Saturday 12 September 2020

Die Deutsche Wochenschau – Newsreel No. 739 – 02 November 1944

1. Germany.

Gathering wild rowan and manufacture of juice out of it for the army.

– Berries under pressure.

– Bottles with juice.

– Compare with lemons on the content of vitamin C.

2. Germany.

Grand Admiral Karl Dönitz visiting divers.

– He gets out of the car, greeted the officers.

– Dönitz welcomes Vice-Admiral Hellmuth Heye.

– Dönitz bypasses the new submarine, stands in front of them a speech.

– Demonstrative performance divers on boats.

– Demonstration pilot-controlled torpedoes.

– The pilot-controlled torpedoes diversionary assault team Obergefreiter Walter Gerhold jumps from the boat into the water, directs the torpedo to the target.

– Gerhold out of the water, removes his helmet.

3. Western Front.

Map of military operations.

– Neighbourhood Strasbourg-Nancy-Belfort.

– Towns and villages in the West are on the front line.

– Panoramic display of cities.

– City Belfort, carved stone monument of „Lion of Belfort“.

– The city of Metz, an ancient cathedral, the old fortress, the gates of which the marching soldiers.

– Moselle valley with its forests, ancient city of Trier.

– Residents of these cities, although they are far from the front, but feel threatened by his approach.

Shoot the German anti-aircraft guns that protect the city from the attacks of Anglo-American Aviation.

– Downed British and American planes.

German soldiers are on the streets of the city, the smiling faces of the young Marines.

– View of the city Geilenkirchen.

– Soldiers in the ruins of the houses, in the broken window exposed to the weapon.

– Students Officers’ School in Jülich on the defence of the city.

– NCO without arms suitable for a group of military documents, to discuss the situation.

– German soldiers on the streets.

– Young soldier with the Iron Cross.

RAD Soldiers attack US tanks shelled their bazookas.

– Damaged US „Sherman“.

– American POWs.

4. Hungary, Romania.

– Intense defence characterizes the situation in front of the south-east at this time.

– The area of ​​Debrecen and Großwardein (Oradea).

– German infantrymen, to stop the advance of the Soviet troops.

– Soldiers go on to remove the corn field.

– Moves German military equipment.

– There is a battle with Soviet tanks broken through.

– The infantry followed the tanks.

– The Bolsheviks are retreating.

– Soviet soldiers surrendering.

– Typical face, a young soldier in Budyonovka.

– Padded Soviet tanks.

– The Germans in the liberated German village Siebenbürgen (Transylvania).

– Residents joyfully greet German soldiers treated them with wine and bread.

5. East Prussia (Poland).

German ships in the Baltic Sea shelling Russian positions in Memel (Klaipeda).

– Shooting ship guns on the coast.

Fragments of the fighting on the territory of East Prussia between Goldap and Gumbinnen.

– They’re coming German tanks, infantry moving.

– The village of Nemersdorf affected by Bolshevik terror as well as another Prussian city.

– Burned house.

– The bodies of women, children, old men, killed by the Bolsheviks.

– The crosses on the graves of civilians, families, 9, 13, 24 people.

German infantrymen watch for Soviet bombers in the sky.

– It launches an attack on the Soviet tanks and infantry positions.

– Tanks at Ebenrode position.

– Padded Soviet tanks. 

– The Bolsheviks have lost more than 400 tanks for a few days.

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