Tuesday 12 December 2023

Die Deutsche Wochenschau – Newsreel No. 574 – 03 September 1941

1. Germany.


Launching a new German submarine.


– The crew on board the boat heading for the Atlantic.


– Farewell to colleagues.


– The boat goes on a mission.


– Another boat returns from a combat operation.


– Colleagues greet the sailors.


– Submarine Captain Hans-Martin Scheibe reports to the commandant of the port on the results of the voyage.


– Among the welcoming - Vice Admiral Dönitz, commander of the submarine fleet.


– Girls in uniform present flowers to the captain.


– Dönitz awards the captain and distinguished members of the crew.


– Another submarine arrives from the voyage, on board the inscription: "Parsifal" and a drawing.


– Dönitz welcomes Captain Herbert Wolfhart and the crew, Wolfhart is awarded the Knight’s Cross.


– Presentation of bouquets of flowers to the heroes submariners.


– The girl holds out flowers to Lieutenant-Commander Klaus Kort, whose boat sails past the pier.


– Another submarine Lieutenant Commander Engelbert Endrass approaches the shore, the crowd welcomes the crew.


2. USSR. Eastern Front.


A panorama of Narva occupied by German troops.


– On the bank of the river are German soldiers, on the other bank can be seen the walls of the monastery.


– Forcing the Luga River on a pontoon bridge.


– General Georg Lidenman, Knight of the Iron Cross, in front of the camera.


– German guns fired at Russian positions.


– A soldier sleeping at a firing gun.


– Surrendered Soviet soldiers.


– German infantrymen.


– Destroyed Soviet fortifications and dugouts near Luga.


– Germans on the streets.


– Burning buildings.


– Strengthening the German flag on the dome of the cathedral.


German bombers attack the railway line Leningrad-Moscow.


– Bombs fly into the target.


German artillery bombarded the station Chudov October railway.


– German infantrymen are advancing.


– Flamethrowers in action.


– Captured Soviet bunker.


– Soviet prisoners.


– A wounded Soviet soldier shows a bandaged leg.


– Burning village.


– The Germans on the streets of Chudov.


– Burnt railway station.


– Broken trains.


– The Germans guard the surviving station facilities.


3. Germany.


The headquarters of the Führer.


– Benito Mussolini’s visit to Adolf Hitler.


– Arrival of the Duce.


– Meeting Mussolini with Hitler and Ribbentrop, mutual greetings.


– At the meeting.


– Generaloberst Jodl reporting.


– Adolf Hitler at the map explains to the Duce the development of military operations on the eastern front.


– The Führer and the Duce arrived at the location of the headquarters of Generalfeldmarschall Brauchitsch.


– The enthusiastic reception of their soldiers.


– The departure of Hitler and Mussolini at the headquarters of Goering.


– Hermann Goering welcomes the Duce and the Führer on arrival.


– Discussion of military issues in the carriage at Goering.


– Farewell.


– The departure of the Duce and the Führer.


– The Führer and the Duce sits in the plane.


Flight over the areas of military operations on the eastern front.


– Arrival at a field aerodrome.


– Adolf Hitler and Benito Mussolini get out of the plane.


– They are greeted by Field Marshal General von Kluge and Field Marshal General von Kesselring.


– The car with the Führer and Duce at the battlefields.


– They are examining the sites of the battles that took place on 22 June 1941 in the area of the Brest Fortress.


– View of the half-destroyed fortress, the ruins of buildings.


– Inspection of captured Soviet equipment.


– Departure of distinguished guests.


Arrival at another site.


– General Rundstedt and General Leer welcomed the Führer and the Duce.


– Presentation of flowers.


– The Führer signs some girl a picture on the back of a bent officer.


– Adolf Hitler and Benito Mussolini in the car on the road.


– Towards the car moving troops travelling to the front.


4. USSR. The southern section of the Eastern Front.


German aircraft in flight over Nikolaev.


– Captured ships and submarines in the harbour.


– Building cruiser in the dock.


– Ruins in the harbour.


– German troops in the offensive on Kherson.


– German artillery and cavalry in action on the banks of the Dnieper.


– The entry of the Germans in the ruined Kherson.


– Fighting for Dneprodzerzhinsk - the centre of the Soviet steel industry.


– Shooting mortar.


– The corpses of Soviet soldiers at the fence.


– Soviet prisoners carried on the overcoat wounded German soldier, are wounded Germans.


– Soldiers enter the city on tanks.


– Artillerymen deployed on the street cannon and fired from it.


5. USSR. Fighting for Dneprodzerzhinsk - the centre of the Soviet steel industry.


The southern section of the Eastern Front.


– Soviet soldiers put up stubborn resistance.


– Fightings are in the streets of the city.


– Tram.


– Cinema with an advertisement for the film “Song of Love”.


– Dam hydroelectric power station.


– German soldiers at the railway station.


6. USSR. The central section of the Eastern Front.


The bombardment of Gomel by the German artillery.


– Burning city.


– The remains of broken equipment, the corpses of soldiers.


– Guns, cars.


– The local population at the ruins.


– The building of the GPU prison. The opening of a military hospital in the building management.


– The wounded, doctors, nurses.


– The doctor studies X-ray.


– Sister in the ward.


– The miserable dwellings of the poor in Gomel.


– Poverty-stricken population.


– Interior wretched dwelling.


Continuation of the German offensive.


– Cars with ammunition and food.


– Dirty roads, soldiers help pull out of the mud motorbike.


– Local children watching the movement of troops.


– Unloading delivered ammunition and jerry cans of petrol.


– German armoured vehicles in the burning village.


– Fires a gun.


– The abandoned Russian position.


– The corpses of soldiers.


– German infantry on the offensive.


– Street battle in the village.


– German soldiers in battle.


– Russian soldiers surrendering as prisoners.


– A Russian soldier with a white rag in his hand.


– Wounded German soldiers are being treated.


– Soldiers on the march.


– Fires a German gun.


– Settlement at the gun.


– Soviet soldiers are surrendering, they give up their weapons.


– A German soldier indicates the Russian prisoners of the gathering place.


– A wounded Soviet fighter.


– Column of Soviet prisoners.


– They are German soldiers, moving German columns.

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