Thursday 22 September 2022

Die Deutsche Wochenschau – Newsreel No. 531 – 06 November 1940

1. Germany.


Harvesting vegetables in Germany.


– Harvesting cabbage from the fields.


– Women gather potatoes into baskets after the passage of the potato harvester.


2. German Austria.


Reichsautobahn – building the road Munich - Linz - Vienna.


– Work in the quarry, the explosion of rock, broken stones are loaded into trolleys.


– Construction site in Salzburg, work in progress. 24-meter pillars will support 188 meters of the viaduct span.


– Camp for the builders of the road.


– Good living conditions have been created for the moral support of the workers.


– Workers shower, shave, get a haircut at the barbershop, play chess, read newspapers, get mail.


– Lunch for the workers.


– Concert in the camp.


– On stage dancing ballet group.


Spitzenberg near Heinburg in the Lower Danube.


– Gauleiter Hugo Juri opens training airfield of the organization Hitlerjugend, the airplanes, which were given the names of the fallen combat pilots.


– The pilot removes the sticker from the side of the machine, with names on it - Klaus von Bolen, Emmerich Sikora and others.


– Young people are pulling the glider with ropes, the pilot gets into the cockpit, take off from the hill.


3. Poland.


A trip through the eastern regions for the SA Chief of Staff Victor Lutze provides for a visit to Marienburg Castle.


– Together with his entourage he walks through the courtyard of the castle.


– A visit to the military cemetery and the grave of former comrade-in-arms, SA Obergruppenführer and police chief in Kiel, head of the SA Nordmark assault group (Kiel), who died in Poland in the early days of the war, Joachim Meyer-Kuid.


– Close-up of the cross and plaque.


– In Litzmannstadt (Łódź) Lutze meets the new unit, which celebrates Freedom Day.


– Gala parade in front of Lutze and SA General Hasso von Manteifel.


Krakow salutes the first Polish Governor General Dr. Hans Frank, he makes a speech.


– At the residence of the governor-general set up a new flag of independent Poland.


– Frank next to a bust of Hitler.


4. Germany.


Police and SS parade on Adolf Hitler’s Square in Berlin.


– Riding cavalry, orchestra musicians on horseback.


– SS Reichsführer Heinrich Himmler is on the podium among top police and military officials.


– Residents greet them.


5. France.


Occupied territory.


– Telephone exchange in occupied Paris.


– The women at work, they connect subscribers to the front and Germany, are receiving telegrams.


Warehouse of military uniforms (clothing and linen) captured from the French.


– Sorting and sending clothes French workers under the supervision of German soldiers.


– Loading in cars and shipped to Germany.


Sending to Germany, a trophy of French heavy military equipment, tanks.


– Broken tank drag chains on the platform.


– The composition leaves.


Manoeuvres of the German liaison forces in the occupied territory.


– The soldiers in inflatable boats boosting the water barrier.


– They landed on the shore, unfolding equipment.


– Run over the terrain.


– The Communicators at work, they pull the communication line.


– Fragments of the conditional battle.


– Machine gun firing at the enemy.


– Run over soldiers.


– Explosions.


– The communicators set the connection, check it.


6. Italy.


The German Imperial Labour Service Orchestra under Herms Neel gives a concert for the wounded Italian soldiers in Rome.


– The orchestra, the musicians.


7. Africa North.


After the capture of Sollum and Sidi Barrani, Italian construction crews build roads in the desert.


– They are unloading stone to build the road.


– Finished road.


– A truck is driving along the road.


– Signpost made of stones.


8. Pacific theatre of military operations.


Japanese airfield, pilots in formation Japanese planes take off.


– Japanese squadron in the air, it takes a course for Burma, the planes bombed the Burma Road.


9. Germany.


German submarines returning to port after combat operations.


– Lieutenant Commander Joachim Schepke looks out from the bridge of the boat.


– The emblem of the boat is an otter.


– He has 40,000 register tons on his last account.


– Submarine Lieutenant Commander Günther Prien, who sank 200,000 register tons.


– The Führer awarded him the Knight’s Cross with oak leaves.


– On the shore the sailors are met with an orchestra.


– Submarine Lieutenant Commander Otto Kretschmer, who also reported the elimination of ships of 200 thousand register tons.


– He was awarded the Knight’s Cross with Oak Leaves.


– The boat goes out on a new combat mission.


Hermann Goering inspects the Air Force unit on the English Channel, which distinguished itself in the air battles against England.


– Major Helmut Wieck, one of the aces of the squadron Richthofen, reports to the Reich Marshal.


– Goering bypasses formation of pilots, talking to them.


– Then he visits the division named after Horst Wessel, goes around the line of pilots, shaking hands.


Old newsreels: Captain Oswald Belke, an inventive tactician in aerial combat, at the aircraft.


– He crashed 24 years ago after his fortieth victory.


– Members of the squadron named after Belke visit the tomb of the ace of World War I in Dessau together with the mother of the hero and lay a wreath.


10. France.


One of the units of the German Air Force.


– The commander of the squadron named Belke reports on the readiness to begin operations against England.


– Pilots reinforce the bombs.


– Planes Heinkel-111 take off into the air, flying toward England.


– The pilots open the hatches, the bombs fall on English territory.


– The operator removes the cockpit.


– The fires on English territory.

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