Wednesday 9 March 2022

Adolf Hitler - Speech on Heroes Remembrance Day


Berlin, March 15, 1942


When, in the year 1940, we celebrated for the first time in this hall our folk’s Heroes Remembrance Day, the German folk and its Wehrmacht, after decades of the most humiliating enslavement, again found themselves in the struggle for its freedom and future against the old enemies. The defenseless impotence of the Reich was as little able to calm them as the economic impoverishment, which had been forced upon us, satisfied them.


There now takes place in these days in France a trial, whose characteristic trait is that the fault of those responsible for this war is not indicted with a single word, rather exclusively the too small preparations for war. We look here at a mentality that wants to seem incomprehensible to us, but which is perhaps better suited than everything else to reveal the causes of the new war.


In the year 1918, England’s, France’s and America’s statesmen back then responsible for the war had made the crazy decision, under no circumstances to let the German Reich rise to an equally entitled factor of economic or even of political life. All further measures and injustices, to which our Reich was subjected since the unfortunate day of the armistice, derive from this resolution. The German folk, which had lost confidence in its leadership and in itself, however, found no path in order to turn the fate, which one cannot soften through servility, rather could defeat only through united force of will and valor. The consequences of this lethargic submission to the condition of compulsion placed upon us were not only politically and militarily dishonoring ones, rather especially economically truly annihilating ones. One of the industrious folks in the world experienced the ongoing dismantling of its economic foundations and hence the collapse of its existence. It was to be foreseen in what a short time period our folk, due to its material distress, would have to decline numerically, and hence the German Reich, due to its own human decline of forces, would no longer be able to oppose at all the annihilation imposed upon it.


This economic collapse of the German folk, of Central Europe’s strongest folk, however, also brought the opponents no blessing; for, in their hatred, it had remained hidden to them that the impoverishment of the German nation could in no way be synonymous with the economic prosperity of the so-called victors. So the states, in their leadership thoroughly Jewish- capitalist contaminated, began to not only catch up with the unemployment figures of the German Reich, rather, in part, to even surpass them despite their immense wealth in all the earth’s products and treasures.


But even this development did not suffice to convey to the blind hatred of our enemies, basically directed by Jewish elements, a clearer insight into the genuine necessities for the future of the life of all folks. Immediately after the assumption of power by National Socialism, they began - instead of learning from Germany’s exemplary economic and social measures - to again undertake the old agitation propaganda in order to make their folks inwardly propagandistically ripe anew or the new declaration of war.


We know today that already in the years 1935 and 1936, in England, France and especially in America, in the, by them really solely important, Jewish circles and the political leadership stratum obedient to them, the decision for a new war had been made. We hence now experience the horrible theater play that the indictment from the threatened and so gravely struck folks does not turn against the insane intention of the bringing about of the new war, rather exclusively only against the neglected and hence, in their eyes insufficient, military preparation.


Precisely this so alien, yes, incomprehensible mentality must, however, teach us how necessary, after the rejection of all German disarmament and settlement proposals, the military preparation of the German folk itself was, in order to be able to counter the second attack against its freedom with more success than this had been the case in the First World War in 1914.


When we hence, in the year 1940, had to celebrate our folk’s the Heroes Remembrance Holiday for the first time in war again, we did this in the proud awareness of having won the first act of a conflict, which had been forced upon us against our will. With the greatest confidence, we could hope to successfully endure the second as well.


And actually, already in March 1941, the events of a year of war laid behind us of world historically genuinely unique magnitude. In a triumphant procession without equal, Europe’s north and west were cleansed of the anti-continental forces. Italy had stepped to our side as loyal ally in this struggle of the have-nots for existence or non-existence.


But whatever else the German armies had performed in these campaigns, it pales compared to what fate has placed upon our Wehrmacht and those allied with us in the last year to solve and to master.


And only today do we recognize the whole magnitude of our enemies’ preparation. Today we face the ensemble of the Jewish wire-pullers scattered across the whole world, which in the joint attack by a conspiracy, which united democracy and Bolshevism into a community of interests, hoped to be able to destroy all of Europe.


