Wednesday 3 April 2013

Ich kämpfe (I Fight!)

I’m proud to publish the first digital edition of the book “Ich kämpfe” (I Fight!) in English language. I made this PDF digital version of the book because it is very important for the indoctrination of every true National-Socialist!

This book was presented to every new member of the NSDAP. After WWII the Allies tried to burn it. Included are articles by Philipp Bouhler, Alfred Rosenberg, Robert Ley, Viktor Lutze and Joseph Goebbels, quotations of the Führer, a description of the National Socialist way of life, a statement of purpose, a listing of important NS dates, a brief history, an honor roll of martyrs of the Movement, the Pledge of Loyalty, words to the Horst Wessel Song, and more.

Heil Hitler!

Your comrade,

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