Saturday 12 March 2022

Die Deutsche Wochenschau (UFA-Tonwoche) - Newsreel No. 505 – 8 May 1940

1. Tran and Helle propaganda sketch promoting the White Paper as a collection of immutable documents that truthfully illuminate the prehistory of the war.


2. Germany


Festivities in Germany on the occasion of Labour Day.


– Celebration of May 1.


– Meeting of the Reichsarbeitskammer at the Krupp plant in Essen.


– On the way Rudolf Hess goes with the military and the administration of the plant.


– Speech by Hess, among the spectators in the front row Dr. Ley.


Recycling scrap metal.


– One of the foundries in Germany.


– Bookmark the scrap metal in the furnace.


– Melting copper ingots.


– Purified copper is cast into plates and lowered into a solution for further purification.


Bread reserves of the army.


– Huge granary.


– Employee checks storage temperature.


– Samples grain taken with a dipstick from the bottom of the stockpile for moisture.


– Workers spread grain with shovels.


German coal is delivered to Italy.


– The train with coal is sent on its way, the arrow opens.


– The train passes through a tunnel in the mountains.


– Arrival at Brennero station on the border with Italy, Italian border guards check the documentation.


3. Western Front


Military operations on the territory of France.


– German soldiers near the barbed wire fence.


– The soldiers ran across the field, there are explosions, firing.


– Captured French soldiers are escorted, sitting on the side of the road with his hands up, the Germans searched the prisoners.


– Providing first aid to wounded prisoners.


– The face of weeping French soldier, lay the spoils of war.


– The prisoners are fed at the table.


4. Norway


Military operations for the capture of Norway.


– Map of northern Europe.


– Scheme of the alleged invasion of Norway by the Allies and a similar operation of the Germans, ahead of the Allies in their actions (from the words of the speaker).


The advance of German troops on the territory of Norway.


– Riding carts, cavalry, infantry.


– A soldier distributes fresh front-line newspapers to passing units, the soldiers read on the fly.


– Motorcyclist with newspapers arrives at the unit, the soldiers dismantle them.


– A soldier with a child in his arms watching the newspaper.


– Dinner of German units in camp.


– A soldier carries loaves of bread, the soldiers receive food rations and eat from woks.


– Horses eat oats from the muzzles suspended from the muzzles, drink water from the river.


– The soldiers are sitting, resting, on the shore.


Continuation of the campaign.


– The collision of head units with the centre of resistance of the enemy.


– Artillery bombardment of British positions.


– German infantry unit receives final instructions before the battle, waiting for the order to advance.


– Forcing the river by German troops with inflatable boats, landing on the opposite bank.


– The movement of troops inland.


– Laying a telephone cable by radio telecom operators.


– On the side of the road are the corpses of British soldiers, broken military equipment.


– The ruined city, burned to the ground houses, furnace chimneys sticking out.


– British car with ammunition seized by the Germans.


– Captured British soldiers are led to the assembly point in Grondheim.


– The wounded prisoner is leaning on a stick.


– The prisoners are interviewed, they say that they are glad that the war is over for them.


– A group of prisoners of war sings a national song in chorus. The NDP on piles of scrap metal - these are broken British planes.


– The German soldier looks at the plane, the gunner's gun, the unexploded bombs.


– Bombing by German aircraft British military bases.


– Bomber in the air, views of the Scottish mountains.


– Cockpit, he is looking at a map of Norway.


– Firing from the air concentrations of British troops.


– The bombing of a ship.


– A squadron of British ships at sea is bombarded.


– Diving planes, bombing.


– The victorious flight of a German squadron.

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