Monday 9 September 2024

Adolf Hitler – Speech Before 200 000 Political Leaders, 7 September 1934


Nuremberg, September 7, 1934


One year ago, we met for the first time on this field; it was the first general review of the political leaders of the National Socialist Party. Now 200,000 men have been assembled; summoned not by their mere hearts but also their fidelity. It is our nation's greatest misery that moved us, united us in struggle, and made us fight strong, and all of those who have not suffered with me the very same misery and suffering among their own people cannot comprehend what we feel. To them, it is confusing and incomprehensible that this assembly would bring hundreds of thousands together and make them endure great misery, suffering and privation as a simple order of the State. They can only think that such a thing could only be possible at the command order of the State. They are gravely mistaken. It is not the State that orders us; but it is we who order the State!


It is not the State that created us, it is we who created the State! But the Movement is alive and stands firmly as a rock as long as one of us can still breathe life into it, just as in the many years past. Then drum will join drum, banner will join banner, group will join group, district will join district, and then, at last, the once divided people will then follow the gigantic column of a united Reich!


It would be a crime if we ever gave up what had been fought for and won so much strife, sorrow and sacrifice, and distress. One cannot be disloyal to something that has given content, meaning and purpose to one's entire life. All of this would not be possible were it not given to us by a great command and it is God Himself who created our Reich!


Therefore, let us take this vow this very evening, namely at each and every hour, one each day, to think only of Germany, the Nation, the Reich and our German people! To our German Nation - Sieg Heil! Sieg Heil! Sieg Heil!

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