


With the confession to the concept of the blood community and the establishment of the socialist community, the nationalization of the Germans took place.


„With sword and plow for honor and freedom louder, therefore, the battle-cry of a new race, which wants to build a new empire and seeks standards by which it can fruitfully judge its action and its pursuit. This call is nationalistic and socialist! „


- Alfred Rosenberg: „Myth of the XX. Century”, p. 534


IV.             National Socialism - a Natural Worldview


If we trace our history back to the earliest Germanic prehistoric times, the following expressions of life of the Germanic-German man become apparent:


1.             His upright, proud and blood-conscious manner, the nobility of his mind and

2.             is warlikeness, which finds its expression in soldierly hardness and determination and his fighting spirit, in his high conception of honor and freedom, loyalty and obedience and leadership.

3.             His high sense of community (family, clan, people) and his willingness to make sacrifices for these blood communities.

4.             His peasantly genuine, strong, simple and simple nature, his attachment to the soil, his love for his place.

5.             His high creative power, which made him the founder of the cultures and states of the Occident and thus, from antiquity to today, the ordering and determining factor in the coexistence of the peoples.

6.             His deep faith. This is the basis of National Socialism. He confesses to the high values of Germanic humanity, whereby it must be emphasized that the idealism of our view has nothing to do with enthusiasm and fantasy. National Socialism is a life-blooded people’s community and service to the people as a supreme law for every German person. It is the teacher of blood and honor.


A major component of the National Socialist doctrine is the demand for achievement for the community and hardness against itself. With this life- connected basic conception, National Socialism stands in irreconcilable opposition to the worldview of materialism, whose ‘Instigator’ is the Jew and his vassal peoples.


This war represents the inexorable conflict between these two worlds of ideas.


„In the reality of politics, National Socialism realizes what we, with a religious heart, see and believe in brave spirit as necessary and right. It is the fate of our people. It is the mastery of the hereditary world and the environment: it puts the myth of blood and honor into words. It focuses our eyes again on the essential events of blood and soil. It restores our thinking, faith and action to the eternal order of the world in us and in the world around us. It gives us the confidence and the opportunity to reverently penetrate the lawfulness of omnipotence and, according to its laws, also to orient the order that is set and shaped by us so that it becomes law-abiding and true to life. Because only then is the future of our people safe, clear and certain.“


- Stengel v. Rutkowskı: Of omnipotence and order of life


V. The meaning of the personality


If we see the individual as a servant of the people’s community, it does not mean that it is absorbed in the masses. Genuine national community cannot grow out of massiveness, but only of strong personalities. A healthy forest needs strong trees! National Socialism, then, emphasizes the value of the personality, which is hot, but not for the sake of its own sake, because there is no such thing, in truth, for its own sake. It exists only as a bloodless thought- construction and contradicts the laws of life, according to which humans are born into the naturally grown orders of family, clan and people.


National Socialism wants the personality fully developed in all abilities and capacities, a bloodthirsty, strong-willed and strong character, the highest achievement for the people’s willing. The means of creating this human type is in the sense of the National Socialist worldview. The means of creating this type of human being is education in the sense of the National Socialist Worldview. The prerequisite for this is the cleanliness and higher development of our blood through rearing.


The Führer says:


„We have the great task to give more and more to the true spirit of the Volksgemeinschaft and to work out the personality value ever more clearly.“


VI. The Struggle as a National Socialist law of life


We regard struggle as an inalienable law of life, for only in the eternal struggle, the precondition of all selection, do personalities and hard peoples grow. Great things are born only in battle.


„Whoever wants to live, who fights, and who does not want to fight in this world of eternal wrestling, does not deserve life.“

- Adolf Hitler


Fighting designed the German. Through his life, fighting accompanies his entire existence: struggle with himself, struggle with destiny, struggle with the hostile environment. In tenacious struggle, he masters fate and fights for himself and his people the essential and thus God-wanted life form. Fighting is the German human divine law for formation and education, for hardness. „Praised be that which makes hard.“ That is why he rejects the previously taught principle of humble allegiance to fate.


Struggle and hardship are the main elements of National Socialism. It is therefore the worldview of the strong, the militant man. National Socialism springs from genuine soldiering. It is with his combative basic trait the soldier’s Worldview. But the soldier’s sacrificial mission is the most visible socialism. The soldier is the first socialist in the Reich. The soldier in particular must accept National Socialism with a special readiness in his heart and be his most fanatical confessor. From this militant attitude, National Socialism abhors a softening well-being. He is the mortal enemy of egoism and materialism, leading to a dissolute life. He demands simplicity, hardship and straightness in life. The strong, genuine peasant and the hard soldier should benefit every German, no matter whether he serves his people in the city or in the country, with the weapon or the workbench.


„If the fight for a world view is not led by self-sacrificing heroes, no death-defying fighters will be found in a short time,“

-Adolf Hitler: „Mein Kampf“ p. 114


VII. Commitment to honor and loyalty


We profess our honor and loyalty, both of which are inextricably linked. The concept of honor is the center of Germanic existence in general. The lives of our ancestors revolved around honor and glory, freedom, courage and pride. Her life was always pure and great, as long as honor had precedence.


„Germanic Europe gifted the world with the brightest ideal of humanity; with the doctrine of the character value as the basis of all civilization, with the high song on the highest values of the Nordic being, on the idea of freedom of conscience and honor. „

- Alfred Rosenberg


In recent centuries, the high conception of honor has been greatly affected by the ideas of humility and humanity. The Führer once again made the honor the starting point of all German life.


Honor is the inner law, the conscience that dictates all our actions and our attitude towards the community. It is never related to itself, but finds its actual interpretation in the relationship of the ego to the community. Germanic- German marriage presumption makes one’s own ego withdraw in favor of the honor of the people. Our National Socialist worldview, with its life and blood laws, is based on honor. The socialist idea of volunteering for the people and striving to keep our blood pure develops out of honor. But he who has honor in his body will never abandon his comrade, his people or even his leader. For loyalty grows out of honor.


VIII. My honor is loyalty


The leader gave the SS-man the slogan that commits him to the first soldier of National Socialism for now and for the future: „SS-man, your honor is loyalty!“


„Many things on this earth can be forgiven, but one never: infidelity.“ The fidelity we have sworn to the leader, must be as sacred to us as the fidelity to the German people, his will and his way, fidelity to the Blood, to our ancestors and grandchildren, loyalty to our kind, faithfulness to the comrades and loyalty to the immutable laws of decency, cleanliness and chivalry. The nobility of the German man is shown by a high level of honor and loyalty.


„Let us all be committed to these principles and close the great circle of our fellowship, strong in the trust of our people, filled with faith in our mission and prepared for every sacrifice that the Almighty demands of us. Then Germany, the National Socialist Third Reich will pass through this time of distress, sorrow and grief, armed with the metal that alone makes the knight survive without fear and blame in the fight against death and the devil: the strong heart of iron.”


- Adolf Hitler


Publisher: The Reichsführer-SS, SS-Hauptamt. N / 0921

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