That Providence allowed us to victoriously withstand this coalition of Jewish Marxism and capitalism on all battlefields, makes us thank from the bottom of our heart that one, without whose protection and shield all human energy, all industriousness and all courage must be in vain. For behind us lies a year not only of the greatest fighting in world history, rather also of the hardest test of our own folk. A test, which the front as well as the homeland, this must be said, have passed. That the German does not fear human threat, he has proven often enough in his history. But this time, not only the might of enemy weapons as well as a numerically apparently inexhaustible blood river of the most primitive nationalities tested themselves against him, rather, beyond that, also the most horrible severity of nature. For today it can be informed that behind us lies a winter such as Central and Eastern Europe have not experienced in over 140 years. Truly, our soldiers and those of our allies have been cruelly weighed by Providence in the last 4 months for their real inner worth. But they have so passed this test that probably nobody is justified to doubt that, whatever fate may still bring in the future, it can only be easier than what lies behind us. In barely 4 months of summer, the German Wehrmacht, after the successful execution of the Balkan campaign in the year 1941, assembled for its march into the expanse of Russian space. Battles were waged and victories win, which even in most distant times will be considered unique deeds of glory. In union with its brave allies, it has attacked, beaten, extinguished ever more Russian levies, in order to confront new masses of men. In 4 months, an endless path was covered in an offensive, which in its depth and breadth possesses no comparison in history.


Weeks earlier than any experience or scientific forecast let be expected, a winter fell upon our armies, which now gave the opponent 4 months time to bring about, for his part, a turn in this fateful struggle. And this, after all, was also the sole hope of the rulers in the Kremlin, in this, even for them never yet experienced rebellion of the elements, to be able to inflict on the German Wehrmacht the Napoleonic fate of 1812.


In superhuman struggle under employment of the last strength of soul and of body, the German soldiers and those allied with us withstood and thereby overcame these tests. History now, probably already in a few months, will be in the position to determine whether the driving of hecatombs of Russian lives into this struggle was a militarily correct or wrong action. But we know one thing already today: the Bolshevik masses, which were unable to defeat the German and allied soldiers in this winter, will in the coming summer be beaten to annihilation by us. The Bolshevik colossus, whom we only now recognize in his whole horrible threat, may - and this is our irreversible decision - never more touch Europe’s blessed domains, rather should find his definitive border at a great distance from them!


We all feel at this moment the greatness of the time in which we live. A world is shaped anew. While in the Far East the Japanese hero-folk - just as provoked, reviled and economically strangulated as the German and Italian - in mighty battles on the sea, in the air and on land crushes the democratic- capitalist strongholds, in Europe, the prerequisites are being created to give this continent its genuine independence. For it is unbearable that the life of hundreds of millions of people of the highest cultural value and most diligent industriousness should for always be dependent on the will of a small, truly criminal community of Jewish-capitalist world conspirators and of a few folks and states oriented against Europe solely through the public opinion raped by them. Hence there can also be only one single solution, namely: to wage this struggle for so long until the security of a lasting peace is given, this means, however, to the annihilation of the enemies of this peace!


But in that we proclaim this decision as solemn affirmation, we best do justice to the sacrifices, which the wars of the year 1914-1918, the struggle of the National Socialist movement for our folk’s resurrection in the interior, and finally, the struggle of the present, have demanded from us and will still continue to demand. How the other world shapes its life, is all the same to our German folk. But the attempt from the side of non-continental powers to constantly interfere in intra-European matters, and especially into the concerns of our own folk, will now be fended off and prevented for always. Whether and in what manner the American president plans to live, is all the same to us Germans, but his view to align the German or even the Europe world according to his requirements, this means, to overthrow our own world grown dear to us and to erect an alien one hated by us, will not only fail, rather, quite the opposite: In this attempt, only his own world will perish. But in so far as the intention is concerned to punish Europe with Bolshevism, I have already stated elsewhere that the state that has itself most embraced Bolshevism will probably also fall victim to it the soonest. The German folk is today enlightened about the blessings of the bestial doctrine and, above all, sufficiently strong in order to be able to resist with success this deadliest threat against its existence.


In view of the great year lying behind us and of the - as we may be convinced - no less great coming one, we hence re-member our heroes and those of our brave allies in the past and in the present with the firm will to make sure that all these sacrifices have not nor can become futile ones. We cannot celebrate this ceremony more uprightly than in the awareness that the present-day generation has again become equal to the great times in the past. And indeed, equal in its soldiers at the front, as well as in its men and women in the homeland. Whatever fate may demand from us: these years of struggle will despite everything be shorter ones than the times of a long and blessed peace, which will be the result of the present struggle. But to shape this peace so that it does justice to the sacrifice of our soldiers from all strata of our folk, is the future task of the National Socialist state; for they have all fallen for the eternal German folk, our shared Greater German Reich and a better community of the nations of our continent.


May the Lord hence bestow upon us all the strength in the future as well to do what duty demands from us. With this request, we bow in reverence before the dead heroes and before the family members mourning them and all other victims of this war.

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