Friday 22 December 2023

Die Deutsche Wochenschau – Newsreel No. 577 – 24 September 1941

USSR. Field Marshal General Walter von Brauchitsch visits units in the south of the Eastern Front.


He is talking to officers, in the centre is the Knight’s Cross recipient, Colonel General Eugen Ritter von Schobert.


General von Schobert boards a light aircraft with one pilot, returning to the front. (He was killed on 12 September 1941 in Ukraine when his light observation staff plane landed in a Soviet minefield.


He became the first Colonel General to die on the Eastern Front.


Field Marshal General Göring arrives at the headquarters of the Army South Command, he is met by Field Marshal General Walter von Brauchitsch.


In the operational department of the headquarters he is shown the materials of aerial photography.


Göring leaves the headquarters, the soldiers greeted him.


The northern section of the eastern front.


Massive raid aircraft “Junkers” Ju-87 on Soviet positions near Murmansk.


Bombardment of the bridge and other strategic objects, bomb explosions (view from the air and from the ground).


The southern section of the Finnish front.


Finnish troops in the offensive on Viipuri, an old Finnish port in western Karelia.


Forcing the river under artillery fire.


Fighting on the river bank.


Removal of the wire fence.


Shooting anti-tank guns on the Soviet DZOTs.


Soldiers running on the wreckage of the bridge.


Street fighting in the city.


The facade of a burning house, a church.


German soldiers defected to move along the streets.


Destruction and fires in the city.


Broken railway station, a sign: Vyborg (Viipuri).


Finnish flag over the building.


Military operations in the area of Lake Ladoga, south of Vyborg.


Crossing motorised infantry on a pontoon bridge.


Views of the area, and again fires by order of Stalin.


Movement of German convoys on the roads leading to Leningrad.


German torpedo boats in the Gulf of Finland.


Shelling and sinking of a Soviet patrol ship.


Established the location of the Soviet submarine.


Dropping depth bombs, the explosion shakes the water.


The raid of Soviet bombers and bombarding them with anti-aircraft guns.


Shot down Soviet aircraft.


The return of German boats to the base.


Military operations near Leningrad.


Massive raid of German bombers on field fortifications.


Shooting at the target from machine guns from the air.


Fire at fuel depots, black smoke covers half the sky.


The loop around Leningrad is steadily tightening.


German troops are moving along the road.


Broken Soviet bunker, broken tanks.


German assault guns and tanks in the village.


German artillery on the platform firing at Soviet positions.


Heavy German tank breaks fences, collapses the wall of the house.


Tanks are travelling on a muddy road, behind a large tank rides tied behind a toy tank.


Fighting on the outskirts of Leningrad.


Artillery hits the Soviet bunkers, the corrector is pointing at targets.


Views of Leningrad and its surroundings from a distance.


Shoot German guns on Peterhof Heights, known since tsarist times.


Hitler’s generals watching the battle.


Military operations near Odessa.


The southern section of the front.


Planes over the Black Sea, below can be seen lines of Soviet fortifications.


Pilots bent over the map, the bombs are flying on the road, the fortifications, the railway.


The aircraft over the sea, throwing bombs on Soviet transports, burning ship.


The central section of the eastern front.


Fighting in the area of Kiev.


The map shows the scheme of encirclement of the Soviet armies near Kiev, a large ring covering the cities of Roslavl-Kiev-Dnepropetrovsk, this area is compared to the area between the German cities of Stettin-Cologne-Munich.


The encirclement is carried out by the German tank armies of Colonel General Ewald von Kleist and Colonel General Heinz Guderian.


They made the largest encirclement in the history of wars: 5 Soviet armies found themselves in the cauldron near Kiev. On the 26th of September the battle was over.


More than 600 thousand soldiers and officers of the Red Army were captured.


Fighting in the area of Kremenchug, a Soviet bridgehead 120 kilometres long.


River Dnieper, firing German artillery.


The guns are in the field.


Burning tank camps on the banks of the Dnieper.


Broken port, near the shore is burning Soviet oil tanker.


In the sky huge clouds of smoke and fire.


Soldiers look across the river at the burning city and port, the Germans in the city.


On the streets can be seen abandoned strongholds.


After the capture of Kremenchug on the lower reaches of the Dnieper, the divisions of General-Feld Marshal Gerd von Runstedt are advancing in a northerly direction.


The formations of General-Feldmarschall Fedor von Bock are advancing from Gomel to the south.


They are to close the triangle of encirclement of the Soviet armies.


Wooden small houses, impenetrable mud on the roads.


Soldiers pull out of the mud motorbike.


Fighting in the area of Chernihiv.


View of Chernihiv on the Desna River.


After difficult battles, the Germans enter the city.


Anti-tank artillery takes positions on the defence of the southern suburbs.


Soldiers dragging guns, resting, eating.


A young soldier, belted with machine gun belts, smiles.


View of a Soviet propaganda poster calling for defence and partisan struggle.


The ruins of the city.


Fighting in the Chernihiv area.


View from the aircraft on the burnt-out hulks of buildings.


Broken Soviet equipment, guns, dead horses.


Wagons are carrying equipment for the German army.


Endless columns of Red Army prisoners.


The eastern outskirts of Chernihiv.


German soldiers sleeping in the trenches during a respite.


Delivery of hot food from the field kitchen directly in the trenches.


Artillery shelling of Konotop, the Soviet position on the Desna, flying shells.


Infantry crossing the river.


Assault Konotop.


Forward detachment stopped, the way blocked by fortifications.


Launch of a signal flare for artillery.


Assault battery in action.


The tanks are going.


The fight at the railway Kiev-Moscow.


A soldier throws a grenade in the station house, then it breaks a shell from the gun.


Fighting continues in the village.


The ring around the four Soviet armies closed.


Movement of German troops across the river on a pontoon bridge.


German infantry, boldly and swiftly overcoming fortification barriers.


Fighting for the western suburbs of Kiev.


Artillery shelling of Kiev.


Panoramic aerial shot of Kiev in great detail.


German convoys moving through the streets of Kiev.


German soldiers in Kiev - one of the largest commercial and industrial centres of the Soviet Union.


Residents of the city on the streets.


All kinds of Hitler’s troops in action on the eastern front.


A montage of short shots of all kinds of troops, symbolising the power of the National Socialist army.

